
The Girl from my past life.

This novel is based on fictional & some true life events of the Author and writer Obed Katungu. each chapter has a specific girl he met over the years and connected to like he already knew them before even meeting them.

Obed_Katungu · Teenager
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Obed & Debbie

In the ethereal realm of Facebook, where past and present intertwined, the threads of destiny brought together two souls who had once shared a life long ago. Obed, a seasoned professional, stumbled upon a profile that stirred memories he had long forgotten.

It was Debbie, a vivacious high schooler, whose radiant smile and infectious laughter transported him back to the corridors of their shared alma mater. As he delved into her posts, he discovered a kindred spirit, a girl who shared his passion for art, music, and the written word.

With trembling hands, Obed sent Debbie a friend request, his heart pounding with anticipation. To his surprise, she accepted, and a whirlwind of communication ensued. They spent hours chatting online, sharing stories of their lives, dreams, and the uncanny similarities they had.

As they delved deeper into their conversations, they realized the extent of their connection. They had attended the same classes, shared the same teachers, and even had a mutual friend who had long since disappeared. It was as if fate had brought them together again, to rekindle a spark that had been dormant for centuries.

One sunny afternoon, they decided to meet in person at a quaint coffee shop near their former high school. As Obed approached the table where Debbie sat, his breath caught in his throat. She was even more beautiful in person, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous gleam.

Over coffee and laughter, they relived their shared memories and marveled at the serendipity that had reunited them. They talked about their hopes and fears, their ambitions and dreams, and the ways in which their lives had changed since they last parted ways.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over their surroundings, they realized that their connection was more than just a nostalgic reunion. It was a bond that transcended time, a reminder that even in the tapestry of life, the threads of the past could be interwoven with the present, creating a vibrant and unbreakable masterpiece.