
The Forgotten Creator

At the beginning was an entity. Who strayed alone in the reality of nothingness. One day, he found out he had powers. Creation and Destruction. He used it to make the world, the universe and the void. And even created 3 beings to rule over it, but then he suddenly felt fatigue. It was the first time he had felt it, not knowing what to do he gave in to his instincts. Right before he fell into slumber, he saw twinkling of many lights in the universe he had made. When he woke up again, things changed, after more years of learning inside the sphere called the universe, he decided to travel the universe bit by bit, slowly but surely. Oh and also this novel is monthly, sometimes i may do 3-5 chapters a month when I'm feeling great This is the fourth version of the synopsis which was changed after i decided it was too bland before

FantasyS · Fantasie
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100 Chs

Chapter 82: Another 'Usual' Morning

It was early in the morning, and Shuya was still sleeping. Surprisingly, Folaei and Rai were awake and were walking down to the backyard of the inn.

Godo was already there, sitting with a wooden greatsword and a wooden normal sword beside him.

"Oh! You're finally awake."

"Sorry Sir Godo. Were we late?"

Hearing this, he did a mental sigh on what his first student was currently doing.

"No, not necessarily. Just look at Shuya, he's still sleeping soundly in his bed. Well speaking of sleeping, guess I'll wake him up using my ghost water again."

Folaei and Rai, although were happy that they didn't make Godo angry; were a bit confused on what exactly 'ghost water' was. But they soon got an idea of what it probably was.

Up in the first floor, a boy's sudden and rather loud gasp could be heard. Luckily no one was unlucky enough to lose their lovely sleep over this loud and sudden noise.

Hearing Shuya's gasp, Godo chuckled a bit. The sound of water was also clearly audible.

'Maybe Sir Godo made the water invisible?'

Rai thought to herself. Well she was spot on, he was indeed turning the water invisible and spraying it down on Shuya's face, all while he was sitting down below on the backyard.

'He really is a Grade 13 Mage. I should be really happy about this!'

Just like how she thought, she was indeed really happy. It clearly showed on her face and her body gestures. Seeing at how her daughter was getting excited, Folaei also started to get pumped up.

'I can't lose to my daughter can't I?'

Godo knew exactly what they were thinking about, so he quickly stood up from the log, and he started to teach Folaei first. Shuya had also arrived.

So he first performed the moves so that Folaei will know how to... perform the moves, yea. After that was finished, he gave her the greatsword then went to help Shuya.

"Wait Sir Godo! Aren't you going to teach me first??"

Rai exclaimed. Hearing this Godo quickly answered back,

"Oh don't worry Rai, these two are learning something that needs physical endurance and such, so I'm teaching them first. I'll help you after this."

Rai pouted widely hearing that, she sat on the ground and began to mumble. But she still had the excitement in her. So Godo quickly ran through with Shuya as he had already done this a few times already, then went over to Rai who was flicking her finger on the ground.

"Well. Child. It's time for you to learn."

"Sir Godo why are you speaking weird?"

"Silent. I shall teach you my precious magical arts. But first. We shall form a core for you."

Rai was a bit confused on what this core was and why Godo was talking like this. But hearing the word 'core' made Shuya quickly turn his head and shout out.

"Hey! I've already done that!"

Which made her a bit more confused and a bit more relieved. If Shuya could do it, there was no reason she would not be able to do it. Well at least that was what she thought to herself.

"Hear me disciple, from now on, you shall not teach nor mention this technique to anyone unless they are the ones you shall pass on the torch to."

Hearing this made Rai extremely excited. Something that important was going to be taught to her? At this moment she was so hyper that she would even try to swim across the ocean.

"Without further ado. Sit down Rai."

She sat down,

"I'll do what i did with Shuya and help you along the way."

As he said that, he started guiding her in what to do and what to avoid doing, and back up on the first floor, Nene also silently said to herself.

'Hey! I've seen that before!'

Well too bad no one could hear her, well maybe it was better.

After around 20 minutes or so, Rai had successfully formed a 7 Magic Type Core too, she was the 3rd in the whole world. First and second being Godo and Shuya.

"Woah Sir Godo! I can use magic so much easily now! I think i could even activate multiple 2nd Tier Magic in succession."

"Well that's how it should be, but the only problem is to change 'succession' into 'simultaneous'."

Hearing that, made Rai shocked. As a 2nd Grade Mage, she only used to be able to activate 2nd Tier Magic 5 times a day. So even if she felt that number suddenly increasing, simultaneously was looking like a far fetched dream for her.

But with how her magical powers were currently, she felt that she could still try and maybe succeed after a few tries or so. Well that was kinda wrong, not because she lacked the raw materials, but because she was not used to casting magic simultaneously.

"So, how does it feel?"

Godo asked.

"It feels great! I don't know what happened but I'm happy!"

Hearing this, Godo smiled. Then he started to teach her, how to control her magic, a better way to activate her magic, and how to construct a magical spell by herself when she gets even better at magic.

Seeing that the three of them had started training in their own circle of area, Godo decided to go back up, and ask Nene what she wanted.

"So, what do you want me to teach you?"

"Sir Godo, forgive me if I'm being inconvenient, but i actually want to ask you for something. Could you please give me a Nature Gem?"

"Oh simple."


Nene was dumbfounded, she knew how hard it was to get a Nature Gem, she knew how precious it was to a spirit like her, and she also knew how valuable it was in the market. So she was surprised how easily, actually way too easily Godo accepted.

She had thought that Godo was actually connected to an influential person and was able to get his hands on a Nature Gem. She thought that the 'slip of tongue' that Godo made wasn't actually true.

She was already prepared to beg for it.

But right after Godo agreed, a beautiful green light started glowing atop Godo's hand, the air around it started to fluctuate and a tasty breath of air formed around it. Something was being created,



Appeared a Nature Gem.

'Wait, it wasn't a slip of tongue!?'