
The Gaunt Legacy

Undead_Raptor · Fantasie
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93 Chs

The Thrill of the Chase

Gwendolyn sprinted through the dense forest, her heart pounding with excitement. A mad glint sparkled in her molten gold eyes as she reveled in the thrill of the chase. It had been far too long since she had felt this alive, the adrenaline coursing through her veins like a powerful elixir.

She effortlessly navigated the difficult terrain, her instincts and agility guiding her every step. The forest seemed to blur around her as she focused on her target: a trio of rogue wizards who had been causing trouble in the nearby villages. The Black Bulls had been tasked with apprehending them, and Gwendolyn was more than eager to take on the challenge.

As she approached a clearing, Gwendolyn skidded to a halt, her boots kicking up a cloud of dirt. She stood tall, her gaze locked onto the trio of rogue wizards who had come to a sudden stop, realizing they were now cornered.

"Looks like the end of the line for you," Gwendolyn called out, her voice steady and confident.

The wizards, their expressions a mix of surprise and anger, began to ready their spells. But before they could make a move, Magna appeared on the other side of the clearing, effectively surrounding them. His signature grin was in place, his wild blue hair standing out against the green backdrop of the forest.

"Nice work, Gwen," Magna said, his tone filled with excitement. "We've got 'em now."

Gwendolyn nodded, her eyes never leaving the rogue wizards. "Let's make this quick, Magna."

The rogue wizards exchanged nervous glances, clearly realizing they were outmatched. One of them, a burly man with a scar running down his face, stepped forward, attempting to intimidate Gwendolyn and Magna.

"You're making a big mistake, kids," he growled. "We've got more power than you can handle."

Gwendolyn's lips curled into a smirk. "We'll see about that."

Without another word, she drew a rune in the air with her clawed hand, the symbol glowing brightly as she channeled her magic. "Stupefy!"

A bolt of stunning energy shot from the rune, striking the burly wizard square in the chest. He staggered backward, momentarily incapacitated by the spell. The other two wizards quickly tried to retaliate, but Magna was faster.

"Fireball Frenzy!" Magna shouted, unleashing a barrage of fiery projectiles that forced the wizards to scatter.

Gwendolyn took advantage of the chaos, darting forward to engage one of the wizards in close combat. She dodged a clumsily cast spell and countered with a well-placed kick, sending the wizard sprawling to the ground.

Magna, meanwhile, kept the pressure on the remaining wizard, his relentless assault leaving no room for a counterattack. The rogue wizard attempted to shield himself, but Magna's fiery determination broke through, overwhelming him with sheer force.

With the three wizards incapacitated and unable to fight back, Gwendolyn and Magna quickly subdued them, using magical restraints to ensure they couldn't escape.

Panting slightly, Gwendolyn stood over the captured wizards, her adrenaline beginning to ebb. The thrill of the chase and the satisfaction of victory filled her with a sense of accomplishment.

"Great job, Magna," she said, turning to her teammate with a smile. "Couldn't have done it without you."

Magna grinned, giving her a thumbs-up. "Teamwork, Gwen. That's what it's all about."

As they secured the wizards and prepared to transport them back to the village for justice, Gwendolyn couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride. The Black Bulls had become her family, and together, they were a force to be reckoned with.

The excitement of the chase, the camaraderie of her teammates, and the satisfaction of a mission well done all combined to remind Gwendolyn of why she fought. She was part of something bigger than herself, and with each victory, she grew stronger and more confident in her abilities.

As they made their way back through the forest, Gwendolyn felt the warmth of the sun on her face and the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. The challenges ahead were many, but with the Black Bulls by her side, she knew she could face anything.

For now, the thrill of the chase had been enough, and Gwendolyn was content, ready for whatever adventures awaited her next.

Back at the Black Bulls' headquarters, the common room buzzed with energy. Magna was animatedly recounting the day's events to the other members, his eyes wide with excitement. He gestured wildly, painting a vivid picture of Gwendolyn's pursuit of the rogue wizards.

