

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

S1eepless · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 15

Upon the Commander's shout, the Scouts were off upon their next expedition. The objective of this trial was to test how suitable Eren was going to be in the future outcome of expeditions. That was what everyone was told. The information they received was that Eren was to enforce one of the three fronts: The left wing, right wing, and the spearhead.

The problem was that the information given out to the Scouts was inaccurate. Some said Eren would be on the left wing, others said right, and a few said he would spearhead the front.

This information was given out right before the Scouts left the headquarters. No one spoke of it as they were to busy satisfying their active imaginations of what exactly might happen out there.

Eren half mused that such a thing was inefficiency, but a unique way of trying to find just where the traitors were within the ranks. Although Eren confirmed there were enemies beyond the wall, he never told the Commander who it was. After all, the only one who Eren could convict with the current evidence was Annie. The other two, who he simply had a gut feeling about, were innocent in all ways in regards to the law. Despite that, Eren could do nothing but go along with what the Commander had planned. All he had to do was be escorted by Levi and his squad of elites.

All thoughts were banished from the men and women who charged through the gates toward Titan infested territory. No casualties were made even when a few Titans attacked the rushing formation near the gate.

It seemed some of the veterans handled themselves well, if going against those monsters were any indication of their skills.

When they finally reached open plains, the signal was given to break off into their respective roles.

The Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation was a formation devised by Erwin himself. Eren respected the man who was able to come up with such a formation, for it had indeed helped the Scouts survival rates. It was smart, rather than charge head first into a swarm of Titans, they would simply go around. It was an effective way for them to make ground in what was extremely dangerous grounds.

Eren sat in the safest spot of the formation, right in the middle behind the supply wagons. Eren couldn't help but think that he was being wasted in such a spot. He knew what the plan was, and it infuriated him exactly what Erwin thought of him.

Despite the test and exercises they went through, Erwin believed that if Eren were to go against another Titan shifter like himself, he would lose. No, Erwin wished to capture whatever Shifter came their way. Eren couldn't fathom why, but he realized it was a matter of trust.

He suppose they didn't quite trust him. After all, Eren knew what his abilities were and how to use them. Whose to say he wasn't a spy as well? Right now, it mattered that Eren showed his loyalty. By telling the commander some secrets in advance, this expedition would show who he was truly loyal to.

Mankind, or himself.

Eren couldn't help but smile at such an obvious choice.

It had to be a shifter.

It was naive to believe that Eren was the only one with special abilities. Armin didn't know why, but he just knew. He knew who was within the body. Not how or why he just knew.

It disgusted him.

He knew there was a human in there. Titans so far have killed to eat, but this one killed for the sake of killing. The fact that it was female with blond hair all but confirmed it. He never would have suspected it, but he made the connection to the armor and the colossal Titan as well.

It disgusted him.

He ran towards the center of the formation, the Titan that shared female attributes close on his heels. He realized beyond all that he didn't want to accept the reality of the situation. But after witnessing the deed with his own eyes not once, but twice in the forms of Marco and the two Scouts corpses that laid behind him, he realized what he had to do.

It disgusted him that he didn't do this before. Harden his heart and realize that they were betrayed.

So his following actions would declare that he wouldn't take such a thing lying down.

Casualties were no doubt high. Eren knew this as soon as he saw the yellow flares signaling that the right wing had fallen. His guess was that one of the shifters had led an ambush with multiple Titans, resulting in the swift demise of the wing.

It was only a matter of time before the remnants of the attack came deeper in the formation. However, there was a more pressing concern. Namely what has been dubbed as the Female Titan. A Titan that took the form of a woman, she led the attack and was currently making its way to the center of the formation.

It didn't take that much of a genius to figure out who they were after. Eren was tempted to transform, to run his way towards the enemy, but he withheld himself. It wouldn't bode well to disobey orders. This was akin to a test, to see who his allegiance was too. Eren wondered just how strong Captian Levi was if Erwin intrusted him to Levi. No doubt, if Eren did betray them now, Levi would end him swiftly. They called him the strongest human in existence for a reason.

