
The Force Within: The Order of the Mind

Alex and Leo walked into the library, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. They had just escaped from a group of masked men who had attacked them at the park, and they had no idea why they were targeted. They only knew that it had something to do with their telekinesis, the mysterious power that they had discovered a few days ago.

WordEngine_JJ · Horror
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13 Chs

Mind Games

Alex felt a surge of adrenaline as he lifted the metal trash can with his mind and hurled it across the alley. He watched with satisfaction as it smashed into a pile of cardboard boxes, sending them flying in all directions. He grinned at Leo, who was standing next to him, holding a similar trash can in the air.

"Nice shot, man," Leo said, telepathically. "You're getting better at this."

"Thanks, you too," Alex replied, mentally. "It's amazing what we can do with our power."

They had discovered their telekinesis a few weeks ago, when they were attacked by a group of thugs in the same alley. They had been cornered and outnumbered, and they had felt a sudden burst of energy in their brains. They had instinctively used it to push their assailants away, knocking them down and breaking their bones. They had escaped unharmed, but shaken by the experience.

They had also realized that they could hear each other's thoughts, and communicate without speaking. They had tested their abilities in secret, finding out that they could move objects, sense each other's presence, and even influence other people's minds to a certain extent. They had also learned to control their power, so that they wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone or reveal their secret.

They had become closer than ever, bonding over their shared gift. They had also become more adventurous, using their power to have fun and explore their limits. They had played pranks on unsuspecting strangers, stolen snacks from vending machines, and even cheated on exams. They had felt invincible, like they could do anything they wanted.

But they had also felt isolated, like they were different from everyone else. They had wondered if they were the only ones with telekinesis, or if there were others like them. They had searched the internet for any clues, but they had found nothing. They had decided to keep their power a secret, for their own safety and privacy.

They had also agreed to use their power responsibly, and not to harm anyone or cause too much trouble. They had seen enough movies and comics to know that with great power comes great responsibility. They had also felt a sense of guilt for some of the things they had done, especially hurting those thugs. They had wondered if they had gone too far, and if they were becoming bad people.

They had tried to balance their power with their normal lives, going to school, hanging out with friends, and doing homework. They had pretended to be normal, but they had felt different. They had felt a connection that no one else could understand, a bond that transcended words and gestures. They had felt like they were more than friends, like they were brothers.

They had also felt something else, something that they couldn't quite define. They had felt a spark, a warmth, a tingling in their chests. They had felt a attraction, a curiosity, a desire. They had felt confused, scared, and excited. They had wondered if it was normal, if it was wrong, if it was mutual. They had never talked about it, but they had sensed it.

They had continued to hang out and test their limits with their power, pushing themselves and each other to new heights. They had enjoyed the thrill, the challenge, the freedom. They had also enjoyed each other's company, the comfort, the intimacy. They had felt happy, alive, and complete.

They had also felt something else, something that they couldn't quite ignore. They had felt a presence, a pressure, a gaze. They had felt watched, followed, hunted. They had wondered if it was real, if it was dangerous, if it was related to their power. They had never seen it, but they had sensed it.

They had ignored it, hoping that it would go away. They had focused on their power, their fun, their bond. They had thought that they were safe, that they were alone, that they were special.

They had been wrong.

Alex and Leo dropped the trash cans and ran for their lives, as a barrage of bullets flew past them. They had been ambushed by a group of armed men, wearing black suits and sunglasses. They had no idea who they were, or why they were after them. They only knew that they wanted to kill them.

They dodged and ducked behind cars and dumpsters, using their power to deflect the bullets and throw objects at their attackers. They tried to communicate telepathically, but they couldn't hear each other. They realized that their connection had been blocked, somehow. They felt scared, alone, and vulnerable.

They reached the end of the alley, and saw a van parked on the street. They recognized it as the same van that had been following them for the past few days. They had thought that it was just a coincidence, but now they knew that it was part of the plan. They saw a man sitting in the driver's seat, holding a device in his hand. He pressed a button, and the van's doors slid open.

They saw four more men inside the van, holding guns and wearing helmets. They also saw something else, something that made their blood run cold. They saw a metal cage, with wires and electrodes attached to it. They saw a boy, about their age, lying inside the cage. He had blond hair and blue eyes, and he looked like he was in pain. He also looked like he had telekinesis.

He looked at them, and they looked at him. They felt a shock, a recognition, a connection. They realized that he was one of them, and that they were not alone. They also realized that he was in trouble, and that they were next.

They heard a voice, coming from the device in the driver's seat. It was cold, harsh, and authoritative.

"Target acquired. Initiate capture."

They felt a jolt, a pull, a force. They felt their power being drained, their bodies being lifted, their minds being invaded. They felt helpless, hopeless, and terrified.

They screamed, but no one heard them. They struggled, but no one helped them. They reached out, but no one touched them.

They were alone.

They were captured.

They were gone.