
The Game Show System? Starting In the Naruto World!

When Jake Woke up he found himself in a small room and all that was in there was a notebook titled. [How to use the game show system!] With this, a whole new multiverse battle started! Follow Jake's story as he learns more about his powers! Starting in the Naruto world!

TheOneWatching · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: So Close to Euphoria

"HOW THE FUCK DID A TRUCK GET TO THE THIRD FLOOR!" Jake screamed as he opened his eyes.

The last thing he could remember was a giant truck somehow flying into the third floor of his apartment building where he was about to Jer--- watch some anime.

"I was so close to euphoria...." Jake said to himself in a small voice as he remembered how he was blue balled by a truck

"Wait a minute, did I make it to heaven?" Jake said as he looked around the white room.

Spotting a small desk with a notebook titled Game Show Inheritance on it, Jake made his way over.

"Do you agree to become a game host? if yes wipe your blood on the circle." Jake read out loud.

'Hmm, this is either a test from god, or I'm in a coma stuck in a weird dream' Jake thought as he read the text.

"Well everyone always said I wouldn't go to heaven, so I might as well see what this is about."

What followed next was an awkward few minutes as Jake tried to bite his thumb open.

"Holy shit, your kidding, right? It can't be that hard to bite through your own skin" Jake said as he saw how red his thumb had gotten.

Without thinking about it, Jake bit his lips as hard as he could.

"Finally!" Jake shouted as he could feel himself bleed.

Taking the notebook Jake wiped some of his blood into the little circle.

[Blood detected]

[Scanning host....]

[Scan complete]

[Thank you for choosing the game show system. I hope to see you again!]

With that the book transformed into lights and went into Jake's mind, soon all kinds of weird and obscure information appeared in Jake's mind.

After a couple of minutes of sorting all his newly gained information, Jake just sat there for a minute and contemplated how lucky he was.

He was now essentially given the powers to host a game show in any fictional universe ever written.

Taking a deep breath Jake quickly thought of how all this came to be.

"Let's see I died and now essentially became somewhat of a god of game shows, and the only way to gain more power is to make game shows that make people emotional or feel strong emotions," Jake said to himself.

"I'M A FUCKING GOD!" Jake Suddenly yelled out loud.

"Wait, let's calm down! We planned for this right?"

After all, who hasn't planned what to do after they became a god of game shows? Right?

"Okay, now let's really start brainstorming!"

Using his new powers, Jake summoned his godly tools, a notebook, and a pencil.

These were his godly tools, with his notebook and pencil he was able to create a game show space where he could bring contests in as well as live stream the whole thing to the world.

Well for now he was only powerful enough to host a game show in one word.

"Since I can only choose one world I might as well pick that one right? After all, Mei and Tsunade are waiting for me after all." Jake said with a wide smile as he remembered what he was watching before he died and how close he was to reaching true euphoria.


My knowledge of Naruto is a little out of whack so if you see anything wrong please tell me, also you might as well consider this Au.

New to writing, please point out any mistakes you see. I pretty much forgot a bunch of details that go into Naruto also so just think of this as A.U

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