
The General

JSDF officers Saito Araya dies on a road accident and finds himself in a forest of a world unknown to him. Wandering around the forest for a while he come across a girl in the forest. Next thing he know is that they both were ambushed by a black panther and Saito fighting it and killing it blah blah blah. After that they get to the nearby village and Saito tries to settle in this new world and eventually he becomes a General of a Samurai army in a world of knights, mages, demi-humans and demons. Watch as he make friends, lead armies of Goblins to fight Orcs, conquer fallen kingdoms, creating an army of Samurais, reuniting with his love and clashing against gods and demons. What will happen to him in his new life as he finds his love and tries to survive while helping those in need? Read the story to find out. (This story might feel a bit clichè but I think it will be a fun to read kind of one)

SaiKirito · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
68 Chs

Retake or Not?

Alright folks, I know a lot(probably) of you want this series back on track, trust me, so do I.

So, I'm gonna do this.

By the end of this week, if The General gets a hundred votes (which is unlikely to happen), then i'll work my ass off for you hardcores and take up arms and upload on daily basis. Ofc if we hit 100 before the deadline, I'll upload twice a day, no kidding anymore. I'm doing this to see how many true TG fans are there.

But if it doesn't get a hundred votes, well, guess the ship will sink and you will forever not know what happens after Saito mobilize a huge fucking armored goblin army and I will go off and start a new series from scratch.

It's all in your hands now people. Until then people! This is Sai Kirito.