
The Force Within: The Order of the Mind

Alex and Leo walked into the library, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. They had just escaped from a group of masked men who had attacked them at the park, and they had no idea why they were targeted. They only knew that it had something to do with their telekinesis, the mysterious power that they had discovered a few days ago.

WordEngine_JJ · Horror
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13 Chs

The Escape

Alex and Leo were surrounded by the Kinetics, who looked at them with a mix of awe and envy. They felt a wave of fear and confusion, as they did not understand what was happening. They had just escaped from a lab, where they had been experimented on for their telekinetic abilities. They had just hijacked a train, using their minds to control it. And now, they had stumbled upon a group of people who called themselves the Kinetics, who claimed to worship telekinesis as a divine gift and sought to eliminate anyone who opposed them. They had tried to recruit them, but they had refused.


They did not want to join them. They did not want to be part of their cult. They did not want to hurt anyone. They only wanted to be free, and to find their families. They had no idea why they had developed telekinesis, or how. They had no idea what the Kinetics wanted from them, or what they planned to do with them.


They saw the leader of the Kinetics, a man with a shaved head and a tattoo of a spiral on his forehead. He wore a black leather jacket and a silver necklace with a pendant that looked like a lightning bolt. He held a device in his hand, that looked like a smartphone with a metal antenna. He smiled at them, showing his yellow teeth.


He spoke to them, in a raspy voice.


"Welcome, my friends. Welcome to Kinetic Park. Welcome to your new home."


He gestured to the station, where they saw a large sign that said "Kinetic Park". They saw that it was not a normal station, but a makeshift camp. They saw tents and trailers, with wires and generators. They saw banners and posters, with slogans and symbols. They saw weapons and explosives, with labels and instructions.


They realized that they were in a rebel base, a hidden fortress. They realized that the Kinetics were not just a cult, but a terrorist group. They realized that they were in deep trouble.


The leader continued.


"You are the chosen ones. You are the Kinetics. You have the power to move things with your minds. You have the power to change the world. You have the power to overthrow the oppressors, the ones who fear us, the ones who hunt us, the ones who want to destroy us. You have the power to join us, to fight with us, to die with us. You have the power to be one of us."


He paused, and looked at them expectantly.


"What do you say? Will you join us? Will you become a Kinetic?"


Alex and Leo looked at each other, and shook their heads. They did not want to join them. They did not want to become terrorists. They did not want to kill anyone.


They spoke in unison.


"No. We won't join you. We won't become Kinetics. We don't want your power. We don't want your war. We don't want anything to do with you."


They saw the leader's smile fade, and his eyes narrow. They saw his expression turn from friendly to furious. They saw his device light up, and his antenna glow. They heard a beep, and then a scream.


They felt a shock, and then a pain. They felt a surge of electricity, and then a burn. They felt their bodies convulse, and then collapse. They fell to the ground, unconscious.


They did not see the leader's device, that was a remote control for a hidden device, that was attached to their necks, that was a shock collar, that was a trap.


They did not see the leader's face, that was a mask of rage, that was a sign of betrayal, that they did not see the Kinetics' reaction, that was a mix of shock and disappointment, that was a sign of regret and resentment, that was a mark of loyalty and obedience.


They did not hear the leader's order, that was a command to capture and torture them, that was a plan to extract and exploit their power, that was a scheme to use them as weapons.


They did not know the leader's secret, that was a truth that he hid from everyone, that was a fact that he denied to himself, that was a lie that he lived by.


They did not know that he was not a Kinetic. He was not one of them. He did not have the power to move things with his mind. He only had the power to manipulate people with his words. He only had the power to control devices with his device. He only had the power to pretend to be a Kinetic.


He was a fraud. He was a fake. He was a phony.


He was a former scientist, who had worked for the organization that had kidnapped them. He had been part of the team that had experimented on them. He had been the one who had implanted the devices in their necks, that allowed him to shock them remotely. He had been the one who had leaked their information to the Kinetics, that allowed him to track them down. He had been the one who had infiltrated the Kinetics, that allowed him to become their leader.


He had done all this for one reason: to study them. To study their power. To study their potential. To study their limits. To study their secrets.


He had done all this for one goal: to replicate them. To replicate their power. To replicate their potential. To replicate their limits. To replicate their secrets.


He had done all this for one dream: to become them. To become a Kinetic. To become a chosen one. To become a god.


But he had failed. He had failed to understand them. He had failed to copy them. He had failed to join them.


He had failed to be one of them.


He was a failure. He was a fool. He was a freak.


He hated them. He hated them for having what he wanted. He hated them for rejecting what he offered. He hated them for exposing what he lacked.


He hated them more than anything.


He wanted to destroy them. He wanted to destroy their power. He wanted to destroy their potential. He wanted to destroy their secrets.


He wanted to destroy them more than anything.


He decided to do it. He decided to do it now. He decided to do it here.


He raised his device, and pressed a button.


He activated the bomb.


He did not see the explosion, that was a blast of fire and smoke, that was a wave of heat and sound, that was a flash of light and death.


He did not feel the pain, that was a sensation of burning and tearing, that was a feeling of breaking and shattering, that was a experience of ending and nothing.


He did not hear the silence, that was a result of destruction and chaos, that was a consequence of violence and madness, that was a product of his own actions.


He did not know that he had killed them all. He had killed the Kinetics. He had killed himself. He had killed Alex and Leo.


He did not know that he had failed again. He had failed to destroy their power. He had failed to destroy their potential. He had failed to destroy their secrets.


He had failed to destroy them.


He did not know that they had survived. They had survived the shock. They had survived the bomb. They had survived him.


They had survived because of their power. They had survived because of their potential. They had survived because of their secrets.


They had survived because of each other.


They had woken up, just before the explosion. They had felt a strange sensation, a tingling in their minds, a connection in their souls. They had realized that they were not alone, that they had a bond, that they had a link.


They had realized that they could communicate telepathically.


They had heard each other's thoughts, and felt each other's emotions. They had shared their memories, and their hopes. They had understood their fears, and their dreams.


They had understood each other.


They had decided to escape, together. They had used their power, together. They had created a shield, together.


They had protected each other.


They had blocked the shock, and the bomb, and the leader. They had blocked the pain, and the fire, and the death. They had blocked the hate, and the war, and the madness.


They had blocked it all.


They had escaped, together. They had run away, together. They had found a way out, together.


They had freed each other.


They had left the station, and the city, and the Kinetics. They had left the lab, and the organization, and the leader. They had left the past, and the present, and the future.


They had left it all.


They had found a new place, a new life, a new hope. They had found a new home, a new family, a new love.


They had found each other.


They had decided to live, together. They had decided to explore, together. They had decided to learn, together.


They had decided to be happy, together.


They had decided to find out more about their power, and its source. They had decided to find out more about themselves, and their purpose. They had decided to find out more about the world, and its mysteries.


They had decided to find out more, together.


They had become the Kinetics. They had become the chosen ones. They had become the gods.


They had become one.