
Chapter 6

He looked up at her and said,

"No, her name was Clarice. Here is a picture of each member of the family from the Autry line." With that he shows her a picture of the family and under the name Clarice Autry was Yvonne. Could it be a coincidence? Who knows....

----A few days later----

"Hey Yvonne, do you have a last name?" Yvonne stops playing with the paper on the ground and looks up and her,

"Yes, it's Autry..." She said as she looks back down, her expression unreadable.

"Oh, that's a cool last name." Amanda says still a little confused as to why she says her name is Yvonne and not Clarice?

"Yvonne Autry, it's a pretty name. But I met a girl named Clarice Autry once." Amanda says and as soon as the name left her lips Yvonne's entire body went rigid. She looks over at Amanda like the ground was on fire, her dark brown eyes widened her complexion turned paler than she already was. She obviously knew who she was,

"Amanda don't say the name lightly, you can get hurt." Amanda backed up and looked at Yvonne.

"Why not?" Amanda asks dread feeling in stomach, she feels like she would be better off not knowing.

"Just don't." She says and with that she disappears.

Several days have passed there is still no sign of her anywhere it's complete silence. That thursday afternoon Amanda walks out back to the swing, she sits down on the piece of wood used as a seat and lightly swings herself feeling the wind brush across her hair and face like a mothers hand brushing her child to help calm her down, she smiles softly at the welcoming company of the wind even if it is cold for the winter time. The sunlight creeping through the trees shinning on her skin making her smile a little more, then all of a sudden she heard the humming start once again a girls voice humming a beautiful melody. Amanda stands up quickly follows the humming through the kitchen up the stairs to the mirror room, this time as she walked into the room it feels uncomfortably warm, it looks brighter, and when crossing the threshold there was some whispering softly at first then the further she goes into the room the louder they get.

The air in the room feels different..... it feels..... wrong,

"Yvonne? are you here?" Amanda asks looking through the mirror.

"I'm sorry I mentioned Clarice! I should've just called you Yvonne!" Amanda yells out into the empty room. All of a sudden the room goes cold, the feeling of slim ice cold fingers slowly running down the nape of her neck leaving chills all down her spine she turns around quickly and there's nothing there. Amanda decides it's best to leave the room so she heads for the door, suddenly a gush of strong wind knocks her down to the floor. Now she knows this isn't right, she runs to the door again and once agin she gets knocked down by a strong force of wind.

As she tries to get up again the ice cold fingers grip her leg and starts dragging her to the mirror, after trying several times she gets herself flipped over onto her back and looks towards the mirror and what she see there chills her to her core. There holding onto her leg is an ice cold pale slim and small hand, her eyes follows it to a thin pale arm to a guant pale cold face as she drags Amanda's body toward the mirror Amanda looks at the the girl holding her leg to see a black shadow hovering over her through the mirror. It continues to drag her closer and closer to the mirror and the monster get even closer and darker everytime, and then it grabs her leg.