
the forest empire

An ordinary kid enters a brand new world

legionslayer · Aktion
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4 Chs

the unvacation

when jet said Bahamas it sounded relaxing but instead Felix was put in a hotel he was not allowed to go out and he couldn't talk to other people Felix was bored as heck but he could enjoy every thing in the hotel for free only when he had all his bodyguards around him but than Felix finally decided to escape he would go in the morning because he was dumb and then after he escaped from the hotel that this was a mafia test from jet he then said so now can I actually go to LA no replied jet first you will go get your acting career to pop

wait what said Felix I thought I was training to become a mafia yes you are training to become a mafia but you need to be famous so people know you love you and are scared of you and I found you a role in a new upcoming movie called no ifs or slap your butt jet then laughed and said your going to love your costars because they are Emma Watson and Brad Pitt wait what really said Felix yes replied jet but first you have to find your twin and murder him wait what said Felix I have a twin yes replied jet he was the guy who sold you to your aunt and uncle he looks exactly like you so he can do anything with your face so you have to kill him but how do you know said Felix your cousin told me she was gonna force you to be her servent in the future when she found out that you had lost your memory because of your aunt and uncle wait whatttt said Felix that dang f***ING basturd use