
The genius in disguise

No_Longer_Human_3994 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Am I truly desirable?

_Opens the eyes_ How long have I been sleeping? _He thought in his mind_ suddenly a bell off notification comes across his ears, it was Hier! What she want from me now? Some days ago she claimed she's in love with him and wants to be loved back. However, his beliefs differ. He does not think you can fall in love through text alone, especially since they've only interacted in the online world. He firmly believes that love cannot be forced."

"After receiving that text, Hier unfriended him. However, today, she messaged him again, saying, 'Hey... I would like to know why you seem so depressed in your posts, as if I betrayed you or left you in an abusive and rude way.'"

_She clearly seems curious_ Those are just some of my favorite lines collected from my favorite novels, nothing else. Haut replied like, no emotion was shown. Hier: However, this doesn't seem real. Do you really believe love dies so easily? I can sense the urge through her text. She continued: I really don't know how you would like me to handle it. But no one ever throw themselves with their heart and feelings into the unknown and where there's only emptiness without knowing if it will work, or even if it will blossom in the future and make this person happy. This is devastating and cruel for it to end this way, but it is even more painful to continue without a destination, don't you think? "He was reading all the chats, he was calm as always like there's nothing he felt, I don't know much about love since I have never experienced it, but as much as I can think off, no, I don't think it dies easily." Heir continued. And another thing, I want you to know that it was my stupid love, and after what happened, it made you more sad and depressed. I am sorry, I am sorry because I acted cruelly and despicably. You can curse me for the rest of your life if I gave you bad memories and feelings. I know that I should have committed suicide a long time ago. And I do not love anyone. I now hate love, and yet it is alive inside me. Nothing can kill it. I am not fit for relationships. There is no love or friendship. Perhaps I should have made you hate and abhor me before I left. Perhaps the feeling of hatred was better than disappointment. After hearing all that he finally replied. The past is past; it carries no value. And don't think I'm too weak to curse you, and you shouldn't curse yourself either. We should leave the past behind and carry out our lives with what little we have left. I hope you find someone who deserves you and truly loves you. Don't worry, I don't hold any hate for anyone. I've grown strong enough. All that's left for me is to pursue my goal. I hope you overcome your traumas and difficulties in life. I would never underestimate the pain of others. I don't know what gift you are waiting for, but I hope that brings you some comfort. Don't worry; I will always remember you in my good memories and prayers. This black heart will always remind you of me. Goodbye, my dearest friend. This is farewell. " After all of that his heart felt nothing, even I myself don't know the reason of my coldness how I end up being that way I can remember those days the power! The influence! All of those delicious food and outfits, everything is gone now! I'm no better than a beggar now only if I had more time, but since I have got the chance again even with the lowest of my time I have to get to my peak, again! Suddenly the bell rings, am I allowed to enter, sir? He heard a beautiful voice, as sweet as honey the voice was soothing like music to the ears... Yes you can come inside _sighs_ took you long enough I was craving for a while!