
The Game System : Showdown of Power

GAME GAME !? REAL ? OR FAKE ! It was a game-like place, bustling with the voices of confused people wondering where they ended up. To my sadness, I realized I had the lowest skill and felt utterly hopeless in everything. Whether I had to become a mighty fighter or a skilled magician, and even if time had somehow turned back, I knew my only chance of survival was to use every resource available. In that challenging situation, I pondered, [ " What can I do? " ] But the answer was clear: [ " I'll do whatever it takes to survive! " ]

ITSMEKING27 · Fantasie
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87 Chs

I'm Worth the Investment!

[The Enchanted Tome of Ramus Tucker - Saga of the Arcane Alchemist]

[Renowned across eras, the illustrious Arcane Alchemist Ramus Tucker emerges. Once a distinguished figure within the Republic's military, he etched his name as a luminary in the realms of biological transmutation and elixir craft. However, a shroud of enigma veils his fall from grace, an abrupt eclipse that history fails to fully illuminate. Yet, his demise could not extinguish the beacon of knowledge he left in his wake.

Within the annals of alchemy, Ramus Tucker's magnum opus stands eminent - a crystallization of his relentless inquiry. This opulent tome, "The Enchanted Tome of Ramus Tucker," stands as a compendium of esoteric wisdom, eclipsing even the foundations of Basic Alchemical Knowledge.

Contained herein lies the clandestine lore of heroic-grade alchemy, a domain beyond the purview of novices. Its study bequeaths ascendant magic, bolstering the very essence of spellcraft, accompanied by a harmonizing augmentation of intellect.]

'Heroic grade?'

The artifact lay unveiled before me, a relic that justified the feverish fervor of Park Deokgu. Skepticism had no grounds when confronted with this artifact; indeed, modest were its attributes – a mere increment of 1 in both Magic and Intelligence.

Yet, let it be noted that statistics scarcely framed the entirety of this narrative.

Such an artifact, distinguished by its heroic stature, promised knowledge of vast magnitude, transcending my wildest speculations.

As the adage echoes from the lips of Kim Hyunsung: Ji-Chang is the embodiment of candor.

Should this be truly a relic of heroic grandeur, therein shall repose knowledge commensurate with its rank.

"What do you say?" attributed Deokgu, his eyes alight with anticipation.

It was quite embarrassing how this item suddenly appeared out of nowhere. As I glanced at Kim Hyunsung, it was evident that he, too, recognized his mistake.

Making errors was only natural, even for a human being like him, but he seemed bewildered by his inadvertent exposure.

"Where did you get this?" I inquired.

"It was the book from the box earlier. Initially, I thought it was inconsequential, but now it seems like the timing is right..."

"But Hyung would suit being a warlock better..."

"It's a hero-grade item. Since I'm not an alchemist, I couldn't decipher the book, but it's probably more valuable than expected. Considering it's just below legendary level, this would be a wise choice. Most importantly, these items aren't corrupted."

"Still... The Warlock... Hyung..."

Even in this scenario, Park Deokgu persisted in muttering about me becoming a warlock. It sounded absurd to me. The ring we received initially and the bracelet given to Park Deokgu were likely extraordinary items that were hard to find in this realm.

The tale of a treasure chest suddenly materializing from thin air struck me as dubious. Receiving it without any mishaps, even after a hundred attempts, didn't make the story more convincing. Nevertheless, observing Kim Hyunsung's expression, it was apparent he was working to maintain his innocent facade.

I pondered whether he was utilizing an inventory system or employing a concealed store that was not yet accessible to us. The leather bag likely held more secrets than met the eye. Numerous explanations swirled in my mind. My assessments of its validity didn't seem extraordinary upon closer inspection.

With a belief that worrying further was futile, I promptly nodded. "Actually, though the Warlock option is tempting, I believe Alchemist would be more suitable."

At last, a glimmer of enthusiasm illuminated Kim Hyunsung's face. "You've made a wise decision."

