
Characters [May contain Spoilers]


[beings beyond this reality, in a reality that connects all others. shaped like humans with varying looks and personalities. Always watching, Always creating. Just like now.]

[For the sake of every being Created from the world of Dreamers, Their existence must never be Found out.]

[Metallic Orb?, That's me!, your handy dandy system, but you can call me 4 ;) (years of age)

I'm kidding :D or am I? 

Age: wouldn't you like to know. Reason for existence: often wonder that myself. 

A super powerful, Neutral system, at your service :D ] 


The prince [???] [MC]] 15 years of age

[potential Candidate for *** ****** **** system]

Estimated height to be around 5'4

Race: onion-kind. Strength: Endurance (compressed multi layered skin.), can spray a liquid in the air, causing anyone nearby to squint. Weakness: Flammable

Purple leafy hair, Pointy leaf like ears, Bright Lilac (purple) eyes, onion like skin (multi-layered) if cut will sting the eyes.

[body generally shaped like a Dreamer, with two arms, two legs etc.]


Leon [General, Magic knight, ] age: ??

Height around 6'0, Red eyes that burn with a fiery intensity, Red skin radiates heat. dark reddish hair.

Race: Chilli-kind , Strength: Fire (can generate Fire internally and control fire externally. [Fire bending ^_^]) weakness: Extreme Emotions can cause Fire to go out of control)

[Body generally shaped like a dreamer]


Ray [Generals right hand, Aura user] Age:??

Height around 5'10, yellow eyes, dark ginger hair, Leaf poking out the middle.

Race: Ginger-kind, Strength: Endurance (Rough Exterior) weakness: Flammable.

[Body generally shaped like a dreamer]


Sarah [Newbie, Healer] Age: 20

Height around 5'8, Light purple eyes, pale white skin, light purple shoulder length hair.

Race: Garlic-kind , Strength (tendrils that come out of her arms, accelerate healing process.) Weakness: has a strong aroma, keeping diseases away but also meaning stealth is useless.

[body generally shaped like a dreamer]


Rodrigo [Hot-Headed Knight, Brawler]

Height: [Irrelevant, he'd still beat the crap outta you]. Stocky body type, with Red braided hair that doesn't suit him. however he likes it.

Race: Tomato-kind , Strengths: Endurance (tank build), Heavy hitter. Weaknesses: [Certain movie about family and cars.] 

[body generally shaped like a dreamer]


Josh [Just Josh, say hi ]

[more info to be added as story progresses..]


[Mysterious woman]

Race: Carrot-kind. Strengths: Dexterity, -Speed-, [Rabbit-like]. Weaknesses [Gooey Substances]

Height: 5'6. Dishevelled light green hair, Dull-Orange eyes.

Wears: Dark leather armour, Belt engraved with unknown inscriptions.

dark brown cloak obscuring identity

[Body generally shaped like a dreamer]


Old king/ village chief. [Father of MC, Fallen King]

Race: Onion-kind, Strength: Endurance (compressed multi layered skin.), can spray a liquid in the air, causing anyone nearby to squint. Weakness: Flammable

Mushroom Maid [Mallery]

just a maid, doing what a maid does. 


Name: ???

wavy green hair, green eyes with a burn scar on his left cheek?

Race: broccoli (Strength: ability to heal wounds using his own energy. Weakness:??)