
The Fox's Shadow

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Whispers From the Void

Naruto felt his chakra cut in half from the jutsu that Zeratul used inside his mind. He registered that he was waving through a long line of seals before he slammed his hand on the ground and watched as a black mass formed up in front of him.

Hinata herself was looking at the mass in confusion as she could tell that Naruto didn't seem to know exactly what he was doing as his eyes had glossed over as his chakra exploded.

The mass of shadows soon took on the shape of a bipedal figure about 8 inches taller than Naruto. Slowly distinct characteristics began to form as it had an elongated head. Its knees seemed to be bent backwards and seemed thinner than a normal mans. It only had three fingers and had three large toes.

Then it's clothing formed and its skin started to turn a dark purple. It was wearing a tattered cloak with a large gauntlet on its hand and a wrap covered its face. Two piercing green eyes stared out of the wrap as it turned to Naruto.

"Zeratul? What the heck is this?" shouted out Naruto in surprise.

"En Taro Tassadar Naruto. I believe by mixing the small amount of psi energy in your mind I was able to create myself a body. However, it seems my time is limited." Explained the Templar.

"I thought you said you were stuck inside of me?" asked Naruto.

"Not all things are set in stone young one. You two should get back to doing what needs to be done. Don't worry about the Hokage…I will look after him." Said Zeratul as he exploded in a mass of black.

"What was that?" squeaked Hinata.

"Oh that was Zeratul…don't worry he is really nice." Reassured Naruto.

"Okay…what are we supposed to do Naruto?" asked Hinata.

"My clones have already moved out to positions across the village to help in the evacuation of civilians. All gennin are to also help, but I don't see any of us doing something like that." Said Naruto as he looked at the battle to see Three large snakes being summoned into Konoha and smashing through the gates.

"It seems Orochimaru wasn't surprised if Sand turned on him. They probably ambushed many of the sand ninja before they knew the Kazekage was dead." Sighed Naruto.

"What are we going to do?" asked Hinata.

"I'm going to help with the summons. Pervy Sage taught me the summoning jutsu and I can't wait to see it in combat." Said Naruto.

"What about me?" asked Hinata nervously as she was afraid of being left alone.

"You need to find Kurenai-sensei. I'm sure she needs you for something. I'm sorry but where I'm going there is going to be a massive amount of fighting." Said Naruto.

"Please be safe." Replied Hinata.

"I will." Said Naruto as he hugged Hinata and kissed her briefly before jumping off the roof of the arena and heading in the direction of the closest snakes.

Hinata watched him go with worry before she turned and jumped down in the arena next to Kiba and Shino.

"Hinata! Where have you been?" asked Kiba in surprise.

"I was with Naruto. He is going to help at the walls." Explained Hinata as Kurenai shunshined in front of them.

"Team 8 we are to go to the academy with Team 10 and defend it from attacks from Sound." Ordered Kurenai as they nodded as both teams jumped in the direction of the academy.




Hiruzen Sarutobi the 3rd Hokage was a very powerful ninja even at the age 64 which didn't happen too often in his chosen profession. In his glory days he could take on an army and perhaps win, but now old age had slowed him down.

He was facing not only one of his students, but both of his teachers that he learned everything he knew from. The snake had resurrected them in the most evil way possible and was forcing them to fight.

One on one Hiruzen knew that he could beat Orochimaru, but with the past two Hokage's here the odds were against him.

"It seems we will have to fight Hiruzen." Stated the 2nd with a somber expression on his face.

"Last time we fought you lost in under a minute Monkey Boy." Said the 1st causing Hiruzen to grumble about his old nickname.

"It would seem so. I promise I will release you from the control of my wayward student." Stated Hiruzen as got into a stance.

"You are a fool Sensei…you don't actually believe that you will be able to take out all three of us by yourself do you?" mocked Orochimaru.

"He will not be alone." Came a deep resonating voice in all of their minds.

Beside Hiruzen a mass of shadows exploded revealing a humanoid creature wearing dark violet robes with blue skin and neon green eyes.

"Who are you?" asked Hiruzen with caution.

"I was summoned by one your favorite unpredictable ninja Hokage." Said the creature standing there.

Hiruzen's eyes widened for a second before smiling in anticipation. If this being had as much power as he could sense then perhaps the village was not lost. Damn Naruto should've at least told him about having the ability to summon some creature.

"Interesting…this creature seems to be giving off a presence of power that is quite great. It will be interesting to examine its remains after you die." Stated Orochimaru.

Both past Hokages looked at the creature with raised eyebrows before they both smirked. "I do believe that the Will of Fire is still burning brightly." Said the 1st.

"I do believe you are right dear brother." Answered the 2nd.

"Enough of this talking! Attack and kill them!" commanded Orochimaru as the 1st immediately created a thick forest on the roof of the building that prevented any sunlight from getting through.

"I will take out the two Hokages. You handle your student. En Taro Tassadar." Stated the creature as it merged into the ground similar to Naruto's ability, but much faster.

The two Hokages looked at him in confusion before they both jumped back as Zeratul emerged between them and tried to take the head off of the 1st Hokage. The 2nd charged Hiruzen, but Zeratul was already in front of him allowing Hiruzen to charge Orochimaru.

"Damn!" cursed Orochimaru as he ducked under Hiruzen's kick.

"This ends here Orochimaru!" yelled the 3rd as he launched a large fireball at Orochimaru.