Despite that, they were nearing the large forest. The trees reached to the sky, making it the optimal environment for the vertical maneuvering gear. It was the ideal place to conduct Erwin's next phase of the plan.

With a sigh, Eren prepared himself.

Only to be startled by the introduction of the Female Titan herself.

Eren narrowed his eyes. Over the course of being in this world, he realized that the Titans no doubt shared physical appearances from when they were human. Without a doubt, he recognized just who this Titan was.

He looked to his sides, to his back, and finally to his front. He saw the panicked looks of the Levi squad. They were yelling at their captain to give them orders, only to be met with silence.

Eren couldn't see the expression on Levi's face, but he had no doubt it held a cool composure.

"I can take her down." Eren spoke above the beat of the hooves and the distant scream of another Scout dying to the Female Titan. "Right now, just give me the order."

"Our orders are to continue forward without looking back." Eren gave a slight twitch to his lower lips to signal his displeasure.

So Eren rode on, not questioning the orders. The Female Titan was catching up, she would soon be upon them.

"Captian…" Eren spoke up again. "Right here and now, what is the choice you truly want? For this beast to continue to kill our comrades? Or to stop it right now?"

Eren knew the plan was to capture whoever was in the Titan alive. You couldn't get information from a corpse. However, with Levi and his squad, Eren had no doubt they could take them down.

However, it was up to Levi to decide. Eren wouldn't disobey orders. To his shock, Levi allowed him free reign.

"I don't know what the right answer is. Never had. Just do what you feel is right. Trust your comrades, or discard them and put all your faith in your abilities."

The way he worded it, Eren had to choose.

To trust them or not. He hoped that his efforts would be returned in kind.

"I'll trust you." Was all Eren said.

A few seconds later, the Female Titan caught up. However, Eren realized it was too late for her to act. He caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye of the equipment that was built specifically for this moment. When they passed, he vaguely heard the word "fire" and then all sound was drowned out by the multiple explosions going off to launch the hooks that would be used to embed themselves inside the Female Titan.

She was rendered immobile.

Erwin's plan seemed to work. The question was, was it worth it?

Levi was a man who had lost count of how many Titans he had slain. Over the course of the time he had been with the Scouts, the lines had blurred between Titans and himself. He hated them, swearing vengeance for what they did. But who was the true monster in this situation?

He had let his comrades die so they could capture this one Titan. A Titan he no doubt could have overcome, but Erwin was too concerned of the unknown. It was the same with Eren.

He saw it on the boy's face. Eren was most likely thinking they didn't trust him. No, on the contrary, Erwin and Levi himself had full faith that the child wanted what was best for humanity.

They simply wished not to use him as to not reveal all their cards. Levi suspected Eren knew about his abilities before even Trost, a talk with Erwin confirmed this. Eren was trusting in the fact that he gave them key information and even plans for the future that Levi himself didn't understand.

Nor that he cared for that mattered. What mattered now was this piece of meat that had killed his comrades and they had them in their clutches. He would rip whoever was in there out and force them to talk.

That was the plan, after all.

However, just as Erwin suspected, the enemy had aces up their sleeves as well.

A hardening like ability kept them from cutting to the nape.

Next was the roar that signaled that trove of Titans.

Levi was simple-minded in a few mattered. But he excelled in cunning and combat. He knew the instant that the plethora of Titans started biting down upon the Female Titan, it wasn't cannibalism. Rather, it was a ploy that the person within the nape used to escape.

They probably hoped that the Scouts would think they sacrificed themselves for the sole reason they didn't want to be captured, but Levi knew better.

And so would Erwin. No doubt, he would figure out the true intentions. However, Levi didn't voice his thoughts.

Because deep down, he wanted that Titan taken down, and he wanted to see how the boy known as Eren Yeager would do it.

He just hoped he wouldn't regret that choice of thinking.

