
Price of Help!

An invisible hierarchy was forming. Even among beasts incapable of speech, a class-based system emerged. It would be unusual if there were no subtle differences in ranks in a situation like this—a place inhabited by people.

"First of all."

At the pinnacle of this pyramid stood Kim Hyunsung, the man responsible for building this shelter. The people here placed a great deal of trust in him, and rightfully so. In a land teeming with monsters, having someone willing to pick up a sword and protect them was a tremendous source of reassurance, especially when that person was as kind-hearted as Kim Hyunsung. It was no wonder that he garnered admiration.

Following him was Lee Jihye, a woman who had gained unexpected advantages from being with Kim Hyunsung. Unlike him, who frequently ventured outside, she spent most of her time within the shelter, managing food distribution, safeguarding the area, and performing other essential tasks. She also had individuals under her command, forming 'Lee Jihye's Unit,' granting her considerable authority. Although Kim Hyunsung was present, they couldn't exploit or abuse their power openly, but such occurrences were inevitable when he was away.

"Then where are we, Hyung-nim?"

"We could say we're just below Kim Hyunsung because of our strength in combat and gathering food." "Umm…"

"They are probably dissatisfied with us right now."

"But at first…" "Initially, they were kind to us. But they must not have liked what happened yesterday. By seeking independence, we essentially implied, 'It's not our responsibility to feed you.' That was likely the breaking point."

"But part of the food they took belonged to us. Isn't it only natural to express gratitude?"

"Indeed, there are people who feel that way, but... it's human nature to keep new powers in check, even within a small group."

"Does that mean Kim Hyunsung is keeping us in check?"

"No, Kim Hyunsung doesn't view this place as his own. The one pretending to rule is Lee Jihye, the one benefiting from him."

"I think I understand now."

"Kim Hyunsung is the figurehead, but she's the one in control. He doesn't have the time to manage this place since he spends most of it outside. Where strength is necessary, the one with power reigns, and where food and shelter are vital, the one who controls them becomes king. Kim Hyunsung holds power, but it's Lee Jihye who holds the resources."

"You mean Lee Jihye?" I nodded slightly.

"Yes, that's right."

"A single extra loaf of bread is enough to win people over and make those suspicious of you leave. Power thrives on discrimination. Jung Hayan is probably one of those who Lee Jihye doesn't favor... That's why she was separated from the group and assigned to tougher tasks."

"Why are you suddenly paying so much attention to Hayan-ssi?"

"In the future, we'll have to keep an even closer eye on her."

Park Deokgu nodded quietly. Observing Jung Hayan was just the beginning. It was an impulsive judgment based on Lee Jihye and Jung Hayan's traits—"Selfish Ambitionist" and "Pure Advocate." Nonetheless, I believed that I might achieve the desired results.

"Hayan-ssi, you need to do your job properly."

"Yes? Okay…"

"Everyone is working hard. Hayan-ssi isn't the only one facing difficulties. In this situation, we must all work together... If you continue with this attitude, we might have to reduce your rations."


"Saying 'yes' or 'no' won't change anything... As you may have heard, things aren't looking good. It's not easy to get food from other places, and we don't know how long we'll have to stay here. If a monster attacks while Hyunsung-ssi is out, we'll be defenseless. That's why building walls is so crucial."

"Yes, I understand. I'm really sorry."

"Tsk. If you don't want to be kicked out, don't slack off and work hard. As we find more survivors, there won't be any space left for Hayan-ssi. I just don't understand why newcomers are so selfish…"

"I'm sorry?"

"It's nothing. Just do your job properly."

"Yes, okay. I understand." She could see the man who had spoken sternly turning away. Subconsciously, she lowered her head.

She wasn't sure what she had done wrong in his eyes, but he seemed dissatisfied with everything she did. No, it was only natural for him to be dissatisfied. After all, it had been a few days, and she still hadn't been able to complete her assigned tasks.

"It hurts." She looked down slightly, seeing her ragged hands. Her fingernails were almost gone. It was painful, but she could empathize with what she had just been told.

"Everyone is working hard." Everyone was doing their best to survive: Hyunsung-ssi, Miyoung, and Deokgu-ssi, who fought the monsters outside, and the people building walls together.

