
The Forbidden Lords

In a world where death is not even the end their are seven lords that were known to be the most powerful of all that they have came across. They have been forbidden within another domain they took as their own, now it is time for them to take back the world that was once theirs. The world slowly becomes overflowing with corruption and multitudes of desires. The world was in need of change from the lord that was summoned to the realm. It had an academy filled with creatures and beings of prestigious backgrounds. This alone caused the lord to be interested as he enroll at this academy for a while to learn as much as he can. He try to be the best he can while still trying to control others within his ranks so they don't stray from their original path.

Forbidden_Alpha · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Academy Of Unknown Magic

On their journey to their destination, they stopped for a break, with the beasts that were summoned as mounts dispersing into particles. Soon after, Schymon walked over to the side with Valestae as if he wanted to speak to him in private. "You really need to improve or you'll die," Schymon said with a very irritated expression, his eyes not breaking contact with Valestae's. Valestae eyebrows furrowed as he broke eye contact, looking down on the floor. Schymon lips coiled into a smug smirk for a moment, "If you can't land a single hit on me your brother will die," Schymon said.

Valestae eyes widened wondering what he had done to deserve this. Ok sir, "he said, leaping backward about five feet away from him with tears running down his face. He knew he could not win, but he had to try with all his power. Schymon kept his chin high with his eye looking down on Valestae since he was taller than him Valestae leaped backward with his coat flapping as he moved through the air. He focused his eyes on Schymon for a minute then Valestae entire body faded away for a moment, however soon after he reappeared at Schymon left going for a straight punch at his left cheek. Schymon arms were at his side with his hands tucked away in his pockets. He did not change his posture nor his gaze from where Valestae recently stood as he brought his arm up forming a fist. Valestae attack hit the back of Schymon fist directly, creating an immense wave of wind around the two.

Turning his head to glare at Valestae Schymon smirked while licking his bottom lip. Valestae soon faded away once more only this time he appeared directly in front of Valestae aiming for his face with a straight punch. This time Valestae used his entire power to make it flow in his arm for a blow to end the fight. In an instant, Schymon realized this and goes to do the same attack. Both of their fists collided as Schymon fingers crackled as they began to broke, it broke his wrist bending abnormally as if it shattered all the bones in his hand. He was also thrown a few feet away though he planted his legs within the ground creating a path along the way he went because of the force. Once he finally stopped, he was slouching over with his tongue from his head, licking his lips. A dark purple aura soon radiated from his body, absorbing the surrounding energy. Schymon stood straight as he walked towards Valestae, "That was pathetic," he said while smiling across his face.

Valestae brother stood there watching the as things unfolded not knowing what the outcome of this fight could be. As Schymon took another step he appeared behind Valestae, thinking it was over Valestae let his guard down though that was his greatest mistake in a position such as this. At that moment Jonathon witnessed his brother's death before his eyes as Schymon ripped his head from his body. Jonathon fell to his knees but even before he knew it Schymon appeared before him, "What have we done sir?" Valestae asked with tears running down his face.

Schymon laughed, bringing his feet up to plant it in Jonathon's face, "Survive this and you'll become stronger. With not another word he lifted his pointer finger and pointed it at Jonathon head while removing his feet from his face. From the tip of his finger, he released pure energy making it rip through Jonathon flesh and bones causing his body to disintegrate after. Schymon sighed walking over where he took Valestae head he bit his finger as the blood dripped on the ground "Rise once more soldier of minutes," he mumbled under his breath. It created what seemed to be a dark pentagram with purple flares in each line rising in the air. Valestae body raised from the magical pentagram screaming out Jonathon's name. Schymon wore a poker face gazing at Valestae, "Don't worry he is alive just in another realm," Schymon said as he walked away. Valestae felt calmer as Schymon had just used an ability he had to deceive anyone with ease. Schymon stopped as he kneeled down to took up a chain and dragged it from the ground. It ripped through the earth itself as the sky clouds became dark. An academy formed at the end of the chains It was an anchor that pulled the school in many realms.

Schymon continued to walk as the Academy gates opened up greeting them with an amazing radiant golden light. Once they had passed through the gates were closed. They both were now in what seemed to be the uniform of the academy except it was the informal one which means they had to do an acceptance test. Valestae jaws dropped as the surrounding itself seemed like nothing he had ever encountered. "How are you not surprised by this sir?" Valestae inquired.

Peering over his shoulder Schymon chuckled to himself replying, "I'm the one that created this place. I'm surprised it's still standing." He stated with his lips coiling in a smirk. Valestae eyebrows furrowed as he thought of how Schymon kept surprising him with new things. With not another word they both walked forward with students moving around to get to the sessions they had. "I wonder if he is here?" Schymon asked himself as he continued to walk with his hands in his pockets.