
The Fuhrer ( aot )(completed)

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

Darkraven · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 18


Eren said nothing as he comprehended the sheer stupidity of what Reiner had just done. No, in fact, Eren gave him nothing but a look of disbelief. One where you would facepalm right afterward.


"I said I was the Armored Titan." Reiner continued, pointing at the even more shocked Bert. "And he is the Colossal. It was both of us that day five years back when we breach Wall Maria."

Eren simply blinked out them.

"Come on man." Eren suddenly adopted a bitter smile. "Don't joke around in this situation."

This was the worst possible outcome. Eren never expected the enemy to show themselves like this. He had expected some speculation if they suddenly shoved them in an underground tunnel, however, they could have back up and tanks at the ready.

Eren thought the worst case scenario was dealing with both the Armored and Colossal Titan with only but a few tanks and the Scouts.

He was wrong.

The current predicament he was in was the worst case scenario.

"Eren." Reiner's serious face did not flinch one back. "Come with us. If we bring you back home, you'll understand."

"The stress is getting to you." Eren backed peddled. "If you were really the Armor and Colossal, why would you tell me? Why not lie in wait for a more opportune time to take me?"

"H-He's right." Bert tried to recover his friend's slip up. "The stress is getting to you, so let's-"

"No." He cut off Bert. "We need to take Eren now. Please."

"Eren." It was Mikasa that spoke his name. She was walking towards the group that had lagged behind. Her face spoke volumes of her emotions. Contorted in a snare and a glare, it was obvious she wasn't going to keep up the facade.

With a curse, Reiner attempted to grab Eren. His efforts were met with a severed arm and a sword dug halfway through his throat. Mikasa acted quickly in discarding the sword still stuck in Reiner's body, opting to use the other one to decapitate Bert, despite their orders to keep them alive.

Bertholt moved back, resulting in only his throat being slit.

Realizing she had failed in killing them, Mikasa suddenly took Eren's hand and ran, knowing that they would transform no matter what she did.

And transform they did.

The haze of steam obscured many of their views, but one thing was certain. That steam was that of a Titan.

The two boys known as Reiner and Bertholdt had transformed into Titans.

Eren only had a chance to regain his bearings as he realized he was falling down the side of the walls within the grasp of the Armored Titan. Gazing upwards, he saw the silhouette of the Colossal Titan within the steam. He noticed that only the upper half of his body formed, the rib cage becoming entangled with the wall itself.

It looked like there was nothing he could do in regards to that fight, as it appeared that the current battle was right in front of him.

Eren gave a sigh as he realized he had yet to talk with Rommel or Scott. He had noticed they were there, but with the urgency of getting safely on the walls being top priority, and with Reiner pulling him aside, he had yet discussed anything with him.

A shame. He was curious as to why Rommel stayed at the castle, but when the realization of the Titans moving at night came to mind he now understood. Regardless, he could only hope that he followed protocol with the rest of the equipment.

Now then, as for the enemy in front of him…

Eren bit his hand, tasting the iron that was typically accompanied with blood. However, he did not transform. He waited until the very last moment when Reiner had landed on the ground, creating a crater underneath him.

That was when he struck.

Transforming while Reiner was discombobulated from the fall, he delivered a roundhouse kick in his Titan formed that further grew the crater that was Reiner had made.

Taking a few stepped back, he opted to wait for Reiner to come to him. In fact, he simply didn't want to fight in that crater, as a glance upwards showed that the Colossal was engaging the Scouts up there. However, he couldn't completely disregard it.

His line of thought was cut off as Reiner charged forward, bringing a fist to bare, attempting to smash through Eren's face.

Knowing that the armor on his fist made his blow stronger, Eren opted to deflect it instead of blocking the full force. He was glad he did, as even parrying the blow with the arm led to much of the flesh on the forearm to be torn off by the brute of the force.

Eren would have snared in dismay if he had lips, but all he could do was narrow his eyes. He had already come up with a plan if it ever came down to a fight between him and the Armored Titan. If they simply couldn't pen the armor with their rounds from high caliber tanks, Eren would have to crush the armor bit by bit.

