
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs


A shining gold encrusted bed, walls, mirror, the world. Perfect. My loyal treasures begging for a smidge of my attention. Perfect. Brother, the knights, even my silly little sister following my every word. Absolutely everything was dazzleing perfection.

So why did my every dream have such filth. Some low class humans ordering me around, a dusty prison they called a bedroom, and the beatings. What kind of mind do I have inside, to create a nightmareish hell for a child? Why must I suffer every night for some brat?

"My jewel, remember to wear a uniform today. Seven cadets will be ascending to knighthood today." His gentle fingers stroke my hair along with the brush.

A minor pause, a thought, and it slipped away with a kiss from my darling. Thank the gods that I have this man. To chase away every little worry and complaint I have inside. A relieved breathe of air escapes me. The day goes on.

The day repeats, the nightmare repeats. It starts to hurt, a drilling, nagging, sensation deep in my brain. Found on a tipping edge of pleasantries and snapping moods. Flailing emotions waiting to trigger at the first slip.


The sound reverberates throughout the harem's hall. Countless eyes lock on to the uncharacteristic action. A trembling young man stares up with fearful tears. Red mark on his cheek. His crime, spilling a snack tray onto the floor. No one dares speak to the on edge master.

I left the scene, digging my perfectly manicured nails into my scalp. Breathing hitching, biting my lips, eyes crazed. Fleeing to the bedroom, I find safety in my darling Scale. He curls his arms around me, pets my head.

"What's wrong, my jewel?" He asks tenderly.

I say nothing, managing to pull a smile, be it a shaky one. Curling deeper into his silky embrace, I fall into another nightmare fueled sleep.


POV: Cain

Thanks to Quartz I was healed of my wounds, though the scars from my 'encounters' remained. I slept through the whole night for once, even had a decent meal. Cared for, safe, free even, thanks to the golden wolf.

Several days passed, Blue would not wake. Vlad and Quartz were stricken with worry and grief. Feeling helpless, I trotted around the castle, catching my own food. Eventually my savior awoke, but it was wrong, so wrong.

We sat around in the kitchen chairs, a wooden servant table at the center. Quartz was next to 'Blue.' Vlad kept far away at the other end. I kept at the corner near the exit, ready to bolt if nessesary.

"I don't have much to explain Brother."

She nestled herself as close as possible to him, their hands piled on to each other. He was compromised, a worry filled face, full of brotherly love. The air was filled to the brim with her perfume like odor.

"I remember dying, then waking in your master's bed."

Not a hint of lies could be seen in those innocent eyes. I know it well, a manipulator with trained skill. They target those affectionate, willing for love, and get stabbed again and again, and return with a smile.

"Bullshit." Vlad speaks up, his words an accusing viper. "Give me back my mate, woman." His voice a low threat, backed by his kingly vampiric aura.

Jewel shrinks back into her seat, a terrified shaking demeanor. Quartz finds himself reacted not thinking.

"Vlad my sister would not do such a thing!" His normally cold voice an angry sound. "We will get our master back, we just to figure this out."

The amount of power being thrown around the room, gave me chills. My new pack was far from common. A runt like me struggled to stand around them. I snuck away as they argued, to enjoy my new found freedom once more.

My room was not prepared yet, so I still slept outside. It felt more comfortable to me than an enclosed space. Still, I found myself missing my savior. His remaining scent was in the moon room.

It was clear how loved Blue was to his men. While their rooms were plain, this room was decorated with the finest materials. Silk bed, new furniture, the moon theme itself spoke of elegance and soft prestige. A faint honey aroma filled the space.

Walking around I found myself before the armoire mirror. I frowned, compared to the others I was short, and I had no muscle to speak of. Tracing my fingers over my black sweater, I pictured the myriad of scars coating my icy cold skin. Letting out a sigh, I crawl to the center of the bed.

No direction, no purpose, no talent, or ability. It wouldn't be long before this pack abandons me, or worse finds a 'better' use for me. Shudders, and nausea hit me like bricks, I shake away the nasty thoughts. He will be back, my savior will return. Blue on my mind, I slip into unconsciousness.


This time I did not awake to my palace, but that old dusty room. Still a child, maybe 10? The bedroom door slams open to an angry stepmother.

"Lily! How dare you sleep in today!" The pictures shake from her screeching voice. "Count Clover and his family are visiting today. Do you know how disrespectful it is not to greet them?!"

I'm snagged from the bed, yanked and dragged over to the mirror. A little girl stares back at me, dead looking. Lady Margo shares a look of disgust.

"Filth. Absolute filth. How August's blood is in you I'll never know." She starts to pull at my hair as she combs out the knots. "Not a chance I can clean you up in time. I'll just have to lock you up in the attic till they leave."

A fearful shaking of my heart, learned from experience holds me.

"No! I'll clean up, I'll bath quickly! Please don't send me back up there!" I beg, my tiny hands grasping at the woman.

She shakes me off, even shoving me away from her. I fall back.

"How dare you touch me, speak back to me. The attic it is you little bitch."

Her words and actions far more poisonous away from father and brother. My fault for sleeping in. I prepare for the inevitable trip upstairs, hands twisting. She snatches my arm, dragging me off to the bedroom door.

"Leave him alone!" A tiny trembling voice rings out.

A scrawny looking boy has appeared in from nowhere. Snowy white hair, frozen pale skin, and iced blue eyes. He looked regretful, fearful of speaking out, but a spark of something pushes him forward.

"I said leave him alone!"