
The Forgotten Hegemon

Elias grew up in one of Dawnflame Kingdoms esteemed families recognized for their numerous powerhouses and influence, the Ashthorne family. Despite his family's power and resources, he becomes an Awakened without the power to wield one of the essences - Lightning, Earth, Wind, Fire, Ice, Water, Light and Darkness. Rejected and cast out by his own family, he is forced to continue life as a commoner where every day is a fight for survival. However, fate has different plans in store for him as he awakens an essence that has not existed since time immemorial. Join Elias as he gains a power from the ancient era that made even gods and demon kings bow down. The legacy of the forgotten Hegemon slowly reappears into existence after countless millennia. ===================================== ~1500 words per chapter depending on my mood. No set release schedule yet. Will there be an OP MC? Yes. I love overpowered MCs. But I know it can be a turn off for many readers. Will the MC be ruthless? Yes! Will there be a female lead? Yes, but will be later on. No harem. No cover because I'm poor and don't like AI art. However I do use text AI ONLY for ideas - NO outright copy + paste. Let me know if you have any concerns or questions. I'm happy to answer. Apologies for the long synoposis.

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7 Chs

Ashthorne Family

On the continent of Lumeria, there were 4 kingdoms known as Northfrost Kingdom, Dawnflame Kingdom, Southern Wilderness and Darkmount Kingdom. Each of the 4 kingdoms spanned tens of thousands of miles in each of the cardinal directions. There was also one holy land that borders each of these 4 kingdoms called the Central Plains. 

Dawnflame Kingdom was located in the east of the continent.

Within the outer edge of Dawnflame Kingdom lie a dense populace called Triplume City.

Triplume City wasn't overly large, it would be an overstatement to even call it a small sized city. It only housed thousands of citizens which dwarves in comparison to similar sized cities within Dawnflame Kingdom which could contain up to tens of thousands of citizens. But that wasn't what made Triplume City special. 

What made Triplume City special was the fact that it contained the headquarters of one of the most powerful and prestigious families within the Dawnflame Kingdom - the Ashthorne Family.

This family was recognized all throughout the confines of Dawnflame Kingdom as one of the strongest and influential families, with eyes and ears all throughout the east. The Ashthorne family held major sway within the current state of affairs and their very existence was one to be feared upon.

The reasons they held such authority was simple, the obvious and main reason was because of the strength of their Awakened, which was far greater than the average and the second reason was because they held close ties with the King of Dawnflame Kingdom - King Dawnflame.

The current leader of the Ashthorne family, Duke Ashthorne possessed unrivaled prowess within his domain and led the current generation of the Ashthorne family to greatness.

The Ashthorne family had too many powerhouses to count within its branches all over Dawnflame Kingdom, each could strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

The clear azure skies seemed like a single shade of colour with sparse clouds splotched in between. A midsummer sun hung at the top of the skies and cast its rays upon all over the visible land as if it were uncovering all hidden secrets.

Within the center of Triplume City stood the main estate of the Ashthorne family.

From afar, the Ashthorne estate looked like a giant block of white marble carefully carved with intricate details to create one of the most luxurious and proud buildings known to man. It felt like the building had its own aura of magnificence, revered by all humankind.

Today marked an important day for those within the Ashthorne estate.

The Ashthorne estate was currently in direct contrast to its usual tranquility, there was a bustling atmosphere all throughout the expansive grounds. The rich, green floral from the gardens of the Ashthorne estate moved in tune with the humming of birds as if they were part of a greater orchestra.

There was a large number of guests gathered in the courtyard and gardens, some enjoying the scenery while others busily conversing in groups. These were all Awakened hailed from the Ashthorne family, all of them had high statuses within their own branches but they all served under the umbrella of the Ashthorne family.

Despite their influential statuses, they seemed like common folk today here within the Ashthorne estate, they did not dare to cause a disturbance by flaunting their positions of power. They were all here waiting for the grand occasion to start and could only pass the time by socializing and catching up with their fellow family members.

Servants of the Ashthorne estate could be seen traversing around with hurried steps trying their best to attend to the dozens of people around the estate, offering the finest beverages and cuisine. 

Everyone was adorned with simple clothing crafted from the finest materials found on Lumeria, only solidifying their position of wealth and higher statuses. Even the servants of the estate could be seen wearing higher quality attire compared to other lower class families.

However, both the family members and servants all displayed the same insignia of a dagger embroidered within their items of clothing, representing the might and influence of the Ashthorne family. Defying this symbol meant defying all Ashthorne's.

Whilst the people were socializing, a man slowly walked up on a stage located at the front of the courtyard.

Instantly, everyone within the Ashthorne estate, whether they were a powerful Awakened or as insignificant as an ant, they all halted their actions. They all felt the presence of this man. His terrifying aura shook the air, sending ripples outwards. Just his presence alone made people feel a slight pressure bearing down onto them.

His demonstration of power caused all eyes to turn towards him. Being in the vicinity of this man, despite his indifferent attitude, they felt nothing short of awe and reverence.

If anyone else were to show the same attitude they would look at them with eyes that would kill them a million times over, but for this man they wouldn't.

Whispers slowly rose within the crowds as they intently stared at the man.

"Is that the man who leads the current generation of the Ashthorne family, Duke Asthorne?"

"He's as domineering as ever! Has he already reached the peak of Tier 6?"

"As expected from one of the 8 Inner Skies, his strength is at the peak within the Dawnflame Kingdom."

This man was Duke Ashthorne. One of the strongest Awakened belonging to the Ashthorne's.

Duke Ashthorne rarely made public appearances, but when he did it was during special occasions like this or when the family's existence was being threatened. 

His towering figure stood at the peak of Dawnflame Kingdom, his broad tiger-like shoulders and large tree trunk sized waist made him look like a giant. His fierce gaze coupled with his slanted eyebrows scanned the crowd with his usual indifference and only stopped for a slightly larger time frame to the two young boys stood at the front of the crowd.

Duke Ashthorne slowly opened his mouth and spoke,

"I'm glad you all have come gathered here today with your children. As you all know, we will conduct our yearly Essence Awakening Ceremony to shine light on the promising children of our family who will attend the Academy in just over 5 months, bearing the name and responsibilities of an Ashthorne. This day marks the beginning of the arduous road these children will have to walk. It is a day for celebration."

Every year the Ashthorne's would host the Essence Awakening Ceremony within the family estate in Triplume City.

All the talents aged 12 from all Ashthorne family's branches across Dawnflame Kingdom would gather here to unlock their essence in front of other members, bringing pride to not only their parents but also dignity for the future for their respective branches.

There were only about 15 children gathered here, these represented the young talents of the Ashthorne's. All the children here were 12 years of age, this was the age where children began their first year at the only academy in Dawnflame Kingdom - Dawn Academy.

Dawn Academy was located near the center of Dawnflame Kingdom, precisely within the capital, Dawnhaven City. Dawnhaven City was magnitudes larger and more densely populated compared to the small Triplume City. Dawnhaven City was where King Dawnflame resided.

Dawnhaven City was known as a safe haven for the Awakened.

Duke Ashthorne continued with the same indifferent tone,

"I know you all need to tend to your respective regions and prepare your children for the Academy so we shall begin with the Essence Awakening Ceremony with no further delays."