
The fortuners

"No need to run , i will reach you anyway, you have to repay " saying this he broke glass in his had

Pakeeza_Rani · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Dream or not ?

when she opened her eyes she was on a wooden bridge. There was no sgin of earth below. The sky above was far from the earth below. She can clearly see the clouds ,and it seemed that dark clouds would soon come and wash away this bridge in a deluge of rain. There were tall trees below. How many predatory animals will there be in this forest?who will be waiting for her to go down. As she step forward, the road behind was turning into ice as if she cannot go back again. Her eyes stopped at the waterfall flowing between two mountains in the distance. As if the waterfall has taken her in its control . There was something majestic about this waterfall as she cannot take even one step further. It seems as if it is stopping her from going down. She don't know how many hours passed . Her eyes were opened by the sound of a bird circling around in search of its nest. She looked around and found her self in the forest, dense black forest "o, no where am I, maybe I'm in the woods" looking at the thick tall trees around her where there is hardly any light in day, due to clouds there was supposed to be a dark night there. Hearing the sound of wild animals screaming in the distance she was afraid and spoke to herself. " I have to get out of there as soon as possible or these wild animals will make me their prey". She plucked up courage and supported her body . She stood up . She started walking slowly. Her feet were badly injured by the stones lying in the path. " Mama _ _ " she screamed as a thorn pricked her thumb . " what's happening to me , where have I came".tears flowed from her eyes while sitting on her feet she touched her thumb . " I don't think I can go any further , why am I here , how am I here" she mum

bled while leaning against the tree beside her. Suddenly she got scared as she looked at the sky . The sky , which was previously covered by thick black clouds now had both the moon and sun in the middle of the it. She felt as if her vision was deceiving her. She touched her eyes with her hand and cleared her view. In the empty space between the leaves of tree above her she saw the sky again. But this time she was further more startled by seeing that the sun was moving away from moon . As if it had preferred scars over the beauty of moon and is trying to get rid of it. Now there was only moon on sky . In the dim light of moon shadows of tall trees were presenting a very heart-warming scene. Then in distance she heard the voice of wolf barking nearby. " I have to get out of there, she stood up and started walking ". She said to herself as she wiped her tears. She stood up and started walking again with injured foot, but a shadow quickly ran from her right side. She quickened her pace and started running but her injured thumb was carved with a stone , she halted,but painful voice echoed form her left side . A tear fell from her eyes and she shouted " who are you " " what are you " "what you want from me". By hearing this that shadow stopped behind the tree on her left side. She stood up and staggered-off toward the tree " I know you are there " " Don't run away " she placed her hand on the tree and leaned forward to look behind the tree.But a voice came from behind " I am here " it was a cold voice . " Don't take such a test , I can't take it anymore "she sat leaning against the same tree , she was going out of breath ." Perhaps this forest will never end "she said to herself while looking at the blood on path that was coming out of her thumb. Her frets were completely injured. She was completely broken as there was no way out. "what are you " she said looking at the shadow in front of her . " let's meet up again " he said with a cold voice with his head turned in other side. He was like an eagle with a big pointing beak and a feathers but his height was of an average man. He opened his mouth and flew away, spewing fire. " no, no stop, I said stop " " Answer me , who are you" but he flew away . She was sweating , feeling hot , and was runing in order to find a place for escape and then a burning tree branch fell on her. " Aaaaaaaah" she got scared and sat up on her bed " thank God it was a dream "she lit the lamp next to her . " Ahh, this is my room thank God" she said while standing up. But she suddenly fell down with a pain in her thumb. She looked at her reflection in the mirror in front of her and said " My feet are injured , and my clothes are dirty , this mean it was not a dream" " if it was not a dream , then what was it? , how i can be in a place like that?, and who saved me from that fire? "." who was he? and what he really want from me?" "why he comes to my dream everyday?, and why I have have same dream everyday? why?" she lost in her thoughts while sitting on the floor , but something was shining, it was her necklace , it's shining with a blue shine.