
The Game of Destiny: The Tale of Six Tales

"Do you want to play a game?" The angel's voice, gentle yet commanding, echoed in the boundless space. In this vast expanse of the unknown, where white stretched endlessly, a scene unfolded, marked by confusion and curiosity. A serene, angelic figure hovered before six women, each bearing their own mix of emotions. Choi Yuna, the eldest among them, erupted with incredulity. "You have got to be kidding me. I just died and you want to toy with me, are you for real?" Kang Min-ji's voice trembled with uncertainty as she questioned, "Are we really dead?" Meanwhile, Han Seo-yeon's skepticism couldn't be contained. "Wait! So we are like little pawns that you have decided to play with?" The angel, unfazed by their reactions, produced a manual and a map, offering a glimpse into the world they were about to enter. "I'm going to send you to another world, and you will have to conquer a few characters. I'm not really good at explaining all this, but here is a summary of the world and a map." But amidst the chaos of questions and disbelief, Park Hye-jin's voice cut through with a nonchalant tone. "What do we have to do?" Kim Ji-eun's voice, tinged with a hint of sarcasm, added to the mix. "At least I get to live again. Why should I complain?" Lee Soo-yeon, the last to speak, injected a note of excitement into the conversation. "Wow, finally some fun in my life." With a decisive nod, the angel prepared to bid them farewell. "Well, I'll spare you the introductions and move to our farewells. Enjoy!" And with that, the being bestowed upon them a new beginning, reincarnating them into the unknown kingdom of Arcadia. What do you think awaits them on the other side?

MiHea · Fantasie
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55 Chs

Lee Soo-yeon (2)

In the aftermath of the electrifying concert in New York City, the Dainty Divas found themselves basking in the glow of their success. Amidst the frenzy of fans and the whirlwind of excitement, Soo-yeon, known to the world as Aria, relished the rare moment of tranquility. As her fellow members bounded towards the hotel elevator, she lingered behind, savoring the sweet taste of freedom that awaited her beyond the spotlight.

"Here is your room key, Soo-yeon," one of her members chirped, handing her the small, metallic token of respite.

Soo-yeon's lips curled into a serene smile as she accepted the key. "Yay! Freedom," she breathed, her voice a soft exhale of relief.

"Party all night!" another member exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with unbridled excitement.

"And no rehearsals," someone else added, a hint of liberation lacing her words.

As her companions reveled in their newfound freedom, Soo-yeon could only stroke their heads affectionately, her heart heavy with the weight of responsibility. The recent influx of salary had provided a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, allowing her to fund her mother's medical treatment. The news of her mother's potential recovery had washed over Soo-yeon like a gentle wave, filling her with a sense of profound relief.

With a final exchange of joyous exclamations, the members dispersed to their respective rooms, eager to prepare for the celebratory night ahead. Soo-yeon found herself alone in her sanctuary, the soft hum of the hotel room enveloping her like a comforting embrace.

She allowed herself to collapse onto the plush bed, the events of the evening swirling around her mind like a kaleidoscope of memories. Despite the overwhelming sense of elation that pulsed through her veins, Soo-yeon felt a tinge of apprehension creeping into her consciousness. She longed for the solace of solitude, the chance to shed the layers of her persona and embrace the essence of her true self.

With a sigh of contentment, Soo-yeon decided to indulge in a luxurious soak in the bathtub, the warm water soothing her weary muscles and calming her restless soul. As she submerged herself beneath the surface, a sense of peace washed over her, carrying her away on a tide of tranquility.

But her moment of serenity was abruptly shattered by an unexpected intrusion. The voice of her manager, Nadia, pierced through the tranquil ambiance, dragging Soo-yeon back to reality with a jolt.

"Aria, do you plan to sleep here all day?" Nadia's voice echoed through the bathroom door, tinged with a hint of annoyance. "Just because you were given a month's holiday doesn't mean you can be reckless."

Soo-yeon's brow furrowed slightly at the sound of her stage name, a subtle reminder of the facade she was forced to maintain for the sake of her career. "Manager Nadia, outside the spotlight it's Soo-yeon, please," she corrected gently, her tone laced with a quiet determination.

As the warm water enveloped her, Soo-yeon found herself reluctantly pulled back to reality by the persistent nagging Nadia. The gentle rhythm of her bath was disrupted by the sharp edge of Nadia's voice, slicing through the tranquility like a knife.

But Nadia was undeterred, her brow furrowing in disapproval. "Stop acting like the holiday has given you leverage over everything," she chided, her voice carrying a note of admonishment.

Soo-yeon's patience wore thin as she struggled to contain her rising frustration. "No, it has not," she retorted, her voice edged with a hint of defiance. "But it's called a holiday for a reason—to rest, not to die with. I'm tired as it is, can't I have the day to myself?"

Nadia's eyes narrowed in response, her expression growing increasingly stern. "Mind you, you are the leader of the Dainty Divas," she reminded Soo-yeon, her voice tinged with authority. "Such an attitude is unnecessary. You need to be an example to your members."

Soo-yeon's jaw tightened as she resisted the urge to snap back in frustration. She knew that as the leader of the group, she bore the weight of responsibility for her members' well-being. But in that moment, all she longed for was a fleeting moment of respite, a chance to escape the suffocating pressure of her duties and simply be herself.

With a heavy sigh, Soo-yeon sank deeper into the warm embrace of the bath, her mind awash with conflicting emotions. The weight of expectation hung heavy upon her shoulders, a constant reminder of the sacrifices she had made in pursuit of her dreams. But amidst the chaos of her thoughts, one thing remained clear—she refused to let the demands of others dictate her own sense of self-worth.

Undeterred by Soo-yeon's gentle rebuke, Nadia continued her relentless tirade, her words falling on deaf ears as Soo-yeon retreated deeper into her cocoon of solitude. The weight of Nadia's expectations bore down on her like a heavy burden, threatening to crush her beneath its oppressive weight.

As Nadia's voice faded into the background, Soo-yeon found herself consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. Memories of past hardships and struggles flooded her mind, each one a painful reminder of the sacrifices she had made in pursuit of her dreams.

And then, without warning, Soo-yeon felt her consciousness slipping away, like a fragile thread unraveling in the breeze. The stress, the exhaustion, the relentless pressure—all of it culminated in a sudden and overwhelming wave of darkness.

She lost herself in the depths of unconsciousness, her body succumbing to the relentless onslaught of fatigue and malaise. This was the price she paid for her ambition, the toll exacted by a world that demanded perfection at any cost. She eventually drowned in the water.

Outside the bathroom door, Nadia's voice grew increasingly frantic as she realized that something was amiss. With trembling hands, she fumbled for her phone, her fingers racing against the screen as she dialed the emergency number.

"Aria!" she called out, her voice trembling with fear and desperation. But there was no response, no sign of life from within the confines of the bathroom.

And then, with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Nadia knew.

Soo-yeon was gone.

In the silent stillness of the hotel bathroom, a life slipped away, lost to the relentless march of time and the unforgiving demands of an industry that cared more for fame than it did for the wellbeing of those who inhabited its glittering stage.

25th September, 2023...