
The Forbidden: Female Warrior

You know those fairytales where the girl gets saved by her handsome knight in shining armor? { Yeah well this is so not that type of story { This is the story of a 19 year old girl who always craved adventure, so when it comes time to take that adventure Charlotte Stonbroth dose without hesitation { Into battle she must go the only catch , well she has to pretend she's a man and will be killed if she's found out but no big deal right? { This simple farm girl will be going on the adventure of a lifetime meeting Dragons, ogres,elf's and more along the way { Charlottes always wanted adventure but will this adventure be the death of her ?

Anya_ONeil · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

"House of Stonbroth?"

"Yes" I reply

"Give me your letter and be on your way"

"Yes sir" I say handing the soldier my letter

Quickly I walk away and head towards my horse


I run right into Matt

"Watch where your going kid"

"First I'm sorry I didn't see you, second I'm no kid"

"How old are you 20?" he asks slightly laughing


He just chuckles and says

"Your a baby every man her is at least 23, I'm six years older than you so to me me your a kid"

An enraged look spreads across my face

"It will be interesting to see how you do in this war kid" he says with a grin as he walks away

Why are all the men here beautiful ass holes?


I'm about to untie violet

"Attention!" A soldier calls out

All the men around me quickly scatter and form a line standing side by side

"What are you waiting for?" Patrick says to me throwing a large wooden stick on the ground

"What's that for?" I ask

"No time to talk we have to get in line, go!"

We both make are way into line

"You boys are here to train, here you will go from rich  boy  to a strong soldier, here  you will go from blacksmiths son to sword swinging soldier."

he stops at me and says " here you go from little farm boy to brave soldier"

"Yeah right" a unknown voice says with a laugh

"Who said that? Show yourself!" I shout

"Step forward boy" the soldier says, a curly brown haired man walks forward, the same man who had been making fun of me.

"What's your name?"

"Jack Silverstein sir"

"Well Jack Silverstein would you like to fight  Charlie Stonbroth here"

"No I wouldn't want to hurt the little guy" he's mocking me

"I will end you!" I shout

Jack then laughs

"It'll be real funny when I beat the shit out of you, ya ugly bastard"

Jack's face more turns serious "let's fight"

I walk towards him leaving Patrick behind with a terrified look on his face

Immediately I put my hands up ready to fight only I've never been in a fight before, unless you count ones that include me ripping my sisters hair or kicking them in the shins. But actual hand to hand combat no never

Jack laughs at me so immediately I punch him in the face. The impact of my hand to his nose hurts much more than I thought it would everyone talks about what it feels like to be punched i've never heard one complaint about punching.

Within a second he punches me hitting me right in the gut making me gasp for air. I stumble back and regain my balance, I punch again but this time he dodges you can now see small traces of blood coming out of his nose he quickly wipes it away. Once again he punches me this time knocking me to the ground, once I'm on the ground he gets on top of me. Everything goes by so quick I don't even realize what's going on when he again punches me, this time in the eye this will definitely leave a bruise. I'm sure that was his intention to mark me as a victory

He gets off of me brushing himself off, brushing the dirt from his body onto me with a grin from ear to ear he's very proud of himself.

I'm laying on the ground I don't want to get up I just want to sink into the dirt and disappear I'm so embarrassed. A hand reaches down towards me I look up and see Patrick I take his hand and he pulls me up.

Without another word the two of us walk back into line.

"Good work Silverstein, rather pathetic Stonbroth"

These words hit me like a 1000 miniature blades digging into every part of my skin.

Rather pathetic Stonbroth.