"Thank you."

[You have changed your job to Alchemist. Basic alchemical knowledge acquired.]

[Check player Kee Miyoung's Show Details and talent level.]

[Name - Kee Miyoung]

[Title - No. You should try a little more.]

[Age - 25]

[Orientation - Willing Strategist]

[Profession - Alchemist]

[Job Effect - Acquisition of basic alchemical knowledge]


[Strength - 11 / Growth Limit: Normal or below]

[Agility - 11 / Growth Limit: Normal or below]

[Health - 15 / Growth Limit: Normal or below]

[Intellect - 29 / Growth Limit: Hero or higher]

[Endurance - 12 / Growth Limit: Normal or below]

[Luck - 25 / Growth Limit: Hero or higher]

[Magic - 08 / Growth Limit: Normal or below]


[Ramus Tucker's Introduction to Alchemy - Hero Level - Alchemist Only]

[Magic Shield Ring - Rare Grade]

[Talent -Eyes' Check]

[General Comment - You've chosen well. I have nothing more to say, but witnessing your hard work tugs at my heart. Yes, truly. To you, it probably appears as if you've obtained some undeserved items. We hope you possess the ability to comprehend Ramus Tucker's alchemy. Hero-grade items are far too precious to merely be display pieces.]

In a flash of blue light, it was evident that I had indeed changed my occupation. Instantaneously, the fundamentals of alchemy filled my mind.

"Not bad," I mused. It was challenging, but not insurmountable. I smiled, noticing a different expression on Kim Hyunsung's face. It seemed his estimation of my worth had significantly increased. He transitioned from considering me a functional asset to an alchemist with the potential for growth.

"This is favorable," I thought to myself. It meant I had become an invaluable element of his plans.

"Congratulations, Mr. Kee Miyoung"

"Oh... If only Hyung had chosen..."


"Thank you. I appreciate the gift, Mr. Hyunsung. You're remarkably generous with your offerings."

In reality, it was thanks to Park Deokgu's persistence that I received this gift.

"No, if Kee Miyoung grows stronger, our entire party benefits. It's actually more satisfying for me, as I get to contribute."

"I'll live up to your expectations."

As long as that was the case, I needed to strive to meet the leader's standards consistently. Kim Hyunsung had invested in me, and to continue that investment, I had to consistently deliver results. I was his current project, an investment he hoped would yield promising returns.

He'd deposited funds into a venture known as Kee Miyoung, and he likely desired a satisfactory outcome in return.

Even if I were to stumble, he wouldn't abandon me, but he might stop allocating resources if I didn't show improvement. To remain a worthwhile investment, I needed to keep proving my progress.

"You don't have to do that. Haha. Let's rest here for now. If we've walked this far and haven't found a suitable campsite, it seems the dungeon doesn't offer one." Deokgu said.

"Sure. I'll do that. Deokgu?" I asked

"I'll join you after tidying up the surroundings."

Hyunsung nodded in agreement. While the area was uninhabited, it was responsible to ensure our environment was clean.

The extensive tutorial experience appeared to be nearing its conclusion.

Although the survival quest wasn't finished yet, it seemed that Kim Hyunsung wasn't displaying signs of impatience, suggesting that this phase might be the final stage of the dungeon strategy.

Whether it was locating the entrance or dealing with the dungeon's owner, this party was equipped to handle it successfully.

As I turned my head slightly, their figures came into view. A chuckle escaped me as I witnessed Jung Hayan dozing off and Park Deokgu already snoring.

Yet, I remained awake, aware that sleep was imperative for the upcoming day. Or rather, I couldn't sleep even if I tried.

"Alchemy," I thought.

I needed to organize the new knowledge I'd acquired. It wasn't something I could immediately employ; genuine alchemical practices required specific equipment. There were no catalysts here capable of harnessing alchemical magic.

