
The girl in her

The story is about a girl who has never been treated well by her mother, her mother always controlled her choices, she loved singing infact she had passion for it eventually she decided to be a secret super star, she kept her talent from the world then boom an opportunity came a talent show was about to be organized in school and then she decides to take the risk unknown to her that there were so many secrets that were kept follow Stephanie on her journey to stardom and how the secrets unveiled before her very eyes would she learn to accept the truth or would she let go.

tinuola_oluwaseun · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
20 Chs


Daniels POV

I was still on my bed thinking about who could possibly be the person trying to hurt Steph so I decided to take a walk.

The schools garden is a good place to think do u know why because its always quiet so I decided to go there and think it was still in the night.

I got there and saw Stephanie hiding behind a branch why is she hiding? I thought,could it be that somebody was chasing her so I sneaked up to her back I made sure she didn't know that I was at her back she seemed really concentrated on what she was doing.

I decided to take a look and saw that she was actually eavesdropping the people she was eavesdropping on seemed really dangerous so I decided to wait and keep her save.

I was already getting tired when I heard make sure she never sings again then I knew they were talking about Stephanie I decided to see who they we're and I saw a woman and brian.

I was furious how could he,Stephanie was about to scream and shout at them I could tell she was very mad at those people so I covered her mouth and led her out secretly without me shhh its me Daniel I said.

Stephanies pov

I was hurt,I saw my mum and brian talking they werw the one behind what happened to me what type of a mother is she I was very furious I was about to walk up to her and give her a piece of my anger when somebody covered my mouth I was scared could they have found out I was here and wanted to kill me I tried to free myself but I relaxed when I heard shhh its me Daniel.

He took me out of the garden making sure we wouldn't be noticed. He took me to the front of my hostel I was very mad at him so I decided to vent my anger on him,I slapped him yhs I fucking slapped him I shouted at him what was that for, why we're you following me huh? Wat cat got ur tongue huh wats your problem?

Daniel's pov

I was very mad at her for slapping me I understand she's going through alot right now but she had no right.

I was very furious that I shouted at her what the hell is your problem,you could have been in danger out there if u had screamed she looked at me with her teary eyes I was pissed off what is it my fault for trying to help you out there I never asked for your help she said would you shut up I said she looked surprised daniel she said in a cracked voice don't call my name I said the fact that you are angry with those people does not give you the right to slap me even my parents never slapped me I breathed in and touched the bridge of my nose u know what I said I think you should sort yourself out with that I walked out on her honestly I don't care if those people come looking for her she called me but I didn't answer her I was hurt by her slap I just wanted to enter my room and sleep.

Stephanies pov

Daniel shouted at me, it showed that he was very mad at me I called him daniel am sorry please don't go but he ignored me and left me alone.

I entered my room my friends were still asleep, I was sitting when Sophie entered and saw me I stood up with anger 😠 you knew about it didn't you I said Steph pls listen to me I was investigating I didn't allow her talk I shouted at her ure a bad person I always knew u were a bad person get out steph please listen to me I said get out I shouted at her my friends woke up and asked what happened but I didn't answer them I locked the door lied down on my bed and cried my self to sleep.