
The Genesis of Humanity

Note: (This is my first book so I am sorry if the grammar is bad, or my writing skills are not up to par, also, since this is just a project for my own enjoyment I will make as many chapters as possible completely free, hope you enjoy the book :D) In a future where humanity destroys itself in a desperate fight over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio is given a second chance to prove that humanity is able to prosper until the intergalactic age without ending itself, but even though he is not aware of it, he is not alone in his quest.

Cuycin · Geschichte
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72 Chs

Suri Farm Plans:

Talking about resources, I think that it might be time to start the construction of bug farms, although completely ok with the idea of just hunting for food, I have started to notice that whenever we send people to go hunting for Suri, it takes slightly longer than before, and with the settlement's population expanding, this problem would only worsen with time.

The good thing was that bug farms were the easiest and most effective farms imaginable, even back before the days of the war I had always been confused as to why people were against the usage of these farms, as they could basically fix the giant problem that mass cow and other farm animal populations posed, while also taking up way less space.

I understood that there were giant companies pulling the strings from behind the screen, but even then, if there was a movement strong enough, as a still technically democratic country the US would have partly given in, as what the public would be asking would also be in the country's best interest.

Anyways going back to Suri farming, all I really had to do to have an efficient bug farm was to get a relatively wide, flat rock, and carve it into a small tray big enough to house a single Suri bug, after that, I had to get a wooden board and make air holes before placing it on top of the box in order to keep the bugs in.

A single female was capable of laying almost 700 eggs, which was already enough to feed the entire settlement for weeks. The thing about Suri was that it was already the larva of another bug known as Rhynchophourus Palmarum meaning that as long as you waited for a while after their birth, they would be ready to eat.

And although it did sound horrible to eat baby bugs, it's not like I live in a very refined and civilized place, plus the only reason that eating bugs is seen as disgusting or bad is that we were raised with those ideas in mind, so I just had to get children to be raised with the idea that eating Suri specifically, was completely ok.

Plus, Suri farming was something that I could teach everyone else with relative ease, I just had to train them to wait until the Suri grew to a good enough size before killing all but thirty, those would go on to grow up fully, and once all of the females inside the batch lay their eggs inside the box, they would be killed,

Although Suri was a great source of food, the Rhynchophourus Palmarum was no more than a pest, and as such killing, it was a must, even if they were only a couple, as long as a single one of the batch of 30 secretly was a female that didn't lay her eggs yet, then we could potentially have another 700 to deal with.

Plus, unlike pretty much anything else I am doing that is food-related, it only takes 3-4 months for Rhynchophourus Palmarum to go from egg to adult, meaning that as its larva, Suri will reach its peak size even faster than that. Plus, if I'm being completely honest, after actually trying it and comparing it with river fish, it wasn't as bad as it had been painted out to be.

Thankfully it was very easy to figure out how many Suri farms we needed, just get the amount we consume plus the increase of population divided by the minimum amount of eggs laid per farm or 10*(p+48)/ 350 with p representing the current population of the settlement. For example, since no months have passed, as of right now we only need 3 farms to have more than enough food to make it for 4 months.

As for why I had made the amount divided by 350 instead of 700, it was because although I knew what the most amount of eggs Suri could lay was, I had absolutely no idea what the minimum was, so I just halved it. Although I had been interested and done research on the topic before, it's not like I did too much in-depth research.

making the farm itself would have to wait a little bit though, as the boat was still not done with construction, plus, we still had to remove the river stones and maybe dig down a little bit for the river to be deep enough to be able to support our boat. Still, I could be a little more relaxed now that I had a solution to the food problem.

The sun had already started to go down, so I just sat by a tree and admired the settlement, wondering what was yet to come, eventually, my thoughts drifted away from the settlement and to the bigger picture, I wondered what would be of other countries in the future. For they would now be shaped by the will of people unknown.

I knew for a fact that there would for sure be people who went drunk with power or thought themselves to be invincible, after all, I didn't even know about the others until recently, meaning that they still believe they were the only one of their kind, and that kind of mindset is extremely dangerous, I should know, I used to have it.

That's probably the reason I haven't gone down the deep end yet, hopefully though, some will have enough reason to be willing to collaborate, otherwise, this version of the world might come to its end even quicker than the last, for this time humanity isn't constrained by a lack of knowledge, and those who possess it will probably be treated as undying gods.

The thing that worries me most is the start of a world war because as stated before, unlike in the past, every country will have access to knowledge on how to produce world-ending weapons, I can only hope that I will be able to keep the peace, with my neighbors at least, my goal right now is to create an isolated country, one that is neutral, and forgotten in the pages of history, one that gets to live not because of its military or economic prowess, but because it was forgotten by its potential enemies.

I just wanted to apologize for a spelling mistake when it came to the name of the bug the characters were eating, it wasn't a typo, the actual name of the bug is Suri, and I somehow managed to forget and start typing Suji instead, I hope you can understand.

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