
Chapter 37: More Confessions

No going back.

Is that what I want? To have our relationship in the public eye while we're still figuring out whether we work as a couple? To have gossip sites and random people pick us apart or comment on whether I'm pretty enough or skinny enough for Dante?

"We don't have to go public immediately," I say. "I just want to know that there's a future for us. That you think we might... I mean, that if we stay together, we'll give this a real chance."

"We will." He pulls me closer to him. "I never got over you. I tried. I told myself you were better off without me. That I should give you the chance to find someone who could give you everything you deserved. But I couldn't forget you."

"I couldn't forget you, either," I say softly.

He smiles. "I thought you would have been scooped up by someone else immediately. When you told me you were in love with that Jack fellow..."