
The Ghost of Undaed

The relentless grip of a zombie outbreak thrusts former cop Jackson into an otherworldly existence. Awakening as a ghost, he navigates a city plunged into chaos, haunted by the undying love for his friends and a desire to shield them from the horrors that surround him. This tale weaves elements of horror and comedy into a rich narrative of love, sacrifice, and the supernatural. As Jackson's zombified body roams the streets, his ghostly presence becomes a spectral guardian, shaping the destinies of those he holds dear. Amidst the undead menace, the characters find moments of levity, sharing anecdotes and laughter that pierce through the darkness. "The Ghost of Undead" explores the complexities of life, death, and the uncharted territories between. Jackson's ghost confronts the repercussions of his actions, while his friends, led by the resilient Jean, navigate a world teeming with the undead. Their quest for survival and the unexpected twists in their journey reveal the resilience of the human spirit against the backdrop of a supernatural apocalypse. With a blend of mystery, humor, and poignant moments, "The Ghost of Undead" promises a gripping exploration of the human condition in the face of relentless adversity.

ANILAX · Horror
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4 Chs

A New Dawn

In the muted light of the morning sun, the once-vibrant cityscape lay cloaked in a silent struggle for survival. Emerging from the shadows were two new souls – Richard, a grizzled survivor with haunted eyes, and Jessica, a resilient woman with determination etched on her face.

The eerie ambiance hinted at the stories etched into their survival. As they navigated the decaying city, the distant moans of the undead served as a grim reminder of the world's grim transformation. Richard, his gaze eternally scanning for threats, spoke in a voice weary yet resolute.

"We can't stay out here too long, Jessica. The undead are drawn to any noise," Richard warned, his hand gripping the hilt of a makeshift weapon. Jessica nodded, her eyes reflecting the weight of their reality. "We need to find supplies and get back to the shelter. It's not safe out here."

Arriving at the shelter, they stumbled upon the remains of their sanctuary, where a subdued atmosphere hung heavy. Mei and Michael were still grappling with the emotional aftermath of the previous night's events.

Jessica's eyes met Mei's, and Jessica sensed something was wrong. She inquired, and Mei, with a heavy heart, disclosed the events of the tragic night.

"I wish I could have said goodbye, but who knows….he might be… might be impossible…we can hope at least …." Jessica whispered, her voice quivering with restrained emotion.

Mei's eyes reflected shared pain. "It was a tough night. Jean is inside if you want to talk to her."

Inside the shelter, Jean sat in a corner, grappling with the weight of loss. Jessica approached, and without words, they embraced, tears flowing freely as grief forged a silent bond.

"He was a good brother," Jessica murmured.

Mei joined them, the trio finding solace in shared sorrow. "We're here for you, Jessica."

After the emotional release, Richard stepped forward, breaking the heavy silence. "We found some supplies, but we need to secure a vehicle to haul it all back. It's a three-person job."

Jean, wiping away tears, spoke with a determined nod. "I'll go with you. It's time to do something."

Mei and Michael, concerned, pleaded with Jean to reconsider, sensing she might not be mentally prepared for the danger ahead.

"It's too dangerous, Jean. You've been through a lot," Michael urged.

But Jean, driven by a mix of grief and determination, shook her head. "I need to do this. It's not just for me, but for all of us."

Jean, Jessica and Michael will go.

They started to prepare for the journey. Meanwhile, Jackson's ghost watched from the window, too afraid to enter, thinking, "I wish… I could have said goodbye to my sister."