Eren knew the plan had failed as soon as he had seen the flare that signaled the retreat. It was far too quick, and the roar they had heard earlier left a bad taste in his mouth. No doubt the female had escaped and they were currently retreating not due to a successful mission, but rather one that failed.

They began to move, Levi's elites seeming to relax now that the supposed threat had been dealt with. Despite the false sense of security, Eren still kept an eye out on his surrounds. He cared not about the others, so if anything he saw out of place he would do his utmost to save his self.

His plans would come to halt if he were to die.

Another flare later and Eren knew that they were about to engage into battle. The logic behind it was far too simple-minded. When Gunther fired that returning flare at what he thought was Captian Levi, Eren came to the conclusion that it probably wasn't.

Well, he didn't know for sure, but it seemed illogical for Levi to come directly for them. He seemed to trust the squad enough to ensure the protection of Eren, so he had no reason to regroup this instant. Especially if that flare was meant to say that the mission was a success rather than what Eren thought meant was a failure.

Perhaps he was overthinking things?

Being in a high place of power, a place with nothing but smoke and mirrors, paranoia must be getting the better of him.

Eren gave a sigh as he zipped forward with the group, wondering if he shouldn't be so worried all the time.

Maybe things have finally gone the way the Scouts wanted.

Apparently not.

The bisected neck of Gunther was met with stares of shock and disbelief as he simply hung from the tree he was still connected to due to his vertical maneuver gear.

The rest of the squad seemed to gather their bearings fast, faster then Eren would have expected.

"We have to move, now." Eld seemed to take charge, completely ignoring the death of his comrade.

Nothing else was said as they moved, only noting the flash of silver that indicated a sword was being swung their way, Eld, specifically.

However, he reacted quicker, holding up his swords in a cross-section pattern to block the attempted blow. Clash of steel and sparks emitted from the force of the blow. They spun around while still interlocked in a battle of duration to see who would give to the other's strength.

It was foolish to think that the petite assassin would be able to hold off a grown man like Eld. They seemed to realize that because they soon disengaged and flew behind the flying scouts. Eren gave a slight twitch to his lips in a show of displeasure.

That was probably a mistake.

His quandary was proven right as a blast of green light assaulted their eyes, leaving them to look back and notice the presence of the female Titan.

So the plan was a failure.

"Eren!" It was Petra this time, voice full of distress. "Go on ahead, we'll handle her here!"

Eren wanted to voice that they had a better chance if he transformed and battled the opponent together, but then he realized this was the perfect opportunity.

A flash of realiztion over came it, realizing exactly what he wanted.

Humanity's strongest warrior. A plan began to form, a spur of the moment thing. If Levi's skills lived up to even half of what the rumors said…

"Alright." Eren responded. "I'll trust you."

And with that, he let those of the Levi squad do battle with the Female Titan.

He let them get slaughtered.

They put up a better fight then Eren would have thought.

He was on the ground, staring at the recent corpse of Petra smashed against the tree as the Female Titan stood before him. They had good formation and synergy despite being one man down. But they all died regardless.

Still, it looked like they did sufficient damage to the user. No doubt they had been battling all day long, with at least two confirmed transformations. The user was definitely on their last leg.

Eren didn't wait. The Female Titan had yet to heal the other eye that she was now focusing on. Eren didn't allow that. Taking a move from the now deceased Levi Squad, he shot forward for the remaining eye of the Titan.

This seemed to surprise the person in question, as the only remaining eye widen a margin. Eren gave a smirk as he felt his blade make contact with the eye, slicing it over and over before he finally passed her entirely. She no doubt thought he was going to transform to do battle, so it must have come as a surprise when he opted to use his gear.

It was hilarious that the person within thought he would need to use his Titan form to battle them when herself was running on steam.

Eren didn't bother going for the nape, because he knew she would use that crystal power she revealed earlier when blocking Oluo's attack, so instead he went for the tendons on the heals.

