
The Game of Undeath

Death, a frightening concept to any mortal who has lived a long enough life. From those young to still not comprehend the nature of death, to those old enough who have been waiting for its inevitable embrace, death is a constant in species with finite lives. What the mortals didn’t know was that Death was alive. A concept, thought to be the end of all life, was actually one that has a life of its own, and it has grown bored for the first time in millennia of doing their job every single day without stopping in keeping the cycle of reincarnation busy. Said boredom gave them an idea to throw a still alive mortal into a different dimension… As a mortal that does not need to fear the concept of Death’s domain. They also gave said mortal a guide in the form of the mortal’s favorite hobby, gaming. With Death at his back (metaphorically of course), Sev, the mortal who Death has picked, must now navigate a world full of madness and insane habitats because there was no way a normal God actually shaped the world he was transmigrated to. Seriously, who in their right minds grabbed all the races ever conceived and placed them into a singular world? Hell, there was even steampunk, magitech, even some 21st century technology bullshit here. The less said about the futuristic weapons and inventions like laser guns, the better. And if that wasn’t enough, the System Death gave him was bare-bones as all hell! Stats that only grow if you allocate your points, some quests here and there, oh, and the best part, no HP and MP bar. So no min-max strategy will work, no matter how hard Sev tries. So yeah, Sev is in it for quite a ride. At least he can’t die, doesn’t mean he won’t feel the pain of having his body torn in half.

IAmGuavaFruit · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Starting Town (7)

"How's Joy?"

"She is getting better." Francisca sighed as both her and Sev walked down the streets clad in their lavish outfits. "Albeit, slowly."

"I see." Sev grimaced at the revelation. True, he predicted that this was going to happen due to what she had experienced, but even then he hoped that it wouldn't be this grave.

They were en route to the Wayfarer's Guild to enlist Sev as a member. Prior to their encounter, Sev bid farewell to the innkeeper and the charming barmaid he had met the previous night. Following that, he headed directly towards The Avian Couturiers to fulfill Francisca's commitment.

"By the way, who is managing your store while you're away?" Sev asked Francisca in an attempt to steer her mind from the depressing thoughts about her other daughter's situation.

"Jade is." Francisca gave Sev a smile as she waved at another pedestrian who seemed to know her. "The little ball of sunshine has a knack for entertaining customers."

"Yes, I can see that." Sev reminded himself of the moment where Francisca's youngest daughter greeted him at the tailor shop. "She would make a fine spokesperson in the future, provided she continues being a receptionist."

Francisca laughed at the thought, her mind picturing the future where Jade gave a sales pitch with a million watt smile.

"You may be right, Mr. Sev." Francisca's laughter gradually subsided, fading into chuckles as the two got closer and closer to their destination.

"Can I ask you a question, Mrs. Francisca?" Sev asked towards the mother, who nodded with attentive eyes. "You said you would help me with my registration, so will you just give me the 1000 Dyns?"

"Oh no, no… Nothing of the sort." Francisca waved away the awkwardness present within Sev's mind. "I could, but that wouldn't be enough to thank you for saving my daughter."

"… Wasn't last night enough?" Sev internally cringed at the excessive charity he was being given by the obviously stacked mother.

"It wasn't, and it will never be enough to compensate you for what you have done." Francisca's stern glare towards Sev was all that was needed to knock the wind off the sails of Sev rejection of charity.

"Alright, alright. I understand." Sev sighed as the two then became silent as the trek came to a halt. 'Never underestimate a mother's love.'

Craning their necks slightly behind, the two looked straight at the open entrance leading to the Wayfarer's Guild.

The noisy hustle and bustle within the guild reminded Sev of the time he went inside yesterday, albeit a little bit shy due to the fact he was now wearing richer than average clothes.

As for why he wasn't ashamed wearing bloodstained clothes into the damn venue, he had no idea. He chalked it up to nerves and the fact he was just isekai'd.

The two then went up the stairs, their presence drawing the attention of members inside and outside alike. Well, most of the attention was on Francisca.

'Must be the looks.' Sev surmised as the two finally stepped foot into the guild. Looking at it now with a refreshed mind, Sev was still mindblown at the absolute scale of the establishment.

Sturdy, wooden floorings that felt like walking on hard concrete but smooth to the touch. Thick, wooden columns the supported the entirety of the structure, a sconce holding some sort of light source present with each column, illuminating the entire floor.

The sound of rustling papers was a given due to the nature of the guild, but what wasn't present at this moment was the fact that there weren't any drinks being served around. Probably because it was morning and most of the people here were readying themselves or their party for a job.

Francisca took a step forward, and Sev followed suit, disregarding the inquisitive and distrustful stares that were fixed upon them. Upon reaching the receptionist desk, Francisca inexplicably managed to bypass the line without encountering any opposition to her decision. As they approached, both she and Sev greeted the receptionist with smiles, Francisca's exuding radiance while Sev's carried a hint of nervousness.

"Good morning, Mrs. Sullivan." The receptionist bowed and focused her attention on Sev. "To you as well, sir. I'm glad to see you are well."

"Ah, right. You were the receptionist yesterday." Sev scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile. "I didn't quite catch your name."

"Selvika, sir." The receptionist introduced herself with a smile, before shifting her attention back to Francisca. "Mrs. Sullivan, what is your business today with the Wayfarer's Guild?"

"A recommendation." At her words, the guild went quiet. In but a single moment, nobody moved, nor speak, their undivided attention resting solely on both Francisca and Sev.

"Oh, that's great news!" Selvika gasped slightly, before quickly plastering a beaming smile on her face. "I assume he is this gentleman over here?"

"You are correct." Selvika gestured towards Sev, to which Francisca affirmed.

"Wonderful! Allow me to get the Branch Supervisor." Selvika stood up from her post and called for a stand-in before booking it deeper into the building.

After the peaceful conversation-cum-business, Francisca decisively ushered Sev away from the counter and into a private room, while the guild members observed the departing figures with a mixture of curiosity and interest.

The murmured chatters then cut off as soon as the door closed, leaving Francisca and Sev to their silence.

"… So, a recommendation." Sev stared at Francisca as she took a seat on one of the vacant chairs available. "I have a question, though. Is a recommendation rare?"

"It is rare, but not that rare for it to warrant utter silence." Francisca sighed as she leaned on the backrest. "Honestly, this branch has an utter lack of decency when it comes to formal settings."

"… So you did feel awkward in the hall." Sev saw Francisca nod as he also took a seat across from her.

"It is the reason why I dragged you in here in the first place." She sighed then chuckled. "Not to worry, however, this is commonplace whenever I try to have a little bit of conversation with the Branch Supervisor."

"Right…" Sev didn't know how to respond and the two sunk into silence as they waited for man of the hour to arrive.

Just 1 today, again. Hopefully I can do 2 tomorrow.

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