Force via his hands would take time. Not to mention that the blow would destroy his hands. A prolonged battle wasn't in his interest. So he would have to use a few forms of submission holds. Certain holds clotted blood, resulting in the bursting of the veins. If used on armor, it would chip and crack.

It was the only way, but in order for that to happen, Eren would need an opening.

Dodging a blow that disrupted the wind around them, Eren went in for an uppercut. It proved to be a mistake as the blow barely stunned Reiner, causing more damage to Eren then him considering the hand he now had to regen.

It would be difficult, but Eren would do it.

Once again, Reiner came for him. Another blow was aimed for him. Eren concluded that Reiner was trying to decapitate him, that way it would be easier to take him from the nape.

However, when Eren went to parry the blow, he realized there was no weight in the attack.

It had been a feint.

A fist that penetrated his stomach came out his back end. With the other hand, Reiner had opted to sucker punch him in the gut. So much was the force that it completely shattered his stomach as it tore through the muscle.

So that was the result of a direct hit.

Lifting Eren up, Reiner threw him across the small outcropping of trees.

Eren laid there for but a mere second before he rose again.

This was going to be a difficult battle for him.

Mikasa had tried and failed in helping Eren with his battle. She instinctively knew that Reiner had the upper hand with the armor, yet she still felt disheartened when her blades failed to pierce his skin when she slid the metal across the armor.

She was irritated at the uselessness she exhibited as she watched Eren struggle against the armored foe. There was nothing she could do. But she did not despair. She knew deep down that Eren had a knack for coming out on top in desperate situations.

She had never seen him lose in the games he played.

She recognized what he was doing when he pinned Reiner down in a submission hold. The armor began to crack. It was at that moment she recalled on the ride up here what Hange had said.

Armor had its own weak points. Joints needed free movement, meaning such things weren't armored.

So when Eren was lying down on his back, holding Reiner in a grip that would tear open his neck, she launched at the knees.

Reiner, for some reason that went beyond her, had tried to crawl back to the impact point. She didn't think much of it, if it weren't for the desperate glint in Eren's eyes to finish the fight. Something he knew was going to happen that far went above her head.

However, once she realized what it was Reiner had planned, it was too late. While she had slit the flesh behind his kneecaps, it seemed he got to the impact point nonetheless.

Releasing a scream that hurt the ears, and a yell above calling out, she knew just what was planned.

It seemed Eren had realized that as well.

Soon, Mikasa's thoughts were preoccupied with not only Eren, but trying to avoid the large amount of steam from the Colossal Titan suddenly dropping atop them.

That was the last time Eren took a bet.

He knew precisely what Reiner was doing when he moved towards the point of impact in which they dropped from. It was ridiculous and childish for Eren to make it come down all to luck. He either tore Reiner out of the nape before Bertholt fell, or Bert would fall and Eren would lose.

Evidently, since he was currently bound and gagged, he had lost.

Despite that, he heard in his drowsy state Ymir and Bert talking.

A hundred years in hell?

A terrible nightmare?

Eren could only conclude what Ymir was talking about was life as a Titan.

Despite the information that could have been gained, he aroused himself and alerted the others of his watchful gaze.

"Eren." It was Bert that noticed him. "You're awake."

"More or less." Eren observed his surroundings. He noticed Bert and Ymir standing on a separate branch with Reiner by himself, out looking the plains they probably just came from. It didn't go unnoticed that Ymir was not restained.

"So…" Eren looked down, noticing the few Titans clawing at the tree. "How's this going to play out?"

"...You don't seem at all concerned that we just revealed who we were?" Bert spoke with some confusion.

"Did you expect me to get up and start kicking and screaming? With these arms?" Eren waved about his limbless arms.

"Ah, sorry about that." Reiner joined the conversation once he noticed Eren was awake. "I bit them off in a hurry."

Eren gave a sigh. Was the man really apologizing for the situation he put Eren in? Regardless, he had to stall. It was only a thought, but he had to assume that the Scouts, or anyone in the wall for that matter, wouldn't want to lose their last hope.

