

In one big kingdom, there are many people living there; Akinwuji and his armies just arrived from the war so everybody was happy including the king too was very happy to see Akinwuji. The king was tall and fair in complexion and his name was Adewuwa, it's everybody in the kingdom that loves him.

Akinwuji was the great warrior in their kingdom and the king loves him; all the kingdom were very happy to see him.

"Welcome back from the war"

"We are so happy to see you" one of the chief said.

"Thank you all" he sat on the floor.

"I have a gift for you" King said.

"Thank you my king, i will appreciate it"

"I want you to marry one of my daughter Adeola"

"Thank you my king" he bow and very happy.

"Adeola!!! Ade!!" King said calling her name

"Father i am here, am at the backyard" sat on the floor beside the chief.

"Ade, i want you to marry Akinwuji"

"As you wish father, no problem"

"Akinwuji, are you ready to marry my daughter?"

"Yes my king, am ready"

"Okay, everything that you will need for the wedding i will provide it with money"

"Ah!! Ah!! Thank you my king" he bow again.

"Thank you father, you will live long"

"Akinwuji go and prepare for the wedding"

"As you said my king" he stood up and left

Adeola was the name of Olu's mother; she was gave to Akinwuji by the king, she was fair in complexion, had normal stature and beautiful.

On the wedding day, everybody are in the palace, very happy for Akinwuji for marry the king's daughter; all the kingdom from other state are there.

"We greet you all" a man stood up.

"Oh!!! Oh!!! We greet you" they said in chorus

"We greet all the Kings fron different state that come here to celebrate this with us, we appreciate it"

"You are welcome, we greet you" they said.

"I greet my king, you will live long in good health"

"You too will live long" Adewuwa said.

"Now will call Akinwuji to come out" people shouted.

"It okay and his wife too" shouting continued.

"We are here today because of them, we thank God"

"We thank God" everybody said.

"Now the King will bless the wife and husband"

"I greet you my people and the King"

"Our King we greet you" the man sat down.

"congratulations wife and the husband"

"Thank you father, thanks my King" they said.

"Today is your happy day, it will not turn to your sad day in the name of God"

"Amen!! Amen!!! Amen!!!"

"God will bless you with a good children"

"Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!" People shouted.

"Two of you will get old together, evil will not enter into your life and separate you"

"Amen!! Amen!!! It will be like that" people shouted.

"Today that you become husband and wife, God will put blessing in it and be with you"

"Amen! Amen!! The pray have answered"

"Happy marriage life my child"

"Thank you very much my king"

"Thank you my father" people shouting. The king sat down and the man stood up took over his position.

"Now that the king have bless them, i will like to call the mother of the wife to come and bless them.

"Good afternoon my people" she said.

"We greet you our Queen"

"My daughter, you are getting marriage today God will be with you and bless you"

"Amen!! Amen!!! Amennnnn!!" shouting.

"Listen to what your husband said, if he said do this my child do it, don't do as if you are wish"

"Okay, mummy" she answered.

"Husband is the head of the house not the wife"

"Yes ma, thank you ma"

"God will be with you and protect you from dangers"

"Amen!! Amen!! They continued shouting.

"Bless you with good children"

"Amen! Amen!! Amen!!! She went back to her seat.

"Thank you our mother" the man said.

"We thank God for today" all the kingdom said.

Akinwuji and his wife left when they started the party, all the kingdom started dancing and singing. Their wives went to the kitchen to help the servant in serving the food, all the Kings left in the following morning.

Some days after the wedding, Adeola was at at the backyard cooking with fire wood gathered together using her mouth to brown the fire when her husband came out.

"Good Morning my wife" he greeted.

"You have wake up, Good morning my husband"

"You are just cooking" he sat on the chair.

"Yes, just finished the house works"

"Okay be fast, you know that we are going to the palace to greet the king and others"

"I know, I will be fast"

"Am very hungry, I hope the food is about to ready?"

"It will soon cook, some minutes please"

"We don't see the hand of the chiefs, they did not bring any gift for the wedding" Akinwuji said.

"The chiefs are bad people that is why Father did not like them" checking the food.

"All this people, what happened to them?"

"Nothing happened to them that is how they are" took a plate inside the basket serving the their food.

"The food is ready come and eat or I should bring it there?"

"Bring it here, let eat on time so that we can meet the King before he go out with the chiefs"

"Okay my husband" after eating Adeola packed the plate to wash, her husband was standing waiting for her for like five minutes.

"Let go, is you that am waiting for" he shouted. "Am coming my husband" she said, came out and they left.

The king was having meeting with his chiefs when they entered sat on the floor.

"Good morning everybody" they exchanged greeting among themselves .

"My king, long life" Akinwuji said.

"God will be with you, he will not leave both of you" "Amen!! Amen!!!" They said.

" live long Father in good health" she bow.

"My daughter, you will live long too".

"Amen! Amen!! Amen!!! Thank you father"

"You can go, we will continue with our meeting next time may be tomorrow" talking to the Chiefs. "As you said our king, live long" they said and left.

"We come here to greet you" Akinwuji said.

"Thank you Father for our wedding, we are realy great full" she knelt down at his front.

"You are welcome my daughter" she stood up.

"Father, where is my mother?" She asked.

"At the backyard" he answered.

"Am coming my husband" going to the backyard. "Okay my wife" looking at her still she left.

"Take care of my daughter" talking to Akinwuji.

"Yes, I promise you that I will take care of her"

"I know you and I trust you"

The Queen was with the servant making her hair when she entered, going to the other side at the backyard shouting mother.

"My mother!! Mother!!!" Shouting when she saw her.

"My daughter, how are you?" they are very happy to see each others.

"Am good and you mom?" Sat on the chair.

" Am fine my daughter, as you can see"

"You look good my sister" her sister said, coming out from her room.

"Thank you my sister, you too is looking good"

"I miss you my sister" sat beside her.

"Me too, I miss everybody in the palace"

"What do you bring for me?" She asked.

" Anything that you want, just mention it"

"That is my sister, love you" she hold her hand. "Where is your husband?" Her mother asked. The servant left when she had finished making her hair and went back to her room.

"In the King's living room with father"

"Okay" she stood up and they left the backyard, Queen entered the living room.

"My Son, how are you?" Sat beside the King.

"Am fine ma, Good morning"

"How is everything?" Adeola entered the living room after settle her sister standing at the door.

"Everything is fine ma" Akinwuji answered.

"Father, we about to go" Adeola said.

"Yes my King, we are about to go" Akinwuji said.

"I think you come here to play with us for today"

"Ma, we too feel like to stay but we have some thing to do at home that is why" Akinwuji said.

"Okay, take care of yourself"

"Bye!! Bye!!! My king, bye father" a servant entered, with a bag in her hand.

"Take, the King said I should pack it for you" she said and Adeola collected it from her hand.

"Thank you my king, thank you very much father" They said in chorus.

"You are all welcome" the Queen escorted them to half away and went back to the palace, her and the king are very happy to see two of them.

sorry for not update for a while now, I was sick, fighting with ulcer and just felt better now

Zeezeefortunecreators' thoughts