Naruto quickly made it through the village, as he knew it like the back of his hand. Every once in a while he would be confronted by a chuunin ninja from Sound, but Naruto just made a few clones to deal with them before moving on.

Soon he was at the sight of the battle between a large snake and a large group of shinobi that were firing jutsu at it. The snake kept shrugging off each attack and would smash into buildings randomly.

In the corner of his eye he saw a large toad appear and crush one of the other snakes so that meant the Pervy Sage was fighting. Good, now he could show Konoha that he had what was needed to protect the village.

First, though he needed the snake out of the village so his Toad didn't cause more damage than the snake. Quickly he ran at the snake while dodging attacks from his own village.

As he reached it he jumped as high as he could and started to run up it's scales to the surprise of some of the ninja. It didn't take long to reach the snakes eyes. Where preceded to shove a Rasengan straight into the pupil.

The snake screeched in pain as blood poured from its eye and thrashed around in disarray. Thankfully it spotted Naruto with its other eye and charged at the blonde that was now on Konoha's wall.

Naruto jumped back at the last second to narrowly dodge the snakes jaw. Taking into the size and speed of the snake it is completely plausible to say that the wall gave way.

"Damn this thing is huge, but I know something even bigger!" declared Naruto as bit his thumb and slammed his hand on the ground outside the wall.

Soon he was towering over the walls of Konoha and even the massive snake that stood across from him and what he was standing upon.

"Why was I summon…oh! It seems like Orochimaru is back in the village!" came the voice of Gamabunta.

"Yeah, he's fighting the Hokage right now Boss! Could you help me get rid of this summons so I can get back to helping him?" pleaded Naruto.

"Calm down Gaki! I'll help you this time considering the fact that I have a personal score to settle with the snakes. However, when this is over I demand that you have a drink with me!" declared Gamabunta.

"Deal! Now let's get rid of this snake!" Declared Naruto as Gamabunta pulled out his Tanto and stood defiantly in the face of the snake.

It was at this precise moment that the snake struck. Gamabunta jumped to the side narrowly avoiding the jaws of the creature. Gamabunta quickly countered with his Tanto and sent the snakes head flying into the forest.

"Well that was easy…" stated Naruto.

"What did you expect brat? I am the Boss while this was just some snake! The only one that would remotely give me a challenge now would be Manda. Summon me when this battle is over and we will have that drink." Stated the boss.

"Thank you Boss! Don't worry I will when everything has calmed down." Replied Naruto as Gamabunta disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Naruto landed close to the wall and quickly made his way to where the snake had smashed through so he could continue the battle. It took less than a minute to reach the hole, but before he made it through the wall he heard something that made his blood run cold.

"Well it seems like our mission is even easier than I thought it would be." Came a deep voice from behind him.

Naruto turned around and stared at two men dressed in black cloaks with red clouds on them. One of the men was blue and looked like a shark, but the other was well known to him.

Ever since the wave mission he had studied the bingo books of Konoha and no other name stood out more than the one before him. Itachi Uchiha…the brother of Sasuke and the killer of the entire Uchiha clan.

"Itachi Uchiha…" breathed out Naruto as he backed away a little.

"It seems the kid knows of you Itachi. I wonder if he has any idea who I am?" stated the shark like man that Naruto recognized as 'The Monster of the Mist' Kisame Hoshigaki.

'Damn this! There is no way that I would stand a chance against one of them, but two! I have to stall for time and hope someone comes to help.' Thought Naruto as sweat rolled down his face.

"Naruto Uzumaki…my organization has a need for you. Come along with us and I will promise that you will not be harmed." Stated Itachi in an emotionless voice.

"What is your organization called? I'd like to know more about it before I make any decisions about my future." Replied Naruto with any confidence he could muster.

"We are the Akatsuki…we are in need of people with your…condition." Replied the Uchiha.

'They want me for either the Kyubi or my shadow chakra, but I doubt it's because of my shadow chakra. They have to be after the power of the Kyubi and if I've learned anything its that I can't survive with out the fuzz ball.' Thought Naruto.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to decline your offer on the grounds that I doubt I'd live too long with ninja as…famous as you two." Answered Naruto.

"Brat sure has done his research. No matter it would be easy just take him by force and remove his legs." Stated Kisame as he grabbed his massive sword.

"Just be quick about this fight as the battle could end at any moment and it would be bad to have the entire village after us." Stated Itachi as Kisame smiled.

"Don't worry this brat won't last more than a minute." Stated Kisame as he approached Naruto.

"That's what you believe.' Stated Naruto as he made a sign and summoned ten clones to attack Kisame at once.

"Clones?" questioned Kisame as he swung his sword and knocked all ten away with a single attack.

"You wish!" replied Naruto as he launched an air bullet at Kisame.

Kisame simply raised his broadsword up to block the attack. The bullet impacted against the sword and simply dispersed before it had an opportunity to explode and do any damage.

"Damn the rumors about your blade are true…Samehada the Shark's Skin, able to absorb chakra by simply touching it. A truly dangerous weapon in anyone's hands due to it's features.

"Your actually pretty smart for a brat. Why don't you just surrender and save yourself the trouble of losing at my hands?" asked Kisame as he hoisted Samehada onto his shoulders.

"Well I won't lie and say Samehada isn't intimidating as hell, but then again so was Zabuza's blade. Luckily Zabuza left a little something to learn how to use…although I doubt I'm at your level, but it should keep that blade of yours away." Said Naruto as he pulled out a scroll in his jacket.

