
chapter v

The plan

Thomas and Hank already left home to do thier traveling, so far Make town knows they are back with their wives and kids, meanwhile The outlaw gang named * The black Mamba, * known train robbers and murders, strikes the Solar city, today they get an Wagon of mint gold dollars in, soon as the wagon arrived they killed the driver and took off with the wagon, the mayor is ferrous, " blast you freaking black Mamba! See how you run when the queen of heart is on your ∆$$! He telegram the government office in request for the queen of heart, " the black Mamba strikes Solar city where is your gals now? Asked. Darrnel, there was a knick at the door it was Jordan and Jessie, Buck and Jim looked at them, " they look tired, said. Chuck, " you be two you had kids to take care of and a career, evening queue of heart where the kittens? Asked. Joan," at home in the bed, said. Jordan, " asleep we just got back from a night searching, Marco open the door, they yawned, " oh dear night searching, how long you need to regain? Asked. Marci," fifteen, that not important, I see you got a problem somewhere.they let them in the door and he closed it, " how they now who we are? What the Problem? Asked. Jordan. " we not send you out half strength, he just going to have to wait get your twenty in gals, said, Darrnel, " there forty five twenty years old at home sir you really think that they going to let us get twenty in? Asked. Jessie, " before we get in the bed they be up crying for breakfast and to go out, just tell us who is in trouble, " Marco go to the house in watch them, gals get an room her go to bed, Said, Darrnel, " they loved if grandpa there, said. Jordan, " accept for two, what you did to my grandsons youvtwo, said. Marco," nothing they came out that way just tell Preston Arnold Garrett he can unattached from me a bit, said. Jordan, " tell Cameron Edwards Garrett he can survive without me bit, take your babies to Solar city grandpa we meet you there, yes it on your faces that were you need us at, said. Jessie, " you stop that your mother used to do that deal to me irrational the deal out me, said. Macro, " right I tell them that they have a fit. " they listen you always did let them get away with murder, fifteen what we need, thank you dad and Mr. Darrnel, " I am not saying that to them, you both need us to come up with something better to say, said. Marco," you want us to tell Cameron and Preston for you?" No I just say we see then in a bit, said. Marco, " okay you tell them that one say where is mom and Aunt Jordan at away? Said. Jessie, " I said, resting somewhere outside, they on a,camp out, " I can see then cry fusing that we went on a camp out without them, " that be your problem not mine, said. Marco, " you going to let us handle that after you told them that, you are so loveable at times, Said. Jessie, " I only had two, who had twenty two by their deadbeats husbands which I told not to married, I saw how power hungry judges are, said. Marco, " that was a blow at us wasn't it? Asked. Jessie, " it was let get dear father bear back, who allowed us to married the deadbeats? Asked. Jordan, " who said bounty and judges were a good match? Asked. Jessie, Darrnel smile, " you didn't had to listen to me, I can be full of non sense at times, saud. " will full of nom sense wouldn't have forty five good looking grandsons and granddaughters if that married didn't happened, said. Jessie, "2we knows how crazy you are about them, " I am I love all my kittens and their mother cats, I on the way get some sleep we see you in Solar city, they walked out of the door, he hugged them , he got in the carriage and left, they check in a room, to get some sleep, Darrnel walk out to address the people, " do not go to the inn where they are at, do not bother them to about your day as usual, they are like everyone here trying to live their lives, that goes for you to Bell's when they get ready to go out they do not trust passing on their home, to find who they are, or follow them, they doing what they are hired to do give justice, that is ir, again do not go to where they at leave them alone, you all been warn, he went back in the office,, " the queen of heart here resting, said. The woman. " we need to get the table and breakfast ready for them, " I sure that they want to be in peace, Said the old man," we should ask come on Jim," hold did you hear what he said leave them alone, so do it I am the law here, I said go about your busy, stay away from me inn or I kick you up , is that understanding, like they just want to rest, which you people do not get or understand why! Get! They break it up left, he walked up the town, they got undressed and got in