"I'm telling you, it was like she was possessed!" Magna exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration. "The mad gleam in her eyes, the way she zipped through the forest like a shadow... It was incredible! Those wizards didn't stand a chance."

The other Black Bulls listened with varying degrees of interest and amusement. Some laughed, shaking their heads at Magna's enthusiasm, while others nodded, intrigued by the tale. Despite his tendency to exaggerate, they knew there was always a kernel of truth in Magna's stories.

Meanwhile, Gwendolyn sat quietly on the couch, a stark contrast to the lively narrative being spun by Magna. She had a journal open on her lap, a thoughtful gift from Yami. The one-armed girl seemed absorbed in her drawing, her focus entirely on the intricate designs she was sketching.

Her face was serene, the intensity and adrenaline from the hunt completely absent. In this moment of quiet creativity, she appeared almost fragile, a stark contrast to the fierce witch Magna was describing. The lines she drew were precise, each rune and symbol carefully crafted, reflecting her meticulous nature and dedication to her art.

Finral, who was listening to Magna's story, glanced over at Gwendolyn. He couldn't help but smile at the contrast. "You know, Magna, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were talking about a different person. Look at her, so calm and composed."

Magna grinned, undeterred by the teasing. "That's the thing, Finral. Gwen's got this amazing switch. One moment she's this quiet, thoughtful girl, and the next, she's an unstoppable force. You should've seen her out there."

Vanessa, nursing a much-needed cup of tea, chimed in. "Gwen's got more layers than we realize. That's what makes her special. She's got the heart of a warrior and the soul of an artist."

Gwendolyn looked up from her journal, catching the tail end of Vanessa's comment. She smiled softly, feeling a warm flush of pride and embarrassment. "I'm just doing my part," she said quietly, her voice modest. "We all have our strengths."

Charmy, munching on a snack, nodded vigorously. "Yeah, and yours are pretty awesome, Gwen. But hey, what are you drawing?"

Gwendolyn held up the journal, showing a page filled with complex runes and a detailed sketch of a spell circle. "Just some ideas for new spells. I find it helps me relax."

The room fell into a comfortable silence as the Black Bulls admired her work. Even Magna, who was usually the loudest, took a moment to appreciate the intricacy of her designs.

Yami, who had been observing from his usual spot in the corner, took a drag from his cigarette and exhaled slowly. "Gwen's got the right idea. Balance is important. You need to know when to fight and when to rest. Keep at it, kid."

Gwendolyn nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude and belonging. The Black Bulls had become more than just a squad to her; they were her family. She returned to her drawing, the quiet hum of conversation around her providing a soothing backdrop.

As the evening wore on, the stories continued, the camaraderie deepened, and the bonds within the Black Bulls grew stronger. Gwendolyn felt a profound sense of contentment. She was exactly where she needed to be, surrounded by friends who appreciated her for all her facets—the fierce hunter, the thoughtful artist, and the steadfast friend.

In the cozy warmth of the common room, with her journal in hand and her family close by, Gwendolyn knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she was ready to face them.


A week had passed since Gwendolyn's intense training session with Magna. During this time, she had been pushing herself harder than ever, determined to reawaken the mana entwined with her body. She aimed to regain her "mana body," a state that would allow her to sustain herself on minimal resources for extended periods. However, this rigorous training came with a cost.

Every night, Gwendolyn was plagued by nightmares. Haunting flashes of her past disrupted her sleep, leaving her exhausted and on edge. The terrifying memories of her time under Bellatrix Lestrange's cruel influence resurfaced, the pain and fear as vivid as ever. She saw Bellatrix's twisted smile, felt the agony of the Cruciatus Curse, and heard the chilling whispers that had once driven her to the brink of madness.

