
The Fox, Red

Meet The Fox, Red; destined for greatness by the hand of fate to become a beast of legend. But how he uses his power is up to him. Follow Red as he's thrust into a world he never knew existed and learns the ins and outs of his destiny.

TheBirdBlue · Aktion
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113 Chs

The Night Before

It is safe to say that the damage that I caused last night will be in effect for a while. The motel I am staying at has posted a sign that local crews are working to repair the damage but are estimating that it will take weeks to get power back in this area. The motel is offering to assist people in finding new accommodations. I asked if I could stick around here instead. It'll give me some privacy if everyone else is gone. I can live without power for a while.

The church has more than enough resources for me during the day so that I can live without power at night. If anything, the quiet will help me sleep better. It'll take me back to when I was living in the cabin. The amenities were simple. Power was provided but it was minimal. I relied on a fireplace to keep warm but there were a few lights to read to.

I'll just have the sun until it sets. After that, I can make a small magical flame to provide some light. That release of energy set me straight. I'm able to function. I'm able to move without restriction. It's rather weird seeing part of this town shut down. There are signs up with handwritten notes saying that they have no power and will open as soon as possible. I took a day to travel around to see how far it had gone. I have to say, I am impressed. I know some of this is from cascading failures caused by major points being affected but I really haven't used the full extent of my power.

One day I'll have to test it. To see what I can really do with everything at my disposal. For now, it is one week until the broadcast. I can't help but feel someone's eyes staring at the back of my neck as I move around. I begin to wonder if I've garnered too much attention. The church congregation has been out in force talking with people in secret. Every time I walk in there are new faces there with excitement and surprised looks on their faces. Some were lured with curiosity that maybe this legend existed. Come to find out, that it does! Now, I don't have all nine tails but they are beginning to believe that I have the power to gain the rest. I don't need that kind of inflation on my ego.

I think the best part of all of this was even in my absence they kept working. They were out talking to people, getting them to look at this a new way. They've reached out to both churches. As I expected, the rebellious of the two does not want to assist. I can see their point on it but they need to stay out of my way and not interfere. That warning to them was made incredibly clear with evidence. The more chaotic church has agreed to calm down. They want to see the destruction I bring, and depending on how things go, they just might but I need them to understand that I need the support rather than the rash action of a few… overzealous individuals. Any negative press or actions made by them will only hurt.

All of this is leading up to the broadcast. We still have one more week. At that time the guys who have been working on their signal will use that to take over everything for a brief moment. I'll deliver a message to the world. Once that is out there, I'll have to be ready. I know there are many people out there who are going to continue about their lives. There are going to be those who will take this as their sign to come forward and show their magic to the world.

The ones that I worry about are those who have worked so hard to keep this a secret from everyone. I know there are governments that use mages for their own purposes but hide them from the world. They are the ones who are going to be the hardest ones. They are the ones who are going to come after me. They have the power to do so and the motivation. I plan to throw off the entire balance of the magical community so it can flourish. Those who do not want that are the ones who want to keep it for themselves.

The few people I have gotten to speak with who are magic users that have had to hide it all their lives are all looking forward to being able to breathe for the first time. They offer any knowledge that they can, resources they have, and any support. All I ask is that they please keep their head down for now and share their information about this change with those who would be interested.

I need numbers. I need support. Once I blow the top off of this, those who will want to try and suppress this will do their damnedest to do that. The more people who are out there and telling the world that "Yes, this is real. Yes, this exists. And yes, you can do this yourself!" the harder it will be. It's almost as though I need an army of my own. Which reminds me… I wonder what General Parson is up to. He's been awfully quiet after our visit.

I'll worry about it when the time comes. My focus is needed elsewhere. This broadcast needs to go off without a hitch. I have many people helping me pick words and clear things up for when this happens. I need to ensure that the message is clear. It boils down to that magic is real, it's always been around us, and those who practice should not be worried about hiding it any further. One thing I have to make clear. One thing that I have to make absolutely certain of is that fears need to be quelled.

Magic users have been suppressed for so long that I worry this change will give them too much of a boost and try to become the top and subjugate the non-magic users. While at the same time, I need to ensure that those who want to suppress magic do not. This is a delicate balance that I worry will need to be dealt with by force. In any group, no matter what, there are those who believe in the extreme. The current system relies on the taboo that magic cannot exist in public. That those in charge swoop in to remove those that use it and clean up the mess. I do not want to do the same. I need to ensure that this new balance is kept.

That is why this broadcast is so important. I am addressing everyone. I am ensuring that they know the truth about the world around them and give those who have sat by for so long can finally come out. I express this to everyone I work with and they seem to understand. Every set of fresh eyes comes in and reads what's written down offering their perspective on it. They all provide good feedback to one another. There are the occasional squabbles that I have to step in to mediate with but they get resolved.

I go back to my hotel room at night thinking about the marked up piece of paper sitting on the desk. All the revisions, all the words, and hope that the meaning that I want to portray comes through. There is so much on the line. I'm placing the entirety of my reputation. I am telling the world that I exist. That I am a mythical being of unknown power that has historically brought about ruin and destruction. But my goal remains the same. This power is mine to use as I see fit and I wish to share it. I wish to see what it can really do. I wish to see the world change for the better.

My mind races at the possibilities and the worries. I don't sleep well but I push forward. More revisions! More arguing! The tech work is done and a quick test is completed. Everything blipped for less than one second. My engineers showed me on the broadcast where their signal took over for 1/100th of a second across multiple countries. No one should notice and no one will come looking until after the long broadcast. Which is another thing! They have instructions that when the broadcast is completed to pack everything up and move it. I have a feeling that this setup will be needed again at a later date. Yet I can't have them come in and shut us down.

The broadcast is tomorrow. I lie in bed looking at the darkness of the powerless area I've been hiding in. There is only so much I can do. I want to get this over with but I have to wait. We have the time picked out to reach the largest audience that we can. It will be early morning. Everyone has been on pins and needles. Everything has been double and triple-checked. I've been assured that we are ready to go. If any problems occur, we are ready to deal with them.

I close my eyes but I'm not sure that sleep ever comes for me. I can clearly hear my thoughts as they swirl in my head. The what-ifs and could-be all seem to be looming overhead. But I've made my decision. This is the best bath forward for everyone. Maybe I am the creature of destruction that some claim me to be. I'm destroying a barrier that has been standing for a long time. But Phinnis may have been right. For there to be new, there must be the destruction of the old.