
The Garden of Remorse

The Garden of Remorse Destiny, fate, the threads tangled on the vastness of these concepts is mysterious the same mystery applied to our main characters as they played into the hands of mysteries to become enemies to betrayals to hatred to lovers is this the play of fate or is it the play of love atlast all that's left is... The Remorse that this life could've been different if not for themselves

Fake_Daniel · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 7


[Why don't you attend classes?]

Karen asked typing a message as a short reply came through

[I am busy]

His face flushed looking at the message Harry sent through with his head flaring

'this is why i didn't want to take classes'

'just a total waste of time'

He got angry thinking about the reply from Harry while both Klein and balcon attended the class, Harry didn't attend the online class

With his eyes glancing over his message which got a reply after 3 hours, shaking his head he went back to studying

'let's see, i don't really want to be angry but.. '


Harry looked at karen who was sitting beside him open his mouth, Karen's mouth opened chewing out

"Attend the classes please, I beg you-"

Hearing Karen's words Harry raised his eyebrows but still shook his head

"I will attend dude-"

"Please do I'm doing it for your own good right?... wasting my time for you're good"

"Yea no, don't.. say please... I will just attend tomorrow surely"


The conversation ended but still he was curious as he asked karen

"Bro do you know why this guy is hard all time?"

Asking so he put his hands around Karen's shoulders

Pushing back his shoulders he could feel a hand over Karen's shoulder, perking his head he saw Klein

Both Klein and harry had their hands over Karen's shoulders with harry placing his hands over Karen's thighs saying

"That guy you see his girlfriend is over there, her name is Juliet, she and he started dating since the college started"

"I see"

Seeing the curt reply from karen, Klein commented

"He also has a girlfriend"

"Yea I do, bro she is just hmm hmm look"

Saying so Harry started flashing photos, at the age of maybe 18, she had her black hair free styled, lustrous with a smile in the photo with both of their cheeks pressing together

Harry and his girlfriend looked enchanted enough while seeing Harry's eyes and the way his voice sounded he looked drugged like taking shots of cocaine with a flushed expression

Harry pushed back his hair with Karen looking at Klein who closed in towards his face seeing the photos he suddenly asked Klein

"You don't have a girlfriend?"


"But bro does prefer some busty girls no?"

"Yea busty girls are fine as hell"

"Yea he gets it, I like thighs, huge thighs like you bro!"

Replying to Klein, Harry had his hands rubbing slightly at Karen's thighs and winked as he skipped to another photo

Klein stared at both karen and harry with his slim hands he punched Karen not once but twice

Who looked at Klein unfazed as Klein marched his fingers towards Karen's neck

Trying to hold it while his other hand towards his hips

Karen struggled to hold Klein's hands who suddenly lunged towards him to bite his hand

With a nice grip on Karen's chubby hands he tasted Karen's hand

As harry who looked at them sighed but his hands were still over karen

"Stop it! The last time you bit, look here see! see!"

Revealing his sleeves showing a blue and black bite mark with slight blood oozing out

"What do you want me to say? Huh? I should get an injection, you fool!"

Hearing Karen's words Klein started sniggering

"Hee heeh"


"Bro what the fuck are you going to teach today?"

Both karen and Klein started to laugh while Harry who was with them was looking back at balcon who interjected

Klein looked at balcon slightly grinding his teeth as he lunged at karen again to take a bite

"Hey hey hey... Don't bite damn hey you bustard!"

Karen resisted but didn't shake him off as he looked at balcon and sighed

"I will take maths primarily"

"Since you're taking why don't you take all subjects?"

"We'll see"

Karen replied loosely while looking at Klein who raised his hand hitting his face

"Why the fuck are you turing back? Huh?"

Asking so he punched Karen at his stomach


Klein had a smile plastered at his face with his face flushed

'i hate it'

'the shit he turns back for?'

He thought while his eyes could see Harry's hands over Karen's shoulder pushing Harry's hands, he lunged towards Harry

Harry who looked at Klein coming forward startled


He broke out with Klein plucking at his boobs pulling it on, squeezing it

Balcon joined in with him as his hands lunged towards Harry's hips

"Fuckers! Leave me! Leave me! You dipshits!"

Draging him up with his hands lunging towards Harry's nuts

Pressing and pulling it as Harry's pained groans rung near karen who was pressed from all sides

"Argh argh shit! Bro seriously!"

"Yea no!"

Klein also lunged pulling in Harry's nuts as a whole from down


"Heeh heeh"

The group laughed looking at Harry who was rubbing his nuts with a groan and pulled him fully with his legs also getting dragged

"Shit dude seriously!"