Despite the relentless nightmares, Gwendolyn persisted in her training. She forced herself to push through the exhaustion, believing that regaining her mana body was crucial for her survival and strength. The Black Bulls had noticed her increasing fatigue and the shadows under her eyes, but Gwendolyn brushed off their concerns with a tired smile.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Gwendolyn found herself alone in the training area. The cool night air did little to soothe her frayed nerves. She stood in the center of the clearing, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she tried to focus her mana.

"Come on, Gwen. You can do this," she whispered to herself, her voice shaky. She closed her eyes, attempting to center herself and draw upon the mana within her.

But as soon as she tried to tap into her magic, the nightmares returned. Images of Bellatrix loomed large in her mind, her cruel laughter echoing in Gwendolyn's ears. Her body trembled as she relived the torment, the sense of helplessness overwhelming her.

"No," Gwendolyn gasped, her eyes snapping open. She fell to her knees, clutching her head as if to ward off the memories. "Not again. Please, not again."

Tears streamed down her face as she fought against the shadows of her past. Her mana flickered weakly, unable to stabilize under the weight of her fear and trauma. The effort to maintain control was slipping away, leaving her vulnerable and exposed.

Unbeknownst to her, Vanessa had been watching from a distance. Concerned about Gwendolyn's well-being, she had followed her out to the training area, sensing that something was deeply wrong. Seeing Gwendolyn's distress, Vanessa hurried over, her own heart aching at the sight of her friend's suffering.

"Gwen!" Vanessa called out, dropping to her knees beside her. She wrapped her arms around Gwendolyn, holding her close. "It's okay. You're safe. I'm here."

Gwendolyn sobbed into Vanessa's shoulder, the weight of her nightmares finally breaking through her stoic facade. "I can't... I can't stop seeing her, Vanessa. Bellatrix... she broke me. I thought I was past it, but it keeps coming back."

Vanessa stroked Gwendolyn's hair gently, her voice soothing. "Shh, it's alright. You've been through so much, Gwen. It's natural for these memories to haunt you. But you're not alone anymore. We're here for you."

Gwendolyn clung to Vanessa, her body shaking with the force of her emotions. She felt the warmth and comfort of her friend's embrace, a stark contrast to the cold terror of her nightmares. Slowly, her breathing began to steady, the grip of her fear loosening.

"You don't have to face this alone," Vanessa continued, her voice filled with unwavering support. "We'll help you through it. One step at a time."

Gwendolyn nodded, taking comfort in Vanessa's words. The nightmares might still haunt her, but she knew she had the strength of her friends to lean on. With their support, she could face the shadows of her past and reclaim her future.

As the night grew darker, Gwendolyn allowed herself to rest in Vanessa's embrace, finding solace in the presence of her friend. The road ahead was still fraught with challenges, but with the Black Bulls by her side, she knew she could overcome them.

The journey to reawaken her mana body would continue, but for now, Gwendolyn allowed herself a moment of vulnerability and healing, knowing that she was no longer alone in her fight against the darkness.


Gwendolyn stirred half-asleep, slowly becoming aware of her surroundings. The bed she was in felt different, unfamiliar yet oddly comforting. As she turned her head slightly, she saw Vanessa's face close to hers, serene and peaceful in sleep. Vanessa's body was entwined around her, their limbs tangled in a protective embrace.

Instead of the embarrassment she had felt the last time she found herself in such a situation, a deep sense of contentment washed over her. There was something profoundly comforting about being held so closely, the warmth of Vanessa's body soothing her troubled mind.

Gwendolyn let out a soft sigh and leaned into the embrace, feeling Vanessa's steady heartbeat against her. In this quiet moment, the weight of her responsibilities and the shadows of her past seemed to melt away. For just one night, she allowed herself to let go of the burden of being Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt, the mage who had to stand strong and independent.

