
The Gift (a/o/b)

Suteppu_Kotenok · Fantasie
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19 Chs

chapter 12: Nox

I burrow pleasantly into my new fur cloak and wave goodbye to Kero, thanking him for all his help. I wish him well and he tells me to come back and visit. He hugs me tight and moves his lips to my ear.

"Don't give up on him," he whispers before pulling away. I look back at Ryan who was glaring harshly at Kero. It was almost like he was debating ripping Kero's throat out. I gently take Ryan's arm and wave goodbye once more before tugging the big alpha away.

"You know, we could always just go back to your cabin and forget all this. I could be your live-in maid and no one would ever know!" Kero was right. I couldn't give up so easily. If I returned to the palace, I would face a terrible fate. I needed to convince Ryan that he could keep me. I needed to get out of this quickly. I was running out of time.

"The king would ask for updates on our offspring,"

"You could say I'm infertile!" I try, looking up at Ryan with big, pleading eyes.

"Then he'll just send another omega," I narrowed my eyes, feeling jealous of an omega that I didn't even know.

"Then you could pup me once and-"

"No," I snap my mouth shut, my teeth clacking audibly. I sigh and continue to cling to Ryan's arm as we walk.

He sighs and stops walking. He gently pulls me to face him. "Nox, you should just give up on me. I'm not meant to be a mate or a sire. You deserve someone who can give you what you desire,"

"No one can give me you but you," he looks down at me with sad eyes. I'd never seen so much emotion in his eyes. No, that's wrong. I'd seen that look when I'd woken up after the river incident. Such sad eyes. I shiver at the intensity and I look away.

"I won't give up until you've left me with the king. And even then I will only ever think of you. When I'm being forcibly pupped to help the Lord's wives that are infertile. When I'm given to the brothel. I will only ever think of you." I admit. I mean, how could I not think of Ryan? He was my freedom and I was in love with him.

"You really think that will happen? The pupping and the brothel?" I shrug.

"I've seen it happen before. I'm nothing special to the king. I believe I will get the same treatment as every other useless omega,"

"You're not useless," Ryan snarls, startling me. I look up at him with confusion in my eyes. He clears his throat.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to scare you, I apologize," I nod and lean into him. His outburst was actually very pleasing. Maybe I had a chance. I just needed to keep pestering him. He clearly felt something for me. If I could just convince him to take me, then we could be done with this silly journey. I take a deep breath and I'm assaulted by Ryan's scent. It was deeper than usual, fanning over me nicely. I press closer to the alpha in hopes of getting more of that scent. I wanted it to rub into my flesh and sink into my core being. I wanted to be a part of this scent forever.

"You smell really good," I blurt, cheeks burning seconds after.

"I don't smell any…different," he freezes. "Fuck. We need to move faster," I pout a bit.

"That much in a hurry to get rid of me?" I whine. Why couldn't he just slow down?

"No, I don't want to have my rut in the middle of the damned woods where anything can hurt you. Including me," I pause, my mouth falling open.

"Rut? You're going into rut?" I pull away nervously. I was always told to stay away from a rutting alpha. They can be extremely dangerous. They kill whatever gets in their way and they mate whatever they damn well please.

"R-Ryan?" I whisper, fear settling low in my belly. This might be the chance I need, but I was terrified. I wasn't good enough to be his mate when he was of sound mind, I can't imagine what he would do to me in rut. Brutally kill me and use my entrails to entice another omega. Show them how strong he was. I gulp and grip my stomach nervously.

"Come on, you'll be safe at the palace," I gulp and nod. I keep a few paces from the rutting alpha, stopping every few seconds to study his body language for any signs of aggression. If his body language turned I would have to run and pray I was faster than him. I knew I wasn't, but my life may very well depend on me outrunning him