Two quick slashes had her kneeling down, as her feet could no longer hold her up.

Eren knew that it was only a matter of time. He would transform to bypass that crystal power and capture the enemy.

Eren knew this, and so did the Female if the snare on her face was any indication.

However, Eren landed on her head, deciding to take a different course of action.

"You can come out." Eren spoke calmly. "I am sure you are aware the end of this fight is already decided. Let's make things easier, wouldn't you say."

Eren's statement was met in the form of a hand that swatted him off her head. Eren maneuvered out of the way before any damage to himself could be done, but it was just the distraction the Female Titan needed, as a burst of steam and the sound of vertical maneuvering gear being used indicated that the Female Titan returned to their human form and ran away.

Eren caught a glimpse of the figure as they fled. Hood still drawn, he allowed them to escape believing their identity was hidden.

Eren couldn't help but give a half effort smirk.

For he already knew the identity of who was within the Titan.

He had chosen wrong again.

Levi realized this as he looked at the corpses of his team. They had been slashed, bitten, crushed, and swatted like bugs.

Had it been a massacre? No, if the boy in front of Levi indicated anything, it was they fought well enough for the kid to finish off the Female Titan.

That, at least, gave him some comfort.

"Where is she?" Levi spoke up to Eren as he landed beside him.

The response Eren gave was a nod towards the corpse of Petra. Levi grit his teeth in a slight show of anger that he had been holding down.

"I meant the Female Titan."

"Oh," Eren said as he raised his brows slightly. "I thought you meant your lover."

"She's not-" Levi began, but then stopped, realizing fighting a battle like this would be useless. "Female Titan. What happened?"

"They told me to let them handle it. So I did." His response angered Levi, but there was nothing wrong with what he said. The boy was following orders and the judgment of his peers.

"However, they failed to take down the Titan. So, when the enemy came to me, I had no choice to fight."

Levi did nothing as he simply looked up in the sky, observing the steam as it dissipated from the corpse of the Female Titan. It seemed surreal, but the reality was much more brutal. Had he become so accustomed to loss that he could no longer grieve for those fallen? He felt a sting of pain, but no tears fell. Not like they did for Farlan and Isabel.

He took another glance at the only female within his squad. Eren's words rang in his head again. Was she something special to him? Well, it didn't matter now he supposed. Such was the grave reality that was bestowed upon them.

"I couldn't have done it without their help." Eren broke the silence. "The Female Titan was seriously injured. I didn't even need to go into my Titan form to bring her down."

"She got away?" Levi asked, not bothering to acknowledge what Eren said as it didn't stop the slight pain in his chest.

"Yes." Eren gave a firm nod.

"So that's that, huh?" a sardonic tone leaked from Levi's voice.

"Not quite." Eren spoke.


"I believe I know who is the person within the Female Titan. You knew before that she was a shifter like me, correct?"

"Who?" was all Levi said.

"A person that infiltrated the walls when it most likely fell during that attack five years ago. Someone who has trained with the military and is well aquatinted with the tactics that we use."

"Who." Levi didn't ask this time, but demanded.

Eren looked at him, then back towards the place that the Female Titan ran towards. Long gone was the corpse, as it had completely evaporated.

"Her name is Annie Leonhart" Eren finally release the information Levi was looking for.

"And she was the one that caused this massacre today."

"The Scouts have returned from their expedition. The Führer has made contact with the messenger and has given us the report."

"What does it say."



"We are to begin preparations for plan 'Kalvarienberg'..."

"...So, The Führer desires for the first stage to begin? Something must have happened during this expedition for him to want to move up the plan so quickly after his debut to the world… Regardless, we're heading to Utgard Castle to personally see that all equipment and personnel are operational and ready. What of the Kräfte?"

"They are currently being trained in a secluded area. I will inform them."

"Good. Send out the message to all operatives. Our agents in the military Police, those in Induristal city, any and everyone. Tell them that operation Kalvarienberg is a go.

"It's time for the Calvary to rise"