

It was a shity day as always I got yelled about my grades got bullied at school and got rejected for the 40th time in a row truly a shity day, I heard some thing loud coming from the sky soo I looked to my surprise I see a shit ton of space rocks falling from there the hade a glowing gold in there trail,a hear screams of horror every but honestly for me I was just happy that my life is going to end.

I stood in the open streets wait for the end but nothing happened the space rock's did not kill any one but each on stood in front the people asking one question.

What power would you like to have?

But for me it was asking me to choose three power's instead soo a start asking questions to the the space rock asking if There is rules or something but no reply.

Then I said"I want to get the power of every I touch and get to teleport between dimensions and the ability to have control over anything and everything no matter what it is"

To be honest I didn't expect any thing but my heart froze in it place wen I heard the rock saying"understood open status window"

A window of information open before my eyes





Strength:7 [rare]

Stamina:3 [ worst that common]

Agility:4 [common]



Touch of the devourer(Lv1):it's allows the user the copie the stats and ability of any one but requires the user to still be touching the opponent with out stoping for 2h

No cooldown

Dimensions hoping(Lv1):it's allows the user to teleport but the teleportation will be random and may teleport the user to nothing ness

Requires cooldown:7 days

Elemental control(Lv max):allows the user to manipulate all elements including space and time but the user needs to train with each element to be proficient with it)

No cooldown but needs mana to use the requirement of mana depends on the element and scale of use.

Could be evolved to reality manipulation if the user could control all elements proficiently.

Skill points: 0

As a look at the ability I feel like I been scammed I mean what the fuck is may teleport the user to nothing ness.

And about the the first skill how the fuck can I touch my enemy for 2 h straight it's impossible.

The only skill that I was happy about is elemental control which is op but needs training.

Then I suddenly hear the rock saying

"Did you expect to be a god over night just like that, and don't worry every on has there skills level 1 and your are the only on who gets a level max skill right off the bat.wen you

Level up you will get skill points you can use to level your skills up.good luck"

And then the space rock vanished.

Hi guys this is my first attempt at righting sorry for the poor grammar but I just learned English three years ago.