
Teacher Artemis Shows Her Wild Side

Requiem flushed red at the compliment from Teacher Artemis, but his child like grin got bigger. "Really?" he asked excitedly, like a big, adorable puppy looking for a treat from a new person it's taken a liking to. "Do you really think so? You don't think I'm too tall and too big?" he asked.

Teacher Artemis, who was quite tall herself in her original form – not as tall as Solis or Tygr, but definitely closer to the height of her father or half brother, certainly, than her mother Fenice or Boss Gaia or even Noir, for that matter - moved closer to Requiem so that their arms were almost touching, and measured his height against hers.

"I think your height is perfect," she told him with a big smile, looking up at the pure golden eyes that brimmed with power as well as innocence – a rather unique combination.

Requiem blinked. "Really?" he asked again, almost half in a daze when seeing Teacher Artemis's beautiful face up so close.