
Giving Titles

Just when Xuan Yueji wanted to ask Lu Lianhua why he should look at the past history of the oracles, the man had already disappeared from the front, not allowing him to ask.

Since Lu Lianhua refused to explain any further, Xuan Yueji decided to not worry about it or put it as first priority. Instead, in his head, there were many other things he felt that he needed to do.

Honestly, Xuan Yueji just wanted to shake his head at the disbelief he was feeling towards either the Heavens or the Gods. No matter who it was, he was holding a grudge towards them for bothering him at a crucial time in his career.

Naturally, when Xuan Yueji mentions career, he does not mean his job or status as the Grand Advisor. No, he meant his duty as the protector of the dimension, especially the role of protecting Bai Shuixian.