She was just little Gwen now, a lost child finding solace in the embrace of a sister figure. Vanessa's presence was a balm to her soul, offering the comfort and reassurance she desperately needed. The nightmares that had plagued her for weeks seemed distant, chased away by the gentle, protective hold of her friend.

Gwendolyn's eyes fluttered closed as she nestled closer, her breathing evening out as she drifted back into sleep. In Vanessa's arms, she felt safe and cherished, a stark contrast to the isolation and fear that had gripped her for so long. The warmth and connection she felt now were a testament to the bonds she had formed with the Black Bulls, a family that accepted her unconditionally.

As she slipped back into slumber, Gwendolyn's last conscious thought was one of gratitude. For this night, she was not alone. She had found a home, a family, and a place where she could be vulnerable without fear.

In the peaceful darkness, Gwendolyn slept soundly, the embrace of her sister-like figure providing a refuge from the storms of her mind. For this one night, she was simply Gwen, loved and protected, and it was enough.

The night passed quietly, the two friends finding comfort in each other's presence. And as dawn began to break, the promise of a new day brought with it the hope of healing and strength, forged in the bonds of friendship and love.


Vanessa had never expected Gwendolyn to carry such a heavy burden. Listening to Gwen recount her past, the cruel spell that had targeted her nervous system to induce unbearable pain, Vanessa felt a deep ache in her heart. The young girl, just ten years younger than her, had experienced horrors that no one should ever endure.

As Gwen had spoken, her voice trembling with the weight of her memories, Vanessa's own emotions surged within her. A kind of motherly instinct had arisen, a fierce desire to protect and comfort Gwen. She wasn't entirely sure why she had suggested they sleep together that night, but as she lay beside Gwen, watching her sleep soundly for the first time in days, Vanessa felt a profound sense of gratitude.

The dawn light filtered softly through the window, casting a gentle glow on Gwen's face. Vanessa carefully brushed a stray burgundy hair away from Gwen's eyes, her touch tender and protective. Seeing Gwen's peaceful expression, Vanessa felt her heart swell with a mixture of love and sorrow. This girl, who had been through so much, deserved every bit of comfort and safety Vanessa could offer.

Vanessa's thoughts drifted back to their conversation the night before. Gwen had spoken of Bellatrix's cruelty, the relentless use of the Cruciatus Curse, and the terror that had haunted her dreams. Vanessa had listened, her own heart breaking with each word Gwen spoke. In that moment, she had made a silent vow to do everything in her power to help Gwen heal, to show her that she was no longer alone.

Gwen had finally fallen asleep, her exhaustion evident. Vanessa had held her close, feeling the younger girl's body relax into her embrace. The bond they shared in that moment was more than just friendship; it was a connection born out of shared pain and mutual support.

As Vanessa continued to watch Gwen sleep, she marveled at the strength hidden beneath her fragile exterior. Despite everything, Gwen had managed to find a new family, to push herself beyond her limits, and to strive for a better future. Vanessa admired her resilience and determination, qualities that reminded her of the strength within the Black Bulls.

Vanessa's protective instincts intensified. She knew she had to be there for Gwen, to help her navigate the nightmares and the trauma. The thought of Gwen suffering alone was unbearable, and Vanessa was determined to ensure that Gwen always had someone to lean on.

With a gentle sigh, Vanessa settled back down beside Gwen, careful not to disturb her. She wrapped an arm around her once more, providing the warmth and security that Gwen so desperately needed. Vanessa's heart ached with a fierce love for this young girl who had already become so important to her.

As the morning continued to brighten, Vanessa felt a renewed sense of purpose. She would be there for Gwen, no matter what. The bond they had formed was unbreakable, and Vanessa knew that together, they could face any challenge.

Vanessa closed her eyes, feeling the steady rhythm of Gwen's breathing. In that moment, she was filled with a deep sense of peace. They were family now, and family took care of each other.

And as Gwen slept soundly, Vanessa made a silent promise to herself and to the girl beside her: to always be there, to always protect, and to always love.