
The Forbidden Temptation

What will happen when a fiercely defiant woman crosses paths with a meticulously structured demigod King? Step into the land of Veridia, where danger and magic collide in a spellbinding tale of love and freedom. Meet Elara, a rebellious young human girl trapped in a cruel and unfair world. She is abused in every way imaginable. That includes financial exploitation, cruel words, and even physical violence. Her spirit, however, is unbreakable, shining through the darkness that surrounds her. On the other side of Veridia is Caspian. He is a noble demigod king who takes his responsibilities very seriously. He prefers law and order. And he is concerned about anything that might disturb his peaceful kingdom. But fate has other plans. Despite their differences, Elara and Caspian find themselves drawn to each other. Their connection is forbidden, but it brings them comfort and excitement. Their feelings intensified. And it called into question their beliefs and the paths they thought they would take. Can Elara and Caspian put aside their differences? Can they work together to defy expectations? Or will their own desires drive them apart, putting Veridia in danger? EXCERPT: Elara took a bold step forward. Her voice dripped with confidence as she faced Caspian. "I am not going to let Veridia control me, and I am not going to be anyone's puppet; I am going to live freely, with or without you." Caspian's eyes glinted dangerously. And he approached in a low, intense tone. "You are not getting away that easily, no chance." Caspian reached out and grabbed Elara by the waist in an unexpected move. Their lips met in a daring, passionate kiss that felt like a challenge to the rest of the world. It was a clash of strong wills, a battle filled with urgent intensity. They finally drew away, both breathing heavily. "This kiss is not something we can ignore, Elara." Elara's pupils constricted. A mix of rage and desire danced in them. “Don't mistake this kiss for surrender, Caspian But for the time being, I will go along with it. Remember, I'm not a helpless damsel waiting to be saved. I am a force to be reckoned with, and you'll need to keep up if you want to be part of my world." Everything else faded away as they focused solely on each other. Their clash was like a raging storm, wild and untamed. And they wavered on the brink of surrender and control. ----------------------------------------- Feel free to get in touch with me: FB: author aelia IG: authoraelia Website: authoraelia.wordpress.com Mail: author.aelia@gmail.com Discord: https://discord.gg/T6MfDdpe

Author_Aelia · Fantasie
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33 Chs

The Monster, The Man and the Meddlesome Woman


Elara watched as the stranger effortlessly fought the huge creature. He moved quickly, showing how skilled he was.


Elara's heart raced, feeling amazed and sad at the same time.

"Look how good he is," she whispered to herself, seeing the cloaked man's fast actions. She held onto the rough rocks, remembering that this was really happening.

"Oh, the creature's hurting," she said quietly, squinting as the Umbrathrax cried out.


Elara winced when metal hit the monster's tough skin. "That's tough," she said to herself, feeling sorry for the creature's pain.

"But I must say, the cloaked man's really skilled," she added.

She couldn't stop watching the cloaked warrior's amazing fighting. He moved quickly and exactly, like a dance in all the chaos.

"The man was brave against the monster." He made her feel both proud and worried.

As the fight went on, Elara got lost in how it went back and forth.

"It's like a dance between life and death," she murmured.

But then her feeling of amazement changed to feeling horrified. The monster seemed to be in excruciating suffering, thrashing around and yelling in pain.


Elara watched closely as the huge Umbrathrax made deep growling sounds that almost seemed like cries for help.

"Its leg... it's hurting more than the man's inflicted wounds," she said curiously. "It's like someone is stealing its life away."

The Umbrathrax was struggling to stand, and even though it looked scary, it also seemed weak.

She couldn't help but recall her situation at the Blackthorn Manor. She was also in that state up until a few moments ago.

Elara felt mixed up inside, not sure if she should feel sad or careful.

She looked around, trying to find a way to help.

"Maybe I can do something," she said to herself. She seemed unsure about what to do.

"He told me to stay inside, but I can't just watch!" Elara thought, feeling strong and not wanting to just stand there.

She went out of the rocks and begged the cloaked man to help him. And after much persuading, the cloaked man finally agreed.

He decided to give the Umbrathrax a chance to live.

The man's deep, strong voice interrupted Elara's moment with the Umbrathrax.

"I'll be careful and see if I can help. But you should go back," he said.

He sounded like he knew what he was doing. The way he talked showed he was in control and smart.

Elara liked how he seemed responsible and organized.

But she didn't want to give up her own independence.

She stayed where she was, not wanting to leave so easily. "I want to help too," she said, sounding sure of herself.

"Just because I'm not a warrior like you doesn't mean I can't help, milord. I won't just watch without doing anything," Elara said, not backing down.

She looked at him without blinking. "If you can try to help, then I can too. We don't know each other, but that doesn't mean I'm useless."

The man didn't seem affected by her strong words. He stayed in control and talked calmly.

"I'm not saying you're not capable, milady," he answered, sounding calm. "I'm thinking about your safety."

Elara's mouth got tight. "Well, it made sense."

She understood the danger, but her brave side wanted her to keep going.

She gave in with a sigh, showing she accepted his authority.

"Okay," she agreed, still sounding like she was pushing back a bit. "But don't think I'll stay quiet for long."

The man looked at her for a bit. "I promise," he said, leaving her wondering more about him.

Elara squinted at the man she didn't know and the Umbrathrax.

The cloaked man put his sword away and walked carefully toward the Umbrathrax.

But the Umbrathrax didn't like him and he growled angrily.


'Oh, no. But of course, why would it allow him to get closer to it? He was just killing it a while ago!'

Elara's worry for the man was stronger than her submission. Or her desire to submit, that is.

She quickly got up and went after him.

"Be careful, milord," she said quietly. She didn't want him to face the big creature alone.

She thought that she had just whispered to herself. But to her surprise, the cloaked man shifted to her.

Elara's heart beat fast when she saw how the cloaked man looked.

He quickly turned towards her and spoke with unusual authority in his voice. "Why are you not listening? I told you to stay away, and you're not obeying me!"

When Elara heard these words, her throat felt tight. She couldn't help but gulp.

His voice was so strong that like she did something very wrong. 'Is he a royal?'

At that moment, the mysterious man seemed extremely powerful.

It was like he was wearing an invisible crown of a king, and Elara was just someone who had to do what he said.

But Elara was a person who don't get scared easily.

"I know you want to keep me safe, milord," she said. Her voice became a little softer, but she still sounded strong.

"But I can't just stay away while you fight that creature alone."

The stranger seemed surprised by Elara's reply.

She could sense him tensed up even inside the cloak before he turned away from her, looking stiff.

Elara walked closer to the trapped Umbrathrax, and her eyes became kind.

"Hey there, big creature," she said with a friendly smile, her voice sounding calm and nice. "Looks like you're stuck in a tough situation."

The Umbrathrax seemed to relax a bit. It watched Elara and the cloaked man carefully.

Then it started feeling more comfortable around them.

"See, my lord?" Elara said, still smiling at the cloaked man. "He's calm around me."

The cloaked man, seeing that the Umbrathrax was not as scared anymore, reluctantly agreed.

"Okay," he said, sounding a bit careful. "But be careful. Remember, it's still a creature that eats humans."

He stayed in front of her, ready to protect her if anything went wrong.