He said while trying to lunge towards balcon plucking at his boobs

"Yea shit!"

Balcon attacked while trying to pull at Harry's balls who got up facing towards Harry

Klein who looked at the fight saw karen being crushed pulled him closer while pushing Harry back slapping hard at Harry's butt

With a whole gang laughing pulling Harry towards back

'yea shit! This is what I want!'

Klein thought as his hands went back to scrolling reels while he felt a hand touching his Hair combing it without knowing his smile widened

Karen sighed

'this is getting out of hand'

Thinking as he didn't give a shit about these guys fight looked over at Klein who was scrolling through reels

Klein's hair was diseveled seeing it he sighed again

'i started to sigh more than i thought nowadays still i should get a treatment for compulsive disorder!'

Thinking so he corrected Klein's hair with his eyes scanning through Klein's face and as whole to check

He looked at Klein's shirt button and buttoned it up

"Hey see me!"

Karen commanded as Klein looked up feeling a hand over his hips

Karen looked at Klein with his hands slowly correcting his belt with got undone


Klein's hand imprinted on Karen's face who didn't give a shit

Klein couldn't go around the reason for Karen's behaviour but his eyes shone a little

'he is different'

"I will be back"

Klein said leaving karen alone finally karen was alone as his eyes wandered to his side seeing Harry escape from their clutches groaning and rubbing looking violated

Their fight ended with almost Harry being pulled back pinned over the bench getting several slaps to his butt and his balls with Harry being sure he could've blood through his balls

Rubbing over to relieve the stinging pain he finnally sighed out with head over Karen's shoulder


Karen didn't like it, he didn't want to sit along with these brutes but he hated Harry who just has his head over his shoulders

He looked at Harry whose hair was swaying a little to the window's breeze

While his eyes were starting to close as he heard Harry say

"They are wild aren't they?"

Karen wanted to say something, the words Harry spoke seems wrong for various reasons but still shook his head and remained silent

"Bro what's your dick size?"

Harry asked suddenly karen wanted to scream but was silent as he looked at Harry who got up looking at his face

"Mine is this size"

Harry's hands were big as harry pointed out from his middle finger down to near end of his palm

"The width is-"

He said joining his middle finger with his thumb finger

"Sheesh right? What about you? Hmm?"

Karen wanted to chew out, trying hard to control as he heard him say

"That guy I pointed out earlier, mahir his size-.. no look!"


Karen cursed out seeing Harry show him a dick picture

"Haha, come on dude!"

Harry said with his hands lunging out towards Karen's breast, pressing it

Karen pushed Harry's hands aside, he wanted to curse out but taking a deep breath he looked at Harry



Karen's face flushed as he shook his hands

Klein was grinding onto Karen's arms

"Hey!, seriously?!"

Karen sighed ignoring Harry

Klein's face was flushed as he bit and bit into Karen's hands again and again

'i hate it hate it!'

He couldn't understand why but he felt his heart itch while biting into Karen's hands he calmed sitting his butt back near him with his hands whipping out his phone

Klein couldn't understand why his mind felt buzzing with his heart feeling like it being crushed

But still he focused on reels while snickered making karen also peer towards him and laugh


- harry is weird like, i don't know how I should react like, he just talks to balcon and suddenly looks over and winks!-

- i see-

- yea right? That guy just makes me angry and argh!! He is constantly on about this dick and that!-

- i see but still i pity that guy, gets beaten up to a pulp everyday!-

- no don't-

- but still how's it going with Klein?-

- him? Good god, i don't understand why! He even reports to me when he goes to restroom like listen! He doesnt even let me sit alone, i even saw him waving towards me when leaving-

- ho okay! Did you wave back?-

- no I just turned around?-

- the fuck?-

- yea I just don't assume things easily, like this, so I just turned around to see who he was waving-

- then what?-

- nobody was back, i got slapped haha-

- yea, no shit still he talks with you and spends time with ya more but seeing you, you still look unsure-

- of course I'm unsure i don't really think so he is doing things for me?-

- hmm what about me then?-

- you're different dude, you are exception-

- i see-

- yea okay, i will see ya later, it's already passed 3 hours since we started to talk-

- yea right? We didn't even see the time flowing! still what are you going to do now?"

- yea right?! Studying-

Saying their farewells, karen hung up his phone, he smiled looking at the contact history

It was already 8:45, seeing the time he sighed waiting to see what will happen tomorrow but for now he still had assignments to complete

"I will not sleep until I complete it anyway"