It was regrettable that he was taken in the first place. A stain on his pride and a bitter taste that he suffered defeat for the first time coming to this world.

Everything he did, everything he accomplished was a victory in his books. He was always in control, but now?

Now he had to rely on the Scouts and hope they can rescue him. As it were, he probably couldn't handle them by himself. He had no gear, he was healing, and there were Titans below him. However…

"Ymir." Eren spoke to the tall girl. "You're a shifter?"

"Yeah." It was all Ymir said.

"Are you with them?"

"Who knows?"

Eren gave a slight twitch of a brow.

"I mean, if I were to choose sides," Ymir continued. "I probably hate you more than Reiner or Bertholdt. You did harm my precious Christa… Rather, Historia."

"You can't seriously pick people who are trying to commit genocide over one man that just irritated you."

All Ymir did was give a shrug.

"What's this about Christa's name?" Reiner questioned.

"Forget that." Eren shut down Reiner before he began. "I just want to know what you guys are doing. How are you guys able to transform into Titans? Why kill off all of humanity? What's this place you want me to visit so badly and why does it require to slaughter every single last human alive?"

Eren refrained from mentioned or letting on that he knew anything about their situation. Truth be told, he probably already had everything he needed to know. But they didn't know that. To keep them ignorant, he had to question these things. Eren never expected them to answer, and he was right to assume.

"We'll leave when it becomes closer to dusk." Reiner complete ignored his questions.

Eren leaned against the tree he was on. It may seem suspicious that he wasn't fighting back, but he decided he needed to preserve his strength. When the time came, he had a feeling the Scouts would be coming soon. When that happened he would need to fight back to stall as long as possible.

They sat on top of the wall defeated. Some had been battered and bruised while others were completely fine, but it was the sole fact that they had lost an indescribable defeat that left them hopeless.

Eren had been taken. The Commander was on his way, but every minute not out there looking for Eren felt like an hour more that Eren was getting farther away.

It was a hopeless feeling that many of the 104th Scouts were feeling, but more so for two certain individuals.

Mikasa and Armin felt like they had suffered a major defeat. Never before had Eren ever lost a defeat like this. The two of them realized just what this meant. They were woefully unprepared to deal with things themselves. They could do nothing as Eren battled the Armored Titan. While everyone would say it wasn't their fault, that no one but Eren could combat that thing, they still felt the slight emptiness in their stomachs.

"Hey," A familiar voice spoke up. "How are you lot holding up?"

Both of them turned to look at the familiar ginger known as Hannes. The Garrison had appeared shortly after the recent defeat they had just suffered. Apparently the Garrison had sent their own squads to ascertain just where the breach was. It was there they found that no hole had been made.

"Odd seeing some noncombatants here. Who are those folks anyway?" Hannes tried to break the stupor they were in, pointing at Rommel and his men.

"Their part of the Rommel estate. I hear they had a base of operation at Utgard and gave shelter to the Scouts. Guess they're here for their own safety as we still don't know the current situation below." Armin couldn't help but answer, however, he still spoke in a somber voice.

"Heh, from what I hear, the mighty Garrison pretty much eliminated all the Titans." Hannes gave a slight chuckle as he swiped his nose in a cocky manner. However, when no response was elected from his current audience he gave a slight frown.

"Alright, alright." Hannes rummaged through a bag he brought with him, drawing out two bars wrapped in paper. "Ration bars. Ain't that good, but you guys need to keep your strength up."

The two didn't even to bother to look his way.

"Hmm," Hannes gave a sigh as he sat down with the two of them, leaving the ration bars in front of them. "Tell me, do you think it is completely hopeless?"

No one responded to him, simply wailing in their own self-pity.

"It's odd, how we all have changed." Hannes statement finally got them to glance his way, if only curious about what he said. "You three use to be so straight headed that you knew what course you needed to take."

A slight chuckle from Hannes.

"I recall how Eren would always get in trouble defending you Armin." Armin gave a slight smile at the memories. "Mikasa would them have to come running to save Eren. Heh, remember when you flipped that one kid like a few hundred times?"

All three of them gave a light chuckle as they recalled the memories of their youth.