"What are you spewing brat?" asked Kisame.

"I'm saying you aren't the only one with a giant blade!" yelled Naruto as he unsealed whatever was on the scroll to only reveal Kubikiribocho in his hands.

Despite the size of the blade Naruto looked to have no problems at all holding the massive the blade that was nearly twice as tall as he was. Naruto was crouched down in a predatory like manner with the blade parallel with his arm.

"You know no one ever knows that I grabbed this blade. When I first got it I honestly wondered why I would ever have use for something this big, but now I think I grabbed it to fight you." Said Naruto as he smiled a feral smile at Kisame.

"It's been some time since two of the seven blades have clashed against each other. I wonder if you will be able to give Zabuza any honor in wielding his blade." Stated Kisame as he ran at Naruto.

Naruto jumped high into the air while rotating his body and using the momentum to attack Kisame. The two blades clashed in a shower of sparks, but Kisame pushed Naruto back with little effort.

Naruto used Kubikiribocho to twist his body around and launch another attack at Kisame. Kisame easily blocked the attack with his own feral smile on his face.

"You will need to better than that to defeat someone of my caliber with one of our blades." Stated Kisame as he attacked and drove Naruto back 10 feet with a single attack.

"Futon: Drilling Air Bullets!" yelled Naruto as he shot off a steady stream of air bullets from his mouth.

"Suiton: Great Wall of Water." Stated Kisame as he shot a large amount of water out of his mouth that morphed into a large wall of water that blocked the bullets of air.

Using the distraction of the Air Bullets Naruto merged with his shadow and connected with Kisame's own shadow.

Kisame removed the wall of water to find that Naruto was no longer in his sight or was he detectable by Samehada at all.

"Where the hell did that brat go?" asked Kisame completely unaware of Naruto beginning to emerge from his shadow.

"Watch it!" warned Itachi just in time for Kisame to avoid a fatal wound delivered by Naruto. However he wasn't able to completely avoid the attack and received a deep gut across his back.

"Damn that brat!" declared Kisame as Naruto was now poised to strike him down.

Right before the blade connected Itachi blocked attack with a single kunai with very little effort showing in his eyes.

"You are stronger than what we believed Naruto Uzumaki." Stated Itachi.

"You aren't the first to underestimate me." Gritted out Naruto as he pushed even harder against Itachi.

Hiruzen was fairing well against his former pupil as the other two factors of the battle were being handled well by the mysterious summon. The surprising fact was that it was even with both of the former Hokage before him.

Luckily he didn't have to worry about the other Kage as he fought against Orochimaru in a fierce melee between the two of them. Despite the odds being even the battle was far from over.

"Well Sensei I won't lie and say that I'm not surprised about how well you are doing today. But this ends here!" yelled Orochimaru as he pulled out Kusanagi, that was somehow lodged in his throat.

"So you draw out that poisoned blade of yours? Guess I will have to call on one of my oldest friends to fight that off." Said Sarutobi as he ran through the summoning seals and summoned The Great Ape King Enma.

"It is good to see you old friend. I guess it is time to correct that mistake from years ago huh?" asked the great ape.

"Indeed it is my old friend. Please help me correct that mistake I made years ago." Stated Hiruzen.

"I will, but don't take too long. That sword of his should still be able to hurt me despite me being as hard as diamonds." Stated Enma as he transformed into his staff form.

"That old monkey can't help you now old man!" yelled Orochimaru as he charged at Hiruzen like he was a snake.

Hiruzen dodged the attack instead of blocking and lashed out with his staff, but Orochimaru easily evaded the attack, but Hiruzen spun around and attacked faster than before.

Zeratul was fairing well against the previous Kage, but when face against two legends of the past that happened to be brothers, most strategies were doomed to fail.

Both Kage were able to work perfectly together to fight against the ancient Protoss Hero. The only advantage on Zeratul's side were centuries of experience and the manipulation of void that was unrivaled by any of his race.

Zeratul blinked away right before a large dragon of water smashed into where he had stood. He reappeared above the 2nd and shot at the unprepared Kage, He drove his warp blade deeply into the 2nd.

However, he had to jump back to avoid a wooden spear aimed for his head from the 1st. This gave the 2nd just enough time to regenerate from the normally fatal wound that was delivered.

'These two will generate no matter what I do to them. I guess my only chance will be to either utterly destroy them or contain them. The Void Prison should be able to hold them, but will it be enough to last till the end of the fight?' thought Zeratul.

The two Kages once again came charging at Zeratul while launching jutsu to keep him moving. Thankfully Zeratul easily dodged everything and merged with the shadows to escape their sight once more.

"You are a very interesting creature. More than once you have completely escaped every one of our senses and attacked us before we knew where you were. I guess the legends of the great shadow users were true." Stated the 1st.

"So there are records of my people living on this planet years ago after all? I had believed they had all been destroyed after the great battle." Said Zeratul

"No the records are now lost after a large battle before this village was founded. However, from what we gathered your people came from the stars and made a stand on this planet and won at the cost of your existence." Said the 2nd as the two Kage looked around.

"Indeed we did. The collective energy of my people is directly responsible today for the chakra that you Terrans now use. After all the being known as the Jubi was created from an explosion of all our energy combined." Explained Zeratul.

"If that is indeed true than it is an honor to fight such a legendary being such as yourself." Stated the First.

"Likewise." Came Zeratul's voice from behind the 1st.

