
The Forbidden: Female Warrior

You know those fairytales where the girl gets saved by her handsome knight in shining armor? { Yeah well this is so not that type of story { This is the story of a 19 year old girl who always craved adventure, so when it comes time to take that adventure Charlotte Stonbroth dose without hesitation { Into battle she must go the only catch , well she has to pretend she's a man and will be killed if she's found out but no big deal right? { This simple farm girl will be going on the adventure of a lifetime meeting Dragons, ogres,elf's and more along the way { Charlottes always wanted adventure but will this adventure be the death of her ?

Anya_ONeil · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

I stand there swallowing my pride listening to the soldier speak

"You men will be sleeping in tents it will be two men per each tent"

They start naming off people, the men who came here together got to stay together like Matt and Patrick.

I am put in a tent with Joseph Fox whoever that is, I guess I'll find out soon enough I hope we get along.

Once everyone has cleared out I untie violet and we make are way over to my tent. I then tie her to a tree next to the tent give her a quick pet and walk in.

Standing with his back to my face is a tall blonde man

"Hi I'm Charlie" I say as he turns turn around

"Silver eyes!" I let out

"Oh no I'm not staying with you" he says

"Your far from my first choice" handsome Matt would be my first choice "hell your not even my second choice" that would be Patrick "but we're stuck with each other now. This isn't a pick and choose kind of situation, its war are you prepared for it." I say to him trying to get under his skin by saying the same thing he told me earlier today.

"You just keep to your side and I'll keep to mine" He said with an aggravated expression on his face

I mean honestly who does he think he is I didn't pick him as a roommate and he's blessed that I'm his, most men would die to be in a small tent with a girl, I guess of course he doesn't know I'm a girl. Still how dare he not want to sleep with me... oh god not that way I don't want him that way. Matt yeah maybe but not this asshole

"Fine no worries I'll keep to myself I have no interest in anything different."

God he's annoying,  he started taking off his shirt

"Holy shit man! What the hell are you doing!"

Oh dear Jesus give me strength!

then come off the pants and I quickly spin around to cover my eyes

  "I'm going to take a bath red, I don't want to have to carry my clothes around and this way I just need a towel. Would you stop being such a wuss it's not that big of a deal we're both men here." He says with a wickedly

"I am not turning around no man would want to see that." I'm referring to his penis

And I'm sure no man would want to see that but it was taking everything in this woman not to drool.

"Please leave so I can open my eyes!"

"As you wish" he says, a faint laugh can be heard as he leaves are tent

I fall to my knees grabbing hold of my face with both hands exhaling as I drag  them from my four head to my chin. How the hell am I going to survive this, staying here with him yes he's infuriating and revolting he gets under my skin like no other, but what I just seen I'll never un see. I'm beginning wondering if I even want to, oh I need  help.


Hours later once everyone has gone to sleep I sneak down to the river I begin talking of my muddy clothes and my chest wrap which is rather uncomfortable. Slowly I walk into the cool water as it stings my skin, once I'm fully emerged it feels amazing though. I float on my back relaxing for a minute before my mind gets in the way.

How the hell am I going to pull this off ? Its day one and I've already been beat up, I've drooled over two boys and I already want to go home,  I will never last.

"But maybe just maybe I will" I pause a moment "And I might even make my father proud."