"No matter what, Eren would never give up in a fight. He seemed to have the situation totally under control. He never stopped or gave up."

Hannes looked out towards the plains, the direction that Eren was taken.

"I bet he hasn't given up either. He's still fighting, waiting for you guys to come and save him."

The sudden realization dawn on them. They had been sitting in self-pity, simply giving up all hope on rescuing Eren. Or rather, they had felt like they had failed him in not being able to help.

Now, however, it was just the same in the past. Eren had gotten himself into a fight, a fight he was still battling, waiting for them to come and help him out.

Hannes gave a slight smile when he heard the sound of the ration bars being opened and eaten.

They sat like that until the bars were gone. It wasn't long when they heard the sound of hooves upon the ground. A cry rang out, singling that the Commander had come, riding the horses on the wall no less.

Soon, they would all embark back into Titan land to retrieve Eren.

It wasn't enough time for Eren to regenerate complete, but when he heard the shocked voices of Reiner, he knew the Scouts were heading their way. He acted fast, jumping from his branch to the one that occupied Reiner. He was the only threat and their own way to get out of here, as his transformation was the only one they could use.

Only having stubs for arms and semi generated feet, he opted for a low blow, hitting Reiner in the groin, causing him to recoil in pain as Eren delivered a headbutt to his chin.

It seemed that Reiner, however, was more sturdy then Eren gave credit for. It also didn't help that Eren was still recuperating from the fight they had earlier.

It didn't last long, but soon Reiner got Eren into a chokehold of his own, causing Eren to succumb to the hold and making his world grow dark.

The events that played out were one of desperation. They had found the armored Titan, along with Ymir who had seemingly joined their side, if her transformation said anything.

Many casualties were building up as soon as they realized that a prolonged battle in the Titan infested lands would not be an advantage to them. It never was.

However, Eren was within their grasp. They were doing everything in their measure to get back Eren, even having the Commander not only lose an arm, but lead a horde of Titans right into the Armored Titan.

With a heroic move that would no doubt be told for generations, the Commander charged the Armored Titan, slicing off its fingers as well as Bert's makeshift carriage that held Eren.

With Eren free, it was child's play to get him away.

Or so they thought.

Things had not turned out great.

Eren observed coldly as the Titan that had devoured his mother devoured Hannes.

The foolish man had simply stated he would redeem himself, but failed.

They had all failed.

Eren bit his lips as he drew blood. Could he transform? If so, would he even have enough strength?

He swore.

For once, everything was going as planned but then a godforsaken bet had caused all this. He had bet on the fact he could get Reiner out of the hold before he got them both above the drop zone of Bert. He regretted that choice. He had become drunk on victories after victories and thought he could achieve the same thing through his own strength alone.

He should have had a different course of action, but dwelling on such things was useless.

A feeling in the pit of his stomach grew. He never recalled this sensation.

No, that was a lie.

He knew quite well what this feeling was.

It was as if he had drank oil, and an unsettled feeling overcame his stomach. And soon, it was like a match was lit, and the oil became fire. That fire burned his stomach as it reached to his chest. That fire spread through his body, causing him to feel as if he was burning up.

Needles casted all over his body as he felt tears crawl down his cheek. When had he started crying? It didn't matter.

Soon, the fury couldn't be contained, and he gave a large roar as the Titan that had taken his mother and now Hannes reached down to grab him.

No longer. No longer would he let such a creature live. With a swing of his own fist, he brought it down upon the open palm.

That's when everything changed.

The course of the battle, set in stone in favor of those against humanity, changed.

Eren felt the power within him awaken and, to everyone's surprise, caused all the Titans to change their attack corse. All of them, even those who had already captured their prey, abandoned what they were doing to listen to Eren's scream.

They all ran in on direction, towards the Titan Eren had hit.

And they devoured it.

With Eren secured, the Scouts, Garrison, and even a few of the Military Police that joined them retreated.

The Armored Titan had tried to come, but a quick command from Eren caused all the remaining Titans to collided with him, causing him to defend himself and Bert.

With that, everyone made their way back to the walls.

Back home.