

WEBNOVEL SPRITY AWARD 2024) "Ian Dominic attended a party where he locked eyes with the captivating Gloria Sue. But after the night ended, he was unable to find her again. His only clue was the striking red dress she wore, a memory that lingered in his mind long after the party was over." Instagram: yourmysterygirl07 titok: yourmysterygirl07

Fl_rish · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 1/ PROLOGUE

Gloria's POv

"It's 5:30 a.m. on a dreary Monday morning, and the weight of another day ahead feels crushing. I've been awake all night, paralyzed in bed, lost in a sea of thoughts. Depression has taken up residence in my mind, and I can't help but wonder why it chose me.

"As I lay in bed, the darkness closing in around me, I felt like I was drowning in a sea of despair. The weight of my family's dysfunction crushed me, suffocating me with every breath. My mom's addiction and dad's constant trouble with the law had left me feeling like a forgotten child, a mere afterthought in their chaotic lives.

The phone rang, shrill and insistent, but I couldn't muster the strength to answer it. It was probably just another bill collector or a stranger asking for someone who didn't exist. I let it ring, the sound echoing through my empty room like a cry for help.

I thought of Ian Dominic, the man who had locked eyes with me at the party. He had seen something in me that night, something that made him want to know me better. But how could I let him in when I was barely holding on myself? I was a mess, a tangled web of broken dreams and shattered hopes.

As the phone finally fell silent, I closed my eyes and let the tears fall. I was trapped in a prison of my own making, a prisoner of my own mind. And I didn't know how to escape."


"On my eighteenth birthday, the world expects me to be reveling in joy, surrounded by friends and laughter. But I'm alone, wandering the empty halls of my home like a lost soul, searching for a pack of cigarettes to numb the ache within. I've often wondered why people smoke - is it to escape the pain, to find solace in the haze? For me, it's a necessary evil, a coping mechanism to survive the suffocating darkness that threatens to consume me.

My name is Gloria Sue, a teenager adrift in a sea of despair. Fridays are no different from any other day - a never-ending cycle of emptiness. I've given up on school, a place where teachers turn a blind eye and students revel in cruelty. The walls feel like a prison, suffocating me with every breath.

But in the solitude of my home, I find a fleeting sense of peace. My parents are never around, lost in their own worlds of addiction and trouble, leaving me to navigate the wreckage of our family alone. The silence is a balm to my battered soul, a reminder that I'm still alive, still fighting."

"I finally found the cigarette I was craving and indulged in two quick smokes before retreating to my room to tackle my assignments. I was determined to get them done before the weekend, when my mind would be clouded by the chaos that was sure to ensue. With my tasks finally completed, I checked the time - 9 pm. I had just enough time to squeeze in a run before my parents returned at 10 pm, transforming our home into a war zone.

As I stepped out into the crisp evening air, I noticed a sleek Ferrari pulling into the driveway across the street. A new neighbor, I thought, wondering who this mysterious person might be. I embarked on my run, the rhythmic pounding of my feet on the pavement a welcome distraction from the turmoil that awaited me at home. After over 40 minutes of running, I stopped to catch my breath and noticed a billboard that caught my attention. A party, open to all, with no invitation required. Who was this reckless host, I wondered?

Despite my initial reservations, I felt a spark of excitement. Maybe, just maybe, this party would be the distraction I needed to momentarily escape the pain that had been weighing me down. And so, I made a mental note to attend, hoping that next Saturday would bring some much-needed reprieve. As I turned to head back home, I felt an inexplicable sense of urgency, as if something was calling me back to the safety of my room."


"As I gave my men their final instructions, I had every confidence they would succeed. After all, they had been handpicked for their expertise and loyalty. Our target was a madman who had managed to slip through the cracks, and I wanted him brought to me alive. I had a score to settle with him, and I wouldn't rest until he was at my mercy.

With my attention turned to the stack of files on my desk, I signed each one with a flourish, my mind already focused on the party I was hosting. It was a bold move, inviting the entire city to my doorstep, but I had an ulterior motive. I needed to reinforce my position, to show my enemies that I wouldn't be intimidated. And what better way to do that than to bring them into my lair, under the guise of a celebration?

As I gazed out the window, the vibrant energy of the city pulsed through me. Lagos was alive and thriving, its skyscrapers and neon lights a testament to my success. I was the master of this domain, the top dog in a city where only the strongest survived. My company was my legacy, the greatest inheritance my father had left me. And I would stop at nothing to protect it.

For twelve years, I had poured my heart and soul into building this empire. I had ruled Lagos with an iron fist, and I had no intention of relinquishing my grip. Love was a distant concept, a weakness I couldn't afford although family members thinks it's the right time to settle down but I can't, I'm just 30 and still have a long way to go. My focus was on power, control, and the continued dominance of my empire. And as I turned away from the window, I knew that nothing would ever stand in my

"I glanced at my watch, feeling an sudden urge to head home and unwind. It wasn't my usual time to leave, but something compelled me to depart. As I pulled into my driveway, I noticed a figure emerging from the building across from mine. Since moving in, I had been too busy to introduce myself to my neighbors, and now didn't seem like the right moment either. I stepped out of my Ferrari, expecting to catch a glimpse of the mysterious figure, but they had vanished into thin air. Shrugging it off, I entered my apartment, enveloped by the familiar darkness. After freshening up, I decided to check in with the event planners, ensuring everything was in place for the party. Their confirmation put a satisfied smile on my face, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me."

Gloria POV

As I walked down the hall way after attending my usual boring classes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. The weekend had flown by and I was back to facing the same old tormentors. The FAMOUS FIVE a group of girls who believed their social status and wealth made them more superior, they had a taken over my locker and I knew I was in for a confrontation.

Shandall the ring leader, sneered at me her voice dripping with sarcasm " well, well, well. Look what we have here. It's the depressed, dumb teenager Gloria" her sister folake joined in and soon the entire group was taunting me, trying to get a rise out of me but I had learned not to react.

I just walked away to avoid further problems, I could come back to my locker later when they were done. I left the school premises unnoticed because I needed to breathe, Leeds High School felt like prison and I've been skipping my anti depressants because they made me more depressed so to avoid critical situations I step out for a walk if I feel choked.

if you've read the first chapter, pls leave a comment

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