The 1st had no time to react before Zeratul's warp blade completely bisected him in half across the waste. The Templar wasted no time at all and trapped the bisected Hokage in a field of blue static energy that prevented him from moving at all.

The 2nd quickly came to the aid of his brother, but could do nothing a Zeratul blasted him with a wave of Psionic energy. This allowed for Zeratul to trap the 2nd in yet another Void Prison.

"It pains my heart to see two warriors such as this desecrated in the afterlife. En Taro Tassadar!" Stated Zeratul as turned to join with Hiruzen and kill the snake that had desecrated the two souls now trapped by him.




Naruto stared defiantly back at Itachi as the Uchiha's eyes shifted quickly into the eyes of the Magenkyo Sharingan. It was at that moment he saw Itachi's eyes spinning rapidly before his world faded to black.

Naruto opened his eyes and quickly noticed that there were several things wrong with where he was. First, the sky was red and the ground was black. Second, there was a giant moon basically covering half the sky before.

"Where the hell is Itachi?" questioned Naruto.

As if answering his question a portal opened up before him and Itachi stepped out staring at Naruto. "Welcome to the world of Tsukyomi Naruto Uzumaki. Here I control space and time and am the god of this world for the next 72 hours.

Naruto suddenly found himself pinned to a cross as the landscape shifted around him to show the village completely destroyed. "What is this?" asked Naruto.

"This is the result of a demon…or should I just say you?" said Itachi as he appeared in front of Naruto.

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto as a loud roar echoed in the distance.

"You are destined to lose control Uzumaki. One day the Kyubi will be unleashed and you will be forced to bear witness as the Kyubi kills your loved ones. It is after all the destiny of you Jinchuuriki." Stated Itachi as the roars were getting closer.

"I would never let the Kyubi go!" roared Naruto in anger at the Uchiha.

"You can fight it all you want Naruto, but this is your fate." Stated Itachi as a creature covered in dark crimson chakra smashed through a damaged building.

"What the hell is that?" shouted out Naruto in shock, but he didn't need to ask the question. He could make out a body in the chakra and it was quite obvious that it was himself.

Suddenly a large group of people suddenly appeared before the demonized Naruto. They were all changed to the ground preventing them from moving. On their faces were expressions of horror and surprise.

The chakra on the chakra Naruto suddenly sucked back into itself and revealed a Naruto dressed in black robes with blood red eyes. It smiled evilly as it approached the first of the people chained up.

"What are you doing! Get away from them!" yelled Naruto as he thrashed against his bonds.

"This is your fate Uzumaki." Stated Itachi as Demon Naruto grabbed the first victim. It was revealed to be a the terrified Iruka.

Demon Naruto slowly dragged out Iruka despite the man's pleading trying to reach his old student. However, Demon Naruto just smiled and grabbed a large blade and decapitated Iruka.

Naruto along with all who were tied up screamed in horror and rage as Demon Naruto smiled in satisfaction as blood coated his body.

"STOP THIS! I'll kill you!" yelled Naruto as he continued to fight the bonds on his wrists despite them cutting into his skin.

Demon Naruto smiled at him as he went back to the group of people who he counted as his precious people. Demon Naruto reached forward and grabbed someone else causing them to scream in terror.

Naruto's heart dropped at the sound of the person screaming. Despite the tone of the voice he knew the voice as well as he knew his own.

Demon Naruto was dragging the most important person of his life to the place where he killed Iruka. Hinata Hyuga struggled and pleaded with Demon Naruto to let them go, but Demon Naruto just smiled in response before slapping Hinata.

"Let her go! I swear I will kill you! Please just let her go!" screamed Naruto as tears came from his eyes. He had struggled so much against the bonds that wires that were holding him in place had cut straight to the bone.

That mattered little to Naruto as he still fought with all of his might to save Hinata. Demon Naruto had forced her to her knees facing the real Naruto.

Hinata looked up at Naruto and their eyes met for a few seconds. Hinata smiled sadly at Naruto before she mouthed out three words that broke Naruto's heart right then there.

"I Love you…"

Naruto cried out in anguish as Demon Naruto drove a kunai straight into the temple of Hinata causing her eyes to roll up to the back of her head. Demon Naruto smiled wickedly and kicked the body to ground before licking the blood straight off the kunai.

"71 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds left to go." Stated Itachi with no emotion as Naruto screamed in pain and anguish.

On the outside it took no more than three seconds for this to all go on. Kisame blinked once before Naruto started screaming in pain. Itachi dropped him to the ground quickly and leaned back to avoid an arrow aimed for his head.

"It seems things have gotten a little more difficult." Stated Itachi as he turned to see four Konoha jounin ready to fight him and Kisame.

"You have a lot to answer for Itachi Uchiha stated one of the jounin who was carrying two swords.

"Who are these trash?" asked Kisame in wonder.

"These four are quite the team…even able to give the Ino-Shika-Cho formation a run." Stated Kisame.

"Arashi and Dung…take on Itachi. Arashi your Fareyes should be able to dispel any genjutsu he uses against you. Joe and I will take on Kisame and don't forget these two are S-Rank criminals." Stated the leader who was the tallest with tanned skin, brown eyes and brown hair. He had two swords drawn out and looked quite serious.

"Well it's nice to see that you put Dung against the clan killing traitor! It's not like we could do some thing like that Oni!" yelled out the one with a bow and arrow. He had golden tan skin with sky blue eyes that contained a gold circle surrounding the pupil, and fiery red hair with gold streaks in it.