the bed, Marco pulled up at the house and walked in the door, and Sat in the family room., " mom, called. Cameron, Marco got up and walked up the steps, into the room. " what's wrong grandson? Asked. Marco, " hey grandpa where mom and Aunt Jessie? Asked. Greyson, " moms is resting somewhere, they said that they will meet us in Solar city, said. Marco. The Wolf clubs and up, " go get fresh guys, you know they going to ask if you washed, " you said they resting were? Asked. Tonia," they had a fit if I told you were, they just else where resting, hit the bat house, grandpa will get the horses, they walked out of the house and into the bath house, while we got the horse, Jordan and Jessie just woke up, they walked out of the room, " you think dad told them what we said? Asked. Jordan, " nope he probably told them something different, they walked in the bath house and washed up, meanwhile Chuck and Buck snuck Into the in," do you know what room the Queens of hearts in, " our first were about is it for public use, she told them, they got dressed ad they by on their horses, " you not going to tell us whee are mothers aren't yu?is it common for wolf parents to leave their young? Asked, Nao. They left the house and head no solar City, " Nano when ever your mothers ever left you, never son Jordan and Jessie were tired we told the get a ROM go get sleep, said. Marco, " they in a town lets go. Said, Preston, " no they meet us in Solar City, said, Marco, after they got washed and dressed, the got their guns and hats from their room, " we got forty five upset wolf clubs sus, thank you, sai. Jessie, " then we sing Forever to them to get them calm and to drop their barriers, they turned in their Keys and put their gun belts on and hats, they walked out of the inn,they follow them out," we have a table waiting, the cook is making the special today, said. Buck," thanks but no thanks we in a rush, " size we don't eat before our kids, but thank you, family first, they rode out the ten singing the Forever song, they arrived in Solar City, " okay we here where are they!asked. Preston, " they on their way here, knowing your mothers they know you got yr barriers up and upset, they digit the forever song, " I love that sing, said. Francesca, " me too, sad. Aaron, they rode into the City singing to them,the bop back and forth on their horses, " hey Forever, said. Frankie, " forever you are, Said, Teeno. The song has calming power, " feel better now Wolf clubs? Asked. Jordan, " yes thank you again please, said. Savannah, " no nephew wolf never leaves their young behind, moms was so tired we didn't had the strength to ride back home, said. Jessie " please tell me they didn't bother you gals, said. Marco, " you have come cross them before, * The black Mamba* stole mint money from here, talk see what the mayor knows, track them down, " Renshaw, Renskin, Brett and Rico ride out find mommy a great track,stay and log in, if don't continue on, we fin you stay out of sight sons today is not the day to lost sa child, " we on it mom,they ride down the cty, " let's go talk with the mayor wolf clubs, they dismounted and walked up to the Mayor office, , " only when we was a out to leave, your gal kin folk, you sure didn't tell those people who we are? Let s head out wolf clubs, said. Jessie," no I will handle it by my grandkids, be safe my daughters, " we will you to dad, they galloping in the city, he got in his carriage and Back to Morgan town, Jordan knock on the door, Nr. Mayor open the door," the famous hearts, he let them in and closed the door, " the black Mamba made off with my mints what you going to do about," pipe down sir, you already for your first gang wolf clubs, we never run into them before our first to, Tracking scouts Renshaw,, Chessie, Brett, Cora, and Rico be sweet little dears go track for me, they laughed, " you mean tracks?" Yes son think like an Mamba which direction you go with you just stole a wagon full of mint gold coins, don't answer head out talk about why you heading off, we be right behind you be safer, they hiop,and ran it and jump up on their horses and rode off," my nephews w nieces, searching team Frankie, Nancy, Preston, Tonia and Devon look for clues to need to them horse and wagon tracks, Cullen go see what the doctor knows about time of death, Tanner go talk with the banker see what they know about the agin, pay attention and write down your questions and their answers, we got load of work to do, they got up on their hors, " this going to be a while, you know dad and the government want a report, said. Jessie, " then you better get going sis we be behind you once we got don here they rode out of the town, they rode down th hillsides "