
The Genius Prince

In a realm where kingdoms rise and fall like the ebb and flow of the tide, one young prince embarks on a journey that will shape the destiny of his people and his land. James Vi Heisenberg, the third prince of his kingdom, finds himself thrust into the forefront of leadership as he sets out to govern the coastal region of Heisenport.

Daoist8g69MA · Fantasie
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27 Chs

In the Capital City II/ The Mysterious System

The grandeur of the ball had faded, leaving James with a sense of disappointment lingering in the air.

As he traversed the corridors of the castle, his footsteps echoed softly against the marble floors, a stark contrast to the lively music and laughter that had filled the halls just moments before.

As he walked he thought to himself; Bahrian... Where could she be?

His thoughts drifted to the Knight Captain, hoping to catch a glimpse of her amidst the throng of guests.

But as the festivities came to a close, Bahrian remained elusive, her absence weighing heavily on James's mind.

 "Why did she not attend such an important event?"

A sigh escaped his lips as he retreated to the solitude of his chambers.

The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows across the room, creating an atmosphere of quiet contemplation.

With a heavy heart, James resigned himself to the confines of his bed, seeking solace in the embrace of sleep.

After closing his eyes his consciousness wandered into the White realm again where he met the Deity of Life and Death

He thought to himself...What is this? did I die again? what? this is crazy.

just after thinking of this —a luminous blue screen materialized before him, adorned with a cheerful smiley face.

seeing this he was so surprised that he jumped out into space but to his surprise wherever his eyes went the screen also followed....

as he stared at the screen wondering what it was, the screen suddenly changed its appearance changing from a smiley face to a big font of words


As the words "Loading..." flashed across the screen, James watched with growing anticipation, wondering what would come next.

When the screen finally announced its successful loading, a sense of wonder washed over him.

Successfully Loaded! Ding* 

I greet the Master! ^<^< p>

"I greet the Master"... Master? What does that mean?

Before he could ponder further, the screen entered tutorial mode, displaying various tabs and functions along with their descriptions. James listened attentively, absorbing the information presented to him.

{System Version 1.0} 

Tutorial* the screen went on to Introduce its various functions~

{Storage} This is where Items received or Bought are located*

{Techniques} This is the tab for Techniques that are for sale*

{Shop} This is the tab for anything that is for sale from Blueprints to Books and even Modern Technologies* 

{Balance} This is the tab for your Celestial Coins and Gems* 

{Update} This is the tab to upgrade your system* 

As he listened to the system James couldn't help but murmur to himself

"Celestial Coins and Gems... Balance... Update... This is so incredible!"

Master, you have the Oldest version of this type and these tabs are the only ones available in this version *concluded the system*

Umm... what are these Celestial Coins and Gems? 

The system responded with the Image of Celestial Coins and Gems appearing on the screen and added to the description

*** Celestial Coins are the currency used to buy Items from the shop tab and can be received from completing side tasks and are rewarded by the system***

Then.....What about the Gems? 

"^_^ "( >_<) {-_-} (+_+)< p>

Master the Gems are the Higher type of currency used in the system and 1 Gem is Equivalent to 10,000 Celestial Coins and are mainly used in the Technique Tab.

Ohhh... That's cool how many balances do I have? asked curiously by James.

The system then went into the {Balance} tab and showed it to the prince.

{Balance: 999,999 Cc/ 1000 Cg} 

999,999 Coins and 1,000 Gems??? That is so crazzyyy so what can I buy with this? 

Pretty much everything Master ^_^ 

As James marveled at his newfound wealth, his mind buzzing with questions, the system's response left him dumbfounded. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the unexpected explanation.

James: (Amused) A gift from the gods, huh? Well, I suppose I won't question it too much.

But as he pondered the whims of fate, a thought struck him—a question tinged with a hint of skepticism.

James: (Thoughtfully) So, it's all just luck, then? Being born into royalty and receiving this... unusual inheritance?

The system's response, delivered with a touch of playful sincerity, caught James off guard. It seemed there was more to his situation than mere chance.

System: (Playfully) Luck is a curious thing, Master. Sometimes, it guides us along paths we never could have imagined.

James couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the system's cryptic words, a mix of amusement and disbelief evident on his face.

James: (Skeptical) Luck, huh? Well, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it.

But as the conversation continued, James's skepticism waned, replaced by a growing sense of wonder. The system's ability to delve into his thoughts left him both intrigued and slightly unnerved.

James: (Surprised) You can read my mind? That's... unexpected.

The system's response, delivered with a hint of humor, only served to deepen the mystery surrounding its origins.

System: (Amused) We're connected, Master, bound together in this realm of consciousness. It's only natural that I can hear your thoughts.

James couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief, marveling at the strange and wondrous nature of his newfound companion.

James: (Grinning) Well, I guess I'll have to get used to having a mind reader around.

As the realization sank in, James couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead, guided by the whims of fate and the enigmatic entity that now shared his consciousness.

As the soft morning light filtered through the curtains, James stirred from his slumber, roused by the gentle knock of a maid at his door. With a yawn, he stretched his limbs, preparing to face the day ahead.

Maid: (Gently) Your Highness, it's time to wake up. The Queen has requested your presence at the parade in the city streets.

James blinked away the remnants of sleep, the realization of the day's events slowly dawning on him. With a nod, he acknowledged the maid's message, rising from his bed with a sense of purpose.

James: (Grateful) Thank you for letting me know. I'll be ready shortly.

As the maid exited the room, James began to prepare himself for the day, donning his finest attire in anticipation of the royal event. With each button fastened and each tie straightened, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him.

James: (Thoughtfully) A parade in the city streets... This should be quite the spectacle.

With a final glance in the mirror to ensure his appearance was impeccable, James made his way out of his chambers and towards the bustling streets of the capital city, eager to take part in the festivities that awaited him.

before going out he checked if he could summon the system that he met in his consciousness realm

System Out! said James but still, the system did not respond...

System Access!! another try...

Abra Cadabra!! shouted aloud by James yet the system still did not respond..

Urghh!! I guess that was just a dream...but let's try once more...

Almighty System In!! 

~~~silence filled the room and the system still hadn't come out~~~ 

James stood in the quiet of his room, disappointment evident in his expression as his attempts to summon the system yielded no response.

Despite his repeated calls, the glowing blue screen remained absent, leaving him with a sense of unease.

James feeling Frustrated asked himself What's going on? It was here just last night...

He furrowed his brow, trying to recall the sensation of connection he had felt with the system in his consciousness realm.

Yet, no matter how hard he tried, there was no sign of the familiar interface.

James (Muttering to himself) Perhaps it truly was just a dream...


With a sigh, he resigned himself to the possibility that the encounter with the system had been nothing more than a figment of his imagination.

Dismissing the thought, he straightened his posture and resolved to focus on the day ahead, putting the mysterious encounter behind him for now.