
Chapter 4

Simone was being a fool and she knew it. She cried herself to sleep last night. Who does that at this time of the year? It was saying Wednesday and she hadn't been to work since on Friday. She wasn't even planning on going that day. She knew that soon, her father would call her up and ask why she hasn't been at the office.

She thought she would perceive the aroma of dishes that her mother made. But this time, she smelt nothing. She wore her robe and headed downstairs. The kitchen was empty. Maybe her mom was still asleep. Or she was still angry form last night.

Trying to be a good daughter, Simone got into the kitchen and made some toast, pakora, roti and curry too because she knew her mother loved Indian dishes. Normal breakfast not left out, she made ginger bread, some muffins and bubble tea. It took her alot if time though. The aroma instantly woke her up. Luckily, the table was already set. Mrs. Daniels came downstairs, all smiles.

"Is that my girl in the kitchen?"

"Yes momma. Breakfast's ready."

Mrs. Daniels headed to the kitchen. and tasted one of the muffins.

"How is it?" Simone asked with her eyes twinkling.

"Hmm. Tastes heavenly. You never told me you were a chef."

"Well... I cook sometimes. On my less busy days." She winked.

"There's good news for you. Oh you made pakoras?"

"Yes. What's the good news?"

Mrs. Daniels was about to speak when Simone's phone rang.

"Who's it?" Mrs. Daniels asked casually.

"Your husband." Simone giggled and picked the call.

"Hi Dad."

"Simone, what am I hearing firm the manager? You haven't been to work in five days!"

"Dad, I wasn't created differently that I can't get sick."

"Then why didn't you call? Where are you?"

"I'm at mom's house and I can take care of myself."

"What are you doing with that witch?"

"She's my mom and until you guys sort yourselves out, I'm not coming to the office."

"But I'm in Europe."

"And the court hearing is due in a week. Better sort yourselves out, or deal with the loss."

"Simone, don't you dare hang up."

"I'm about to. Love you Dad."

"Don't you..." She already hung up.

Mrs. Daniels was looking at her daughter. She was all grown up now. See how she handled matters with maturity. She was her new role role model.

"Hey Mom, what's the good news?"


Andrei was sin the shower but he could hear his phone ringing. He wasn't even in the mood to speak to anybody. He and his mom refused to speak to each other. Even when he got passed his mom at the stairs, she scoffed.

"What a huge ego?"

He got out of the shower, and wore his clothes. The sun was gleaming in his room. He looked at the mess. Clothes on the floor and on the reading table. Some more on the table. Some more on the bed. His laptop was o the floor. His comb and gel on the reading table too. What did he even need them for? His hair was ALWAYS perfect. His toothpaste was even on the floor.

"Even this too? Isn't that's supposed to be in the bathroom?" He thought. Too lazy to pick anything, he flounced downstairs. Hope he remembers where he dropped them.

When he got downstairs, he sae that breakfast was ready. The table was set. He reasoned;

'It will be better if I starve myself.' He was about to head for the door when he heard.


He turned around and saw his mom.

"Yeah?" He answered as she slowly descended the stairs.

"Is that how I brought you up?"

"How did you bring me up?" He was definately getting on her nerves and he knew it. He just grinned to himself.

"I taught you how to greet your elders, didn't I?"

"Oh sorry. I forgot my manners." He grinned and continued.

"Good morning ma'am." He bowed his head slightly. Denise ignored him and asked.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"Ma'am, won't you answer my greetings?"

"Have you eaten?"

"No ma'am. Why?"

"Why haven't you had breakfast?"

"Ma'am," He called sweetly. "I was taught that it isn't good to reply a question with a question."

"Ugh. Go wherever you're headed."

"Thank you ma'am." He bowed again.

Denise watched him go out of the door with his car key.

"What has gotten into this boy?" She wandered aloud.

Some of the maids, most of which had a huge crush on Andrei, giggled. One glance from Denise, and they were in the kitchen.


"You have to guess, baby." Mrs. Daniels told Simone.

"Mom, you know I'm not good at guesses."

"Okay...I'll tell you. Kiara..."

"Kiara is coming back from Milan!!" Simone screamed.

"Yes! Your sister is finally coming back."

"I know, right. I have to prepare. I'll be right back." Simone said and ran upstairs. She was back with denim jeans, a tee, and a jacket with a cute pair of sneakers.

"I need to go to the store. But first, when is she coming?"

"Maybe 5:45 this evening."

"You have to prepare dinner. Simone said and rolled her eyes.

"I sure will. Off you go."

"Bye Mom." She hugged her and blew air kisses.

Something to keep her excited in weeks. She headed straight for the boutique. She mostly bought clothes from Balenciaga, Dolce & Gabbana, and Dior. She had the money, so she needed to spend it.

Who will, if not she? She bought 2 of everything. Jackets, shoes, tees, tops, gowns ( both plain, high slit, and so much more), flip flops, sneakers, jumpers, crew neck sweaters, night gowns, track suit bottoms, bathrobes, moccasins, sandals, slippers, stilettos and even pyjamas.

When she was done with the clothes, she headed to the vegetable market. She was the only one her mother had. Until this evening. She bought all the foodstuff her mom would need for a month. She bought shoes and gowns for her mom too. She also bought a makeup set for her. Then two more for she and Kiara. When she was done, she heaved a sigh of relief. She put everything in her car, and headed back home.


Andrei drive around in circles at first. It wasn't long before he got hungry and tired. He decided to go to his friend form college. The only one he was still in touch with. Lucian.

He didn't even tell Lucian he was coming. He just walked right up to his door. Luckily, Lucian was around. As Soo. as he opened the door, Andrei walked past him. Lucian who was extremely handsome in his own way, pushed his hair backward and whispered.

"Oh boy."

He called after Andrei. "Hey Romeo, what's wrong this time?"

As he went inside and locked the door, he saw Andrei slump into a chair behind him.

"Waddup Andy, you hungry?"

Andrei could only nod. It was

already 12pm. He wasn't used to such hunger. All Lucian could come up with was cappuccino and bagels. Andrei was drinking and munching as fast as he could. He was going too fast for himself. When he was done, he relaxed on the couch. No he could talk. He saw Lucian looking at him curiously.

"What?" Andrei asked.

"You didn't eat at home?"


"Why? Did your. mom do something?"

"She wants me to get married to Simone."

"You means 'Hot Stuff'? The cutest girl from high school to college?" Lucian beamed.

"And why are you praising her like that?" Andrie smirked.

"Is she still alive?" Lucian said jokingly.

"Lucian!" Andrie laughed and continued. "Of course she is. She's always on the news. You stupid sod."

"You know I care nothing about the news. I'm all for music."

"You'll never change."

"So what's the big deal in marrying her. I mean your kids will be so cute. Her pretty eyes, pink lips and dimples. Whoa." He said dreamily.

"Sounds like someone's crushing. But I can't marry her."