"This is going to suck…" stated the one known as Dung in a pessimistic voice. He was with dark brown hair tied into a girlish ponytail on his back.

"He put you two against him because your abilities put you at an advantage against Itachi. Oni and I should be able to handle this monster." Stated the biggest one of the group. Joe Gren was his name and he stood at 5 foot 8 inches with about 220 pounds of muscle on his body. The guy was built like a tank and carried a massive polearm.

"Finally I can get to kill some worms!" exclaimed Kisame as he brandished Samehada and smiled in glee.

"Don't underestimate them Kisame." Stated Itachi as he pulled out a kunai.

Orochimaru was starting to his limit in techniques as he was forced to fend off perhaps the greatest Shinobi ever and a summon that he could barely sense. He quickly shot out two snakes at Sarutobi, but they were batted away. Ducking under the glowing blade of the summon Orochimaru swung Kusanagi at the summon, but the creature blinked away.

"Surrender Orochimaru! You cannot hope to fight the two of us!" declared Hiruzen as he clutched Enma tightly.

"Kukuku…you think that you can win just because you've sealed both the past Hokages? You are even more senile than I believed!" laughed Orochimaru, but inside he was worried.

"In an normal circumstance he would be able to beat Hiruzen by himself, but now after fighting both enemies for the past few minutes he could feel himself getting tired.

Every time he had a chance to end the battle that damn summon would appear and nearly decapitate him. Now he didn't even think he could take on Sarutobi and win. Twice now he had been forced to shed his skin, but that technique had limits and he was at his.

He sported numerous shallow cuts and burns that covered his body. If one on one it would be old age vs. injury and chakra exhaustion. Now factor in this last opponent who was about as strong as Sarutobi…at least in the shadows, this battle wasn't looking good.

His thoughts were quickly interrupted by a searing pain in at the elbow of one of his arms. He jumped back and noticed that one of his arms didn't follow.

Seething Orochimaru elongated his neck and shot at Zeratul with Kusanagi sticking out of his mouth. However his face impacted an diamond hard surface that happened to be Enma.

Orochimaru went flying and landed at the edge of the barrier close to two of his Sound Four. Zeratul and Hiruzen approached the defeated Snake Sennin slowly creating a dramatic effect.

"This is the end my old student." Stated Hiruzen sadly.

"I will not be defeated!" stated Orochimaru defiantly, but his strength was leaving him.

"Would you like me to do the honors?" asked Zeratul in a respectful tone.

"No I will do it just like I should've years ago." Stated Hiruzen.

"Very well…it seems that I'm out of chakra. I must go…En Taro Tassadar." Stated Zeratul as he poofed away.

Hiruzen slowly made his way to Orochimaru, but at that moment three paper bombs landed before him making him jump back to avoid the blasts. When the smoke cleared he saw Orochimaru and his bodyguards making their escape while his ANBU chased them.

"Sir, we have secured most of the village with most of the fighting happening around the walls. We have suffered minimal casualties since Sand backed out quickly and the repairs will be minimal." Stated a bear faced ANBU.

"Thank you Bear…I want you to find me my Student Jiraiya and Naruto Uzumaki I have a mission for the two." Stated Hiruzen.

"Sir!' shouted the ANBU before he disappeared.

"I hope she finally comes back…" muttered Hiruzen as he walked towards the edge of the arena.

"The Will of Fire will always burn on as long as the Leaf stands." Stated Hiruzen as he glanced at the faces of the past Hokages.

'I wish you could see your son now Minato….he has become quite the Shinobi.' Thought Hiruzen with a proud smile.




Things could be worse. Thought Hinata Hyuga as she helped a few of her clansmen protect the Hyuga Compound. They hadn't been attacked in force due to them being at the center of Konoha, but they still had to fight.

Hinata had realized that it wasn't probably Sand's priority to attack them, but since they weren't fighting any more most of the attackers weren't even attacking. Hinata had already helped defeat three chuunin from sound.

The one she had just disposed of was a chuunin too, but she had taken him down all by herself. The bastard had even insinuated on taking her away from the village to be his prize. Pig…if she would be anyone's prize it would be Naruto who took it.

Looking over the compound she had noticed that her clan had already rounded up or killed everyone of the Sound attackers. Leaving her to do as she pleased with the rest of the invasion.

"Hinata-Sama! You must return to the center building so we can look after you." Shouted a branch member.

"I can't there is still fighting going on in the village." Replied Hinata quickly.

"Sorry Hinata-sama, but Hiashi-Sama has ordered me to bring you back. We will be sending forces out to help defend the village no matter what. You can take a break now." Said the older Hyuga.

"If father has ordered you to bring me back then I shall follow you." Stated Hinata sadly.

"Don't worry Hinata-Sama everything will alright in the village." Stated the Hyuga.




Itachi had his hands full fighting the two jounin before them. It must have taken them years of working together to have achieved this level of teamwork. One would use lighting with his taijutsu and the other would fire off arrows to put Itachi off guard.

However Itachi wasn't an S-Ranked criminal for nothing and proceeded to show why he was to be feared. Neither ninja was able land a serious blow due to genjutsu and an impressive use of the substitution.

It was frustrating to say the least when Dung would use a powerful lighting release technique only for it to show that he aimed for a genjutsu when Arashi would dispel it.

