
The girl in her

The story is about a girl who has never been treated well by her mother, her mother always controlled her choices, she loved singing infact she had passion for it eventually she decided to be a secret super star, she kept her talent from the world then boom an opportunity came a talent show was about to be organized in school and then she decides to take the risk unknown to her that there were so many secrets that were kept follow Stephanie on her journey to stardom and how the secrets unveiled before her very eyes would she learn to accept the truth or would she let go.

tinuola_oluwaseun · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
20 Chs


Stephanie's pov

Things were going smoothly like we expected but that didn't stop the plan I had in mind,I had been thinking about it lately,I wanted revenge because I knew that so far my dad(Wesley) was still on the run we were not yet completely save.

     I was so uneasy,so scared of what was going was going to happen because I had the feeling that Wesley was going to come and finish what he started it was ringing in my head,my mind kept telling me repeatedly that he was going to come so I walked up to Daniel and asked him to head back to school and rest since he had been there with me since my mum's accident and all he needed his rest at first he was reluctant to go but I had to lie to him that my friends were going to come and stay with me to watch over my mum he looked at me and sighed then he hugged me and whispered into my ears not to try anything funny I looked into his eyes which held alot of emotions fear, worry, pain and everything you could think of.

    I was scared I knew he was thinking about what I said earlier but then I held his hands and pecked him I also told him not to worry about me and that I'd be fine, with those words he reluctantly went back to school now I was left alone with whatever plan I had going on in my head I looked at me mum who was asleep,she looked thinner and there were still alot of injuries so obvious that I bursted into tears if only I had tried to understand her if only I gave her a chance to explain maybe all this wouldn't be happening I thought I looked at my mum again with my teary eyes and held her hands then I whispered mum if you can hear me please get well soon I love you,I miss you, please come back I can't do all this on my own.

     My mum's hands tried to move and with that I understood the fact that she could hear what I was saying I sniffed and cleaned my eyes with my clothes and smiled atleast this was a positive sign that my mum's going to get better soon.i stood up from the side of her bed then I walked to the window side and noticed a suspicious figure dressed up in black I couldn't see the person's face very well but then my eyes met the person's eyes and all my mind could tell me was to run,my heart was beating so fast,the fear I was trying so hard to suppress became so obvious then it became clear to me that trouble was coming.

   I ran to the table to pick up my phone I tried dialing Daniels number but he wasn't picking up my calls I was panicking.i didn't know what to do.i placed my palms in my head's trying to think about what to do then I went back to the window side only to see the suspicious person coming up the stairs of the hospital then an Idea came into my mind I went out of my mum's ward but before I went out I switched off the light of the room then I locked the doors and kept the key somewhere safe then I walked up to the nurse in charge only to realize that she wasn't there something was fishy.

     I decided to Goan check up on the nurse who was injured she was still unconscious so I decided to change her room she was staying for safety purpose I moved her into my mum's ward too then I wore a noses mask walked out of the room then locked the door.i tried Daniels number again buh this time he picked my call then I explained the situation of things to him I was really scared my voice were shaking,after explaining to Daniel he told me he was already on his way with the police officers after that he cut the call.

     I looked at the locked ward of my mom hoping that she and the nurse would be safe then I went to the nurse room and switched on the light then I hid under the bed and placed my phone on silence few minutes later the suspicious man came in I could see his shoes from where I was hiding he walked closer to the bed where I  was hiding when he didn't see anybody he started walking towards the door when all of a sudden he noticed something then he started walking back towards the bed where I was hiding he kept coming closer I was so scared then all of a sudden he stopped and turned back and walked out of the room but before he left the room I heard him telling somone on the phone that he could not find the nurse body in the room...

     I could tell from his voice that he was Wesley I covered my mouth because I was so scared then my phone started vibrating I was scared and my hands were shaking I looked at my phone it was an unknown number that was calling me I picked the call and the next thing I heard shocked me.