
The girl in her

The story is about a girl who has never been treated well by her mother, her mother always controlled her choices, she loved singing infact she had passion for it eventually she decided to be a secret super star, she kept her talent from the world then boom an opportunity came a talent show was about to be organized in school and then she decides to take the risk unknown to her that there were so many secrets that were kept follow Stephanie on her journey to stardom and how the secrets unveiled before her very eyes would she learn to accept the truth or would she let go.

tinuola_oluwaseun · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
20 Chs


Sophies POV


I woke up the next morning with my friends we we're on out way to class when Snr Daniel stopped us to be honest ever since I came to the school On ve always liked him buh when I found out steph liked him I stopped myself,he was talking to steph we were all surprised because steph was not someone who keeps secret from us honestly I really like her so much I wish I was as close to her like my sister and the twin but because of the way I behaved the first time I resumed I felt really ashamed of myself Ive always felt left out, I've always wanted steph notice me and see me as a good person but she always judged me so I gave up trying to be close to her.

Snr Daniel asked for our names I was blushing I said my name so that he could notice me but it bounced back he was irritated by the way I answered him and excused himself by taking steph with him leaving me and the rest they looked at me and scolded me for what happened just now the they left me alone honestly, I didn't mean it, so I walked to class on my own.

I was about to climb the stairs when I saw somebody putting banana peels on the floor he was in a school uniform but I ignored him and went to class.

It wasn't long enough Snr Daniel came to our class to ask about Stephanie I hid my face so that he wouldn't see me then they walked out of the class.

I decided to look for her maybe this will prove to her that I am not a bad person I went down the stairs and saw Stephanie lying down unconscious oh my God Stephanie can u hear me wait for me ill get u out of there on my way I saw Snr Dolapo honestly I hated the Snr she disgraced Stephanie on the prom night I was sad but I couldn't do anything but to watch I was new then I couldn't draw attention to myself she wanted to send me work so I told her I was busy she slapped me and I slapped her back that's how she started abusing me and my friends especially Stephanie and my sister that's it I made sure I beat her to a pulp and that's how I got to the principals office when I went back to help Stephanie she was no longer there,I later found out that Snr Daniel and the rest of our crew found her.

I decided to investigate by starting from the suspicious boy I saw I found out he was from another school two weeks later I found out he and Stephanies mother but why did they want to hurt steph I decided to tell her that evening, ever since I started the investigation I didn't have time for my friends at least they will accept me when they hear what I have to say.

*Flashback ends*

On my way to the hostel I saw Stephanie crying could she have found out I though so I decided to go and console her on entering the room I was met with disappointment you knew about this isn't it she asked let me explain steph I did an Investigation, I don't want to hear what u have to say I was hurt Steph pls listen to me get out she said I was dumbfolded get out she said and with that she locked the door on me leaving me in the cold weather and dangerous night, I could hear her crying, I was crying and knocking on the door steph pls listen to me pls hear me out I'm innocent if only she knew I was allergic to cold with that I fainted the only thing I felt before becoming completely was been lifted up the ground and been placed on something warm so beautiful the voice said.