Still despite them not winning, it was enough to keep Itachi away from his prize, which was a semi-conscious Naruto. The boy would mumble and yell incoherently every few seconds.

"This is starting to get tiresome." Stated Itachi as his eyes morphed into that of the Magyenko Sharingan.

"Shit! Dung don't look into his eyes no matter what!" yelled Arashi as he shot three lighting infused arrows at the criminal.

All three struck at once, but Itachi merely dispersed into a flock of crows showing that he was nothing more than an illusion.

He never noticed Itachi to suddenly appear behind with a kunai aimed at his kidney. Thankfully for him though Dung was already there with a kunai to block the attack.

"Damn this…" grunted out Dung as Itachi dispersed into another flock of crows.

"We need a plan…" stated Arashi as he had an arrow ready to be fired.

"Jiraiya is on his way. We just have to hold him off a little longer." Stated Dung.




Meanwhile the other two members of their squad were fairing pretty well against Kisame. The two relied on mostly close combat with very little ninjutsu so Samehada wasn't being used at it's best.

"You two are starting to annoy me!" yelled Kisame as his Samehada clashed with the pole arm of the large ninja against.

"I'm sorry, but I do not take kindly to murders." Stated the man in an elderly sort of way.

"Duck!" yelled the other ninja as the large leaf ninja ducked under Samehada allowing his partner to have an open hit on Kisame.

Both his blades cut into the body of Kisame, but no blood flowed out of the wounds…only water. Promptly Kisame burst into a puddle of water revealing himself to be a water clone.

"I won't lie…that nearly had me there, but you two are not strong enough to stop me." Laughed Kisame as he shot a few water bullets at the two causing them to scatter.

"Once you are alone you are nothing!" yelled Kisame as he appeared above the one with the twin swords.

"Oni!" yelled the larger one just in time as Oni brought both blades up into an x to block the attack.

It didn't take a skilled eye to see that Oni was just barely holding the block as Samehada inched closer and closer to the man.

"Doton: Earth Spears!" yelled out the larger one as Kisame jumped back to avoid being impaled by three spears that shot out of the ground.

"Thanks Joe that was close." Stated Oni as he wiped sweat from his eye brows.

"We can't hold him off…" stated the older ninja.

"No we can't…but we will give him everything we can before we go." Stated Oni as his swords ignited into twin flame swords.

"Indeed." Stated Joe as he readied his Polearm.

Both of the jounin charged at the same time with perfect synchronization, but Kisame easily followed their moves. Then at the last second, both seemed to glow before exploding with a massive bang a few feet away from Kisame catching him off guard.

"That was a pretty neat trick…I couldn't even tell that those were clones." Stated Kisame as the smoke cleared to show him with massive burns across his tattered cloak.

"That injury would should've killed him." Stated Oni.

"Oh it would've, but Samehada here absorbed most of the chakra before it hit me. Speaking of that chakra." Stated Kisame as chakra leaked out of Samehada and surrounded Kisame making his burns disappear.

Both ninja looked at each other before launching their most powerful jutsu at the man, but once again he came away with nearly no wounds.

"This is just pathetic…" stated Kisame as he approached the two only to be intercepted by a kick to the face courtesy of a rather large toad.

This caused all fighters to stop at once including Itachi and the two they he fighting. "The Great Toad Sage has arrived!" yelled Jiraiya from on top of the toad.

Itachi immediately jumped to Kisame's side with a kunai at the ready prepared to fight. "We are leaving Kisame. There is no way we can defeat Jiraiya quickly enough to make our escape." Stated Itachi as he gazed at the ninja standing against him.

"Maybe next time then Itachi." Agreed Kisame as he hoisted Kisame onto his shoulders.

"We will take our leave now." Stated Itachi as he prepared to jump away.

"Don't let them get away!" yelled Jiraiya as Arashi fired off two arrows at once toward the Uchiha.




"Where am I?" asked Naruto as he stood up to find himself in pitch black room that seemed to be completely empty.

"You are back in your mind Naruto. You suffered a terrifying mental attack from that genjutsu and the only way your mind could adjust was by shutting itself down temporarily." Came the voice of Zeratul as he appeared before Naruto.

"Zeratul? All I remember are those eyes and then…" suddenly images came rushing back into his mind of having to watch all those he cared about dying before him at the hands of himself.

"Focus young one. What you saw was merely a hallucination of the finest caliber. That reality you saw could happen, but only you have the power to make your own destiny." Stated Zeratul.

"But what if the Kyubi overwhelms me? I'll kill everyone no matter who they are or what they mean to me! I'll become a monster!" screamed Naruto as tears ran down his cheeks. Images of Hinata being killed in different ways filled his head.

"That is exactly why it will never happen. You would never allow yourself to do such a thing Naruto. Your love and beliefs are strong enough to fight all hatred in the word! I once knew a man of your species who led the human race to victory over the ancient enemies of my race for his love. Such traits are what make humanity strong! Your species never gives up despite the odds stacked against you. This is more true with you than it is for nearly any other!" explained Zeratul as images appeared behind him of a man fighting the Zerg and of Naruto doing things that many deemed he would never do.

"How can you have so much faith in me?" asked Naruto in a low voice.

"Because you never go back on your word! That is your Ninja Way and you have lived up to that way beyond what any other has in the past!" stated Zeratul as Naruto smiled a bit before hugging the alien before him.

"Thank you…" muttered Naruto as the black room shifted back to the plains of Auir that he was accustomed to in his mind.




