
The Forbidden: Female Warrior

You know those fairytales where the girl gets saved by her handsome knight in shining armor? { Yeah well this is so not that type of story { This is the story of a 19 year old girl who always craved adventure, so when it comes time to take that adventure Charlotte Stonbroth dose without hesitation { Into battle she must go the only catch , well she has to pretend she's a man and will be killed if she's found out but no big deal right? { This simple farm girl will be going on the adventure of a lifetime meeting Dragons, ogres,elf's and more along the way { Charlottes always wanted adventure but will this adventure be the death of her ?

Anya_ONeil · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Violet (my horse) and I have been traveling for a few hours now and my stomach begins rumbling from hunger when I see it!

Tents, men in lines and soldiers sitting with pen and paper marking off each household as one man comes forward taking his place in this war.

I get off my horse, tying violet up with the other horses until I've singed in

"I'll be back soon girl"

I turn towards all of these men and take a deep breath.

All of these men have the same letter from the army as I do, all these men are doing this to protect there family like I am, most of these men are just as scared as me, but none carry my same secret.

I pull myself together trying not to let fear take over as I step into the first line I see ahead of me are two men

"Matt shut up about Catherine I'm begging you I'm this close to jumping off a cliff today because of you" the shorter one with freckles says while raising two fingers to show an example of just how close he is to doing this.

"Oh I'm sorry Patrick hate to bother you with the fact that the only girl I've ever loved sent me into war by saying she won't be waiting when I come home!" The taller handsome one with a much darker complexion says, I'm pretty sure he is Matt

I don't understand why anyone wouldn't wait for this boy because he's rather cute.

No stop, snap out of it you are now Charlie Stonbroth a 19 year old boy, not Charlotte Stonbroth the 19 girl who day dreams about boys!

"Look I'm just saying she told you she wasn't waiting, said she was moving on with her life well that's great then more ass for you! You've got to think positive my friend." Patrick says while elbowing Matt in the gut

"What a nosy little thing you are red"

I turn around to see who's talking to me when I look up and see a beautiful blonde haired man, at first I'm distracted by his lean physic, but then I notice his eyes there silver!

"Wha-what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you red earwigging on other people's conversation like a teenage girl"

Little dose he know that's exactly what I am.

"I wasn't"

"Don't lie red that just makes things worse" he says with a wicked smile

"Your a real ass face you know that?"

He just laughs saying "an ass face, never heard that one before, just do me a favor red and try not getting yourself killed on the first day."

"I'm just as prepared for this and as capable as you!"I shout pointing my finger at him

He bends down and places one of his hands on each of my shoulders "are you prepared to die, red are you prepared to watch others die and beg for mercy, are you prepared to kill red because that's what war is blood, shit and death are you prepared for that?"


I can feel my heart beating faster and my palms sweating


just like that it's my turn I quickly turn around walking towards the soldiers.


"Cha-Charlie Charlie Stonbroth"