
The Gamer of DxD

This is my First Fanfic Serious. Fujitora Akira is a boy who has not done well in life, but for an unknown being he has been given something that would turn everyone upside down.

AstolfoTheFemboy · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Chap 1:The Beginning of Everything

A gamer at DXD.

Initial Episode: The Beginning of Everything.

It was a beautiful night in Kuoh, the stars were overflowing with light while everyone was in their houses a boy ran home because for some strange reason his chest hurt so, when he arrived, he forcibly greeted his parents and went straight to his bed and then fell into it fainting from the pain.

*Hours later*

You can see the boy named Fujitora Akira slowly waking up while opening his eyelids he could see a strange red box with a text which said.

[Hello, Fujitora Akira, I am someone who has seen your life from the beginning, in which you always asked for something to be better so I gave you this gift in exchange for being my entertainment in this long life that you have ahead, go ahead make the tutorial of this gift that I call System.]

There appears another text which said while it had a Y in addition to an N below it.

[Do you want to do the Tutorial?]


In that Fujitora Akira only put Y since so he could know more about this system which seems to help him with his problems which were physical and mental.

[Akira State]

Level: 1 (Experience: 000/010)

Race: Human/Undead.

Class: Necromancer.

Hp: 200/200 – The Life of the Subject.

Mp: 200/200 – The Mana of the Subject.

Energy: 200/200 – The Subject's Resistance


Strength: 10 - measures the physical ability and attack power of the character.

Dexterity: 10 - measures the agility, precision and reflexes of the character.

Constitution: 10 - measures the physical endurance and health of the character, and is related to the longevity of the character.

Intelligence: 10 - measures the character's mental capacity to solve

problems and learning.

Wisdom: 10 - measures the intuition and practical knowledge of the character.

Charisma: 10 - measures the character's ability to persuasion and lead.

Points for Statistics: 20 – Points to distribute among statistics.

Money: $20 - Money that can be used to buy things in the store (Blocked up to level 10)

The character starts with a starting value of 10 on each statistic. Each time the character levels up, he can assign additional points to any of his stats.

The Constitution statistic is related to the longevity of the character. Each character begins with a base age of 18 and a Constitution of 10. The longevity of the character is measured in centuries and is calculated by adding 1 century for each additional Constitution point to the base value of 10. For example, a character with a Constitution of 15 would have a longevity of 5 centuries.

Each statistic has a real-life impact:

Strength: Affects damage inflicted in close combat and the ability to lift heavy objects.

Dexterity: affects accuracy in ranged combat and the ability to dodge attacks.

Constitution: Affects the amount of maximum health of the character and his ability to resist damage.

Intelligence - affects the character's ability to solve puzzles and learn new skills.

Wisdom: Affects the character's ability to find clues and make wise decisions in difficult situations.

Charisma: affects the character's ability to persuade and lead other characters, as well as to get better prices on purchases.

And these are the skills you have;

Player Mind (Passive): This ability grants the character an outstanding mental capacity, allowing him to process information more quickly and have a better understanding of the world around him. Characters with this ability can learn skills faster and can better analyze their enemies, allowing them to find weaknesses and strategic advantages in combat.

Player Body (Passive): This ability grants the character outstanding physical ability, allowing him to be stronger, faster and more resilient than most people. Characters with this ability can train more effectively, allowing them to increase their physical abilities faster than other characters. In addition, their body is more resistant to injuries and they can recover faster from them. Overall, this ability makes the characters more apt for fighting and survival in the world.

Curse of Death: This ability allows characters of the Undead race to have the ability to curse their enemies. Characters can use this ability to cast a curse on an enemy, which causes them continuous damage over a period of time and weakens them in various aspects. The exact effects of the curse may vary depending on the strength of the character and the objective. In addition, the characters of the Undead race are also resistant to the curses of others, which gives them an advantage in combat against enemies who can use magic or similar abilities. Overall, this ability reflects the sinister and fearsome nature of the Undead and gives them a unique advantage on the battlefield.

Class: Necromancer: The Necromancers are a specialized class of the Undead race that is dedicated to studying the dark magic of death and resurrection. These characters can use their Death Curse ability to inflict continuous damage and weaken their enemies, but their true power lies in their ability to control the undead. Necromancers can summon and control skeletons and zombies to fight on their behalf, giving them a significant advantage in combat. In addition, Necromancers also have abilities to weaken the magic of enemies and to strengthen their undead allies. In general, Necromancers are a very specialized class that can be extremely powerful on the battlefield, but also requires a great deal of knowledge and skill to properly handle their skills and spells.

You have an Inventory which has nothing at the moment, but you will get a random box which you can get whatever is of common grade.

End of tutorial.]

In that Fujitora Akira was confused and terrified apparently in his Race since never in his life thought he was a No-Dead so he went quickly to the bathroom and when he looked good, he noticed that he had some slight spots on his body so he was scared, but with the Player Mind calmed him until he reasoned.

While this was happening, in another part of Kuoh, more specifically in the Kuoh Academy you could see two Beauties, one with long crimson hair and blue eyes, and the other with long hair tied in a black ponytail with violet eyes, these were the Onee San of the Academy called Gremory Rias and Himejima Akeno, while they were playing chess, a short-haired girl with white hair walked in while she had a serious and monotonous look, this girl was Toujo Koneko and she decided to speak to Rias who is her president and Queen.

Koneko: Buchou, I found a strange smell and a smell of death near the target.

She said while Rias looked at her thoughtfully since she thought that the Fallen Angels were her enemies but while she thought about that a boy with blond hair and blue-gray eyes entered, this was Yuuto Kiba and they all wore the clothes of Kuoh Academy, in that he tells Rias and the others.

Kiba: Buchou, hear that someone has not come to the Academy, it is called Fujitora Akira.

He said while Rias would sigh and then tell the others while thinking that it was he who released that aroma so he decided to go to Akira's home which was a year behind her.

Rias: We will go to Akira-kun's Home and see why he is releasing that aroma that you say Koneko.

End of Chapter.

(A/N: i'ts my first Fanfic Please don't be rude to me)

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