Itachi moved to jump, but found himself rooted to the spot he was before and saw a long black shadow wrapped around both of this feet preventing him from moving. The shadow linked back to Naruto who was sweating profusely and looked ready to pass out.

The surprise in his eyes quickly turned to pain as both of Arashi's arrows connected with his body. One was lodged in his shoulder and the other in his thigh. Itachi grunted as he broke Naruto's shadow and jumped away a bit slower than he normally would of.

"This isn't the end Itachi…" muttered Naruto as he passed out and hit the ground.

"Sir, do we go after Itachi now that he is injured?" asked Oni to Jiraiya.

"No…we have to get Naruto to a hospital now. Besides Itachi won't be coming back here for some time now." Stated Jiraiya as he picked Naruto up and turned to the team of Jounins.

"Watch this part of the wall until help arrives." Ordered Jiraiya as he jumped into the village looking for anyone who would help.

"Damn that bastard Orochimaru! I will finish him the next time I see him! If he hadn't attacked then Naruto would be okay!" ranted Jiraiya as he landed outside the hospital to see they were quite busy with the wounded.

"I need some help! My apprentice was subjected to a severe mental genjutsu!" yelled Jiraiya as many of the nurses and doctors refused to even show him the time of the day.

Now normally Jiraiya would understand why no one was helping him, but despite it being busy there were enough doctors for at least one to come over and help. Thankfully one just coming out of the hospital spotted Naruto and Jiraiya and rushed over to help.

"Hurry! I will get a few of my nurses around to help the boy. Just take him to his private room with me." Stated the doctor as Jiraiya followed quickly behind.

"What do you mean private room?" asked Jiraiya.

"That doesn't matter. What happened to Naruto to put him into that sort of state." Questioned the doctor as he eyed Naruto's pale body.

"He was subjected to a severe genjutsu by Itachi Uchiha. He fought off the effects and used the last of his chakra to aid in injuring the Uchiha." Stated Jiraiya as the doctor looked panicked at what the boy went through.

"We have to hurry! There's no telling what kind of damage Itachi did to the boy!" exclaimed the doctor as they reached his room.

Jiraiya quickly laid Naruto down on the bed as he watched the doctor and a few nurses move around the boy hooking up with a few machines.

"You need to go get Inoichi Yamanaka for us! Only a high level Yamanaka can possibly fix or seal off the damage done to the boy!" exclaimed the doctor as Jiraiya nodded and jumped out of the room.

It didn't take Jiraiya long to find the Yamanaka Clan compound as he knew his way around the village like the back of his hand. Seeing as normally the Clan Heads would be defending the compound he found Inoichi on his wall conversing with both Shikaku and Chouza.

"Inoichi! We need a powerful Yamanaka at the hospital now! Naruto was attacked by Itachi Uchiha with a very powerful genjutsu and he is unconscious right now." Yelled Jiraiya

This one statement caused the three Clan Heads to look grim. "Don't worry Jiraiya I will go help Naruto myself to ensure he is okay. I'm sure everything will be fine here." Stated Inoichi as Jiraiya looked relieved and followed him to Naruto's room.

When they reached the room Inoichi started to examine Naruto in order to see if the boy was displaying any signs of being severe emotional distress. After a few minutes he finally looked up and answered the unspoken question.

"I do believe that he has managed to see the illusion for what it really is. I doubt that he will forget what he saw though. I can see two outcomes happening to the boy the first is for him to completely shut down and refuse contact with the world and the last is to forge on ahead and be more determined. Only time will tell though." Stated Inoichi as he looked at Jiraiya.

"Any chance you can search his mind and see if it is intact?" asked Jiraiya.

"Gladly." Stated Inoichi as he used his Mind Walking Jutsu to search Naruto's mind.

At that moment three people burst into the room at once looking for Naruto. The first was the Hiruzen Sarutobi looking a little worse for wear, the second was Kakashi who had a few cuts on his body and the last was Hinata Hyuga looking scared for Naruto.

"Naruto!" shouted Hinata as he latched onto his arm and held it dearly despite the people in the room.

"How is he Jiraiya?" asked Hiruzen.

"He is fine for now, but Inoichi is inside his mind trying to see if there is any permanent damage." Stated Jiraiya.

"What do you mean? What happened to Naruto?" asked Hinata.

"Naruto experienced a very traumatizing genjutsu that rendered him unconscious by Itachi Uchiha. For now Inoichi is in his head fixing any damage that was done. Don't worry your boyfriend will be fine." Stated Jiraiya as Hinata blushed deeply.




Inoichi landed on a ridge overlooking a massive valley dotted with temples and shrines that he did not recognize at all. In the sky he could see numerous objects flying around each other with explosions everywhere.

"What is this?" asked Inoichi not expecting an answer.

"A battle that happened long ago before the age of Shinobi. This was a staging battle for a grand battle to come." Said a voice behind that turned out to be Naruto.

"This is your mind Uzumaki?" asked Inoichi.

"Yeah, sometimes. Other times though it is a sewer that represents the cell to the nice old fox." Said Naruto.

"Really? Are you feeling alright Naruto?" asked Inoichi as he could tell the representation of Naruto looked tired.

"Would you be alright if you watched an evil version of yourself kill the ones you love in the most horrific ways possible? I don't even know how I will be able to face my friends least of all her." Stated Naruto in a sad voice.

"Your speaking of the Hyuga girl that you are dating?" asked Inoichi.

