
Training (part1)

After the space rock vanished I started inspecting the system to understand it better.

The first thing I was confused about was my name wen I clicked at it said to state my name I used to name my self thedevourerofgods in most of my accounts so I chosen it then the system notified about quest

Quest name:no horny

Avoid watching p*rn for 24h

Reward: 5xp

I was stunned I mean what the hell is this hard quest and only 5xp.

I then go to a nearby forest to try and figure out how to use my third ability.

When I arrived at it I go to a hidden place,on there I used to train my body,I started by trying to manipulate the earth which easy I could lift around 2kg of earth and throw it really far I still don't know the limit yet but it's speed was freaking fast I only could see the after image of the earth.

I tried controlling the wind but all I can do is to great small tornadoes, I could use it to increase my speed but my stamina is so bad I can't even run for 1 minutes,oh I forget to you guys but i was 16 at the time.

For the fire element I couldn't control it at all, but what entrancing is my water control could

Remove water from tree's and plate's and I could control it's temperature from -100c to 400c and I can control the ice perfectly, creating weapons is small talk, I could control the projectiles speed the same way I can with earth.

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