However, studying in advance was only prudent. While it took time to process basic alchemical knowledge, Ramus Tucker's Introduction to Alchemy was still withholding itself from me.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Kim Hyungsung said.

"I can't sleep." I replied.

To thrive, I needed to level up. This drive stemmed from the belief that I shouldn't settle in one place and should continue to improve myself. Essentials like potion formulation, basic Homunculus knowledge, and the relationship between alchemical catalysts and magic were topics I needed to delve into.

I sensed Kim Hyunsung's gaze on me, though he was unaware that I'd noticed. I could feel his rising expectations, his anticipation of my potential accomplishments.

"I'm working hard, my investor," I projected a sense of confidence. It was advantageous to convey such determination on my part.

His satisfaction was palpable when I observed Kim Hyunsung nod in approval.

Time flew by, and morning dawned before I knew it. I didn't even find it in me to sigh, nor did I regret my decision to forgo sleep.

Gradually, the party members woke up and the sound of their conversation filled the air. The atmosphere was far from somber; rather, it was a bit relaxing.

Kim Hyunsung tossed in a joke, and Park Deokgu responded with laughter as if we weren't within a dungeon.

Kim Hyunsung appeared to be allowing himself some rest.

"Is there no dungeon boss?" I wondered.

From appearances, it seemed unlikely.

Kim Hyunsung remained vigilant, but he wasn't on the lookout for a harrowing battle.

"It's just the beginning," I thought.

The journey wasn't over yet. Initially, the extensive walking felt burdensome, but this party slowly managed to navigate out of this ordeal.

While skirmishes occasionally occurred, they weren't overly perilous.

After walking for some time, a slightly different entrance came into view.

"I wonder if a monster will emerge."

"We should enter prepared for a battle."

"Hyung, let me take the lead."

"Please do."

A sizable door swung open, and a familiar voice echoed in our ears.

[Rare-grade mandatory quest activated.]

[Rare Grade Quest - Strategy (0/1)]

We looked around as we entered, but there were no monsters in sight.

Before us stood what appeared to be a temple.

A peculiar magic circle adorned the center, with another door visible on the opposite side.

Park Deokgu dashed towards the door and attempted to open it, but it remained steadfastly shut.

"The door doesn't seem to budge."

"Perhaps there are conditions we need to fulfill. Exiting this place would be a prudent strategy."

That's when I sensed a shift in the situation.

Unlike me, Park Deokgu and Jung Hayan seemed hesitant, while Kim Hyunsung gradually raised his hand as if in recognition.

He channeled magic power gently into the central magic circle, causing it to emit a radiant glow.

Glancing around, I couldn't help but find it amusing how everyone was captivated by the light.

"This is... magic," I realized.

There was no grand puzzle presented in the form of a monster to defeat. The answer to this puzzle was magic power itself, a medium removed from our usual realm.

[Rare-level mandatory quest has been completed.]

[Rare Grade Quest - Strategy (1/1)]

[Rare Grade Quest - Survival (1/1)]


"I understand."

Kim Hyunsung's clenched fists spoke of an accomplishment. Though his emotions weren't on full display, I could discern a sense of fulfillment in his subtle facial expressions.

At first glance, it almost seemed like he was on the verge of tears, but this wasn't the case.

Beneath his sporadically trembling shoulders, the subtle expressions conveyed an immense sense of achievement. My instincts were correct.

"It... it's so beautiful."

"It truly is."

The light eventually gave way to what appeared to be an intricately designed palace.

The lights originating from the floor extended upwards to the high ceiling, filling the space with radiance.

The door on the opposite side began to open slowly, revealing our escape from this dungeon.

"Sunlight," I marveled.

The landscape wasn't what captured our attention automatically; rather, it was the figures clad in armor and armed with weapons.

Approaching us was a woman who seemed to represent this place.

"Congratulations on completing the tutorial phase of your journey. I'm Lee Sang-hee, in charge of this tutorial dungeon."

"Whoa, We made it !" I shouted with excitement.