"Is it that obvious?" asked Naruto.

"Love is a powerful thing Naruto. It can cause people to do rash things. Don't push her away though it would break both of your hearts to do something like that." Stated Inoichi.

"Your right, but I'm always going to fear that I will snap and try to hurt her. It has almost happened before." Stated Naruto.

"Then strive to tame and control the Fox. It has happened before and I am sure that you will be able to control it yourself." Stated Inoichi.

"I'm going to try and if that doesn't work then I will do all in my power to make sure the Fox is locked up for good and never does anything to hurt anyone ever again." Stated Naruto as he started rub his eyes badly.

"Something wrong with your eyes?" asked Inoichi.

"Ever since that genjutsu was placed on me my eyes have been burning like hell. It is starting to get annoying, but I'm sure nothing is wrong since this is only in my mind." Stated Naruto.

"That is true…I will have to leave now and report. I'm glad to say that it doesn't seem like there are any adverse effects." Said Inoichi as he shimmered and disappeared.

"So do you know why my eyes are burning?" asked Naruto.

"Whispers from the Void tell of a prophesized one that would have the eyes of a god." Stated Zeratul.

"That doesn't help…" deadpanned Naruto.

"All in good time Young One." Stated Zeratul.




It had been a two days since Naruto had been admitted to the Hospital and the village's repairs were nearly complete. The walls were taking a little while to build, but having three snakes smash through it does that to a wall.

Another thing that came out of the aftermath was a new alliance with Suna stronger than before. It remade the rules so Suna would no longer have the short end of the stick when it came to deals. Gaara had even come to Naruto's room and told Hinata to tell Naruto that he was deeply sorry before leaving with his siblings.

Around 3 p.m. on the second day Naruto finally woke up to find Hinata sitting at his bed reading a medical ninjutsu book she must have gotten from a doctor. Naruto at first just wanted to get away from her, but Inoichi and Zeratul's words came back to him.

He couldn't bring himself to do something like that to her. It would break her heart if he did something like that and to be honest it would break his too. So instead he sat there staring at her with a small smile on his face.

She sat there for a whole five minutes just reading her book as Naruto marveled at the fact that she had yet to notice him. So finally he got fed up and decided to alert her to his presence.

"You know you're cute when you're focused like that." Stated Naruto causing Hinata to squeak and bolt of the seat.

"Naruto!" yelled Hinata in surprise and happiness as she hugged the boy as much as she could.

"Are you alright?" she asked quickly after Naruto had given her a quick kiss on the lips.

"I'm okay I just saw some things that shook me to my very core. It seemed real and the pain was unbearable." Stated Naruto as he started to scratch his reddening eyes.

"Damn my eyes are irritating!" stated Naruto as he rubbed them even harder.

"Are you okay? Should I go get a doctor?" she asked in worry.

"That won't be needed Ms. Hyuga as I am already here." Stated the doctor as he went over to examine Naruto.

"It seems that your pupils are wide and blood is rushing to your eyes. I haven't seen something like this before in sometime, but I'm sure that everything will be alright in the end." Stated the doctor.

"I have only one question will he be good enough to go on a mission in the next three days?" came the voice of Jiraiya from the window.

"Yo Pervy Sage! How is everything? Did you get that Teme Itachi in that battle or did he escape and is everyone okay? Also, what did you mean by mission?" asked Naruto quickly.

"Easy there Gaki! Itachi was able to escape as we had more pressing issues to deal with at the time like the invasion and your condition. So far from what I have learned everyone you know made it out of the battle okay and well. Last, you and I have a mission from Sarutobi to go look for my former teammate and bring her back to the village." Stated Jiraiya as Naruto looked at him curiously.

"What about Gaara and the Sand Village?" asked Naruto.

"Gaara came in yesterday before he left. He wanted to tell you that he was sorry and that you showed him the light." Answered Hinata.

"Yes, and the Sand Village now even has a closer alliance with us here. You know what they say "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". Well they want Orochimaru's blood after he killed their Kazekage." Finished Jiraiya.

"I'm glad Gaara is better…I couldn't stand to see a fellow jinchuriki suffer like he does. Also it's good that we now have an ally if Orochimaru ever tries to attack again." Said Naruto as he started to rub his eyes even more than before.

"Are you okay Gaki? You seem to be rubbing your eyes quite a bit now." Asked Jiraiya.

"I don't know? My eyes are burning even more than before! This has never happened before!" ground out Naruto as he gritted his teeth in pain.

"Maybe you should get some ice on those eyes?" stated Jiraiya, but Naruto was already out of his seat and at the sink in the room washing his eyes out.

"My eyes are bleeding!" yelled Naruto as the two others in the room rushed over to help him, but Naruto pushed them away. He screamed in pain one last time before the pain suddenly evaporated.

Naruto washed his eyes and face off before he finally looked into the mirror to see what had caused his eyes to bleed and gasped in surprise of what was staring back.

"What they hell is up with my eyes!" yelled Naruto causing the two others in the room to look at him with questioning gazes.

"What's wrong with your eyes Naruto?" asked Hinata as Naruto slowly turned to face them.

"Yeah, you suddenly developed bug eyes or someth…" started Jiraiya, but his sentence was caught in his throat as he saw Naruto's new eyes. They reminded him of a time in his past during the 2nd Shinobi War. The familiar ripple stared at questioningly as Jiraiya could only mutter one word in astonishment.

"Rinnegan…" whispered Jiraiya.