Compared to before, when she had frantically run around on her own, not knowing when she might die, this place felt like heaven. If Miyoung hadn't helped her, she would have been killed by monsters.

As she remembered how she had clung to him almost the whole way here, her face flushed red. It was the first time she had been so close to a man.

In a daze, she raised her head when she heard a voice coming from beside her. "Hayan-ssi, I know you have it hard. Let me take that."

"Ah, Seokwoo-ssi."

"He's probably under a lot of stress lately."

"I-Is that so?"

"Yes, Hyunsung-ssi has been going out a lot lately, so building fortifications is essential right now. Jihye-ssi must be thinking the same thing. We don't know how long we are going to be here, so we have to do everything we can. You'll have to understand."

"Ah, I-I know."

"You seem to be particularly sensitive today. I think Hayan-ssi is one of the hardest working people here… I'll talk to him later. Let's go eat together first."

"Ah… Yes."

"I heard yesterday that Hyunsung-ssi got food from the starting point."

"Oh, really?" "Yes. I heard it from Jihye-ssi, so it must be true."

"That's a relief, hehe." Yoo Seokwoo. He was a man who spoke his mind. Of course, since he was in charge of her, helping her benefited him too, but most of the time he seemed to just want to chat.

"By the way, isn't this hard work?"

"O-Of course it's hard, but there are definitely others who have it rougher."

"But still, it's not an easy job… You know, you could cheat a bit."

"No. I can't even finish the work assigned to me in the first place… I can't cheat. Seokwoo-ssi is injured, but you still work with us…"

"I'm overseeing everything, so I don't have to do much, haha. Actually, I have no problem with this, haha."

While chatting about various things, they arrived at the food distribution table. She could see a few people lining up. Park Deokgu and Kee Miyoung were nowhere in sight; they might have already finished their meal or gone elsewhere.

'It hasn't been long since they came back from hunting.' Surely they would want to rest.

"Line up and stand here. You can wait for your turn."

"Yes." "Ah. Yes."

After receiving their food, they settled down in a nice spot. She could see others gathering together to eat.

A brief thought crossed her mind to sneak over and join them, but perhaps due to her timid nature, it wasn't easy for her to talk or socialize with others.

"These circumstances are hard for them as well."


"I mean the others. It's tough for everyone. No one can afford to take care of anyone else, and in the case of Hayan-ssi, who came here a bit later, they're probably even more reluctant."

"Ah… I-I guess so. A-And I can't do my job properly…"

"No, Hayan-ssi, you work harder than anyone else. With time, when you get used to it, everyone will accept Hayan-ssi. Just like I do now."

"Thank you for taking such good care of me."

"Oh, it's nothing. I just want to get closer to Hayan-ssi." "Oh! So do I. Thank you for always helping me."

Now that she thought about it, she had received a lot of help from this person. From the very beginning, he had been the first to approach her and help her make connections. He had made her time here a lot smoother.

'Thank you.'

It happened while she was placing a piece of bread into her mouth. She could feel Yoo Seokwoo grabbing her hand.

"Ah…" She tried to pull back, but he didn't let go. She turned her head and saw Yoo Seokwoo looking at her. "L-Let go of me. P-Please…" "What?" "L-Let go. Why, all of a sudden…?"

"But just now…" "T-That's not what I meant."

She looked around hurriedly, but there was no one else there. It felt like Yoo Seokwoo's always-smiling eyes had changed a little.

His smile was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a look of ridicule.

"Hayan-ssi." "Y-Yes?" "Did you think that I was doing you a favor?"

"W-What are you talking about?"

"If you are taking something, you also have to give something back. You really don't know shit."

"W-What are you saying? W-Why are you being like this…"

"You know how much I've done for you, don't you?"

"I-I don't know much about that. I appreciate your help, but…"

"You… Are you really that stupid? Or are you just pretending to be stupid? Should I be more direct?"

"J-Just let go of my hand now. Ah, it hurts. It hurts…"

"If you want your time here to stay pleasant in the future, you better be nice to me. You stupid woman. You still haven't figured it out?" His eyes were scary. She had never seen anyone look at her like that before. She didn't even know why things had turned out this way.

What she knew for sure was that she wanted to get out of there.

As she desperately tried to pull her hand away, she heard a loud voice from behind her. "Hey, Hyung-ssi. If you don't want that hand of yours to be broken, you better let go."