

Two days later, a limousine pulled over at the gate of Celeste's school, generating fuss all over. The ever so stylish Leif stood beside it, looking like a million-dollar celebrity he was, with big sunglasses, sleeveless black shirt, chains hanging from his ripped black skinny jeans. His presence sure garnered a lot of attention. Even if you were not a fan of him, or had been living under a rock the past six years, you'd still be drawn to him and his good looks.

There were girls, mostly his fans, flocking around him, chirping and squealing. He gave them his business smile and professional greetings but even then, the girls couldn't help but get butterflies in their stomach, making them squeal some more.

Witnessing the scene in front of her, Rhea couldn't help but to feel nauseous. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, turning towards Celeste who had the same stoic look as always. Seeing that face made Rhea's blood boil even more and she stomped her way towards Leif, shoving past the giggling girls.

"You have some guts, showing up here of all places," Rhea hissed through gritted teeth, gathering all of her willpower not to punch Leif in the face even though that's all she wanted to do.

"Good to see you too, Rhea," Leif greeted her, removing his sunglasses, "still as crude as ever I see," he added, giving her a thorough look.

Something seemed to snap in her and she was about to land a knock-out punch when Celeste called out to her.

"Rhea," Celeste's soft voice stopped Rhea even before she had her hand up to swing. Celeste approached them, followed by Kellen, Ren, and Asher who had zero clue of what was happening.

"I'm here for our meeting," Leif said, turning towards Celeste, "sorry for the short notice," he added when Celeste glared at him.

"No need," Celeste said and turned towards Kellen, "I have to go…" she said to him.

"I'll wait at your house," Kellen said, smiling at her, "I'll tell Kyle to go straight home too," he added.

"Thanks," Celeste said.

"You're going with him? Why? What business do you have with her?" Rhea directed the last question to Leif who stared at her and then at Celeste who stared at the car instead.

"You don't need to know," Celeste was the one who answered. Rhea was about to protest some more, getting angrier with Celeste's response, "Be a good girl and go home," Celeste said before getting into the car.

Leif, having closed the door, turned towards Rhea and gave her a pitying look, "see you, lil' Rhea," he said and before Rhea could throw a punch or a series of curses, he skipped to the other side of the car and jumped inside. Rhea, having been left out, could only curse at the wind while stomping her feet. The other three boys watched her pitifully.

"So," Kellen stepped beside her, "you basically hate those who dated Celeste," he confirmed. Rhea turned towards him, glaring.

"You hate Kellen?" Asher asked, surprised. Rhea also glared at him with a red face, only confirming what Kellen already knew, thus making him feel slightly relieved to the point he could laugh about it.

"So, I'm right," Kellen said, only to make Rhea's face redder.

"Shut it!" Rhea shouted and stormed away from the chuckling Kellen.

"Don't mind her," Asher said, also chuckling, "she's just way too in love with Celeste," he told Kellen.

"Aren't we all?" Kellen said light-heartedly.

He found it endearing for Rhea to be so protective over Celeste yet had done nothing of significance to claim Celeste for herself. Although that, too, would be impossible. Celeste will never belong to someone completely. Even him going out with her was just a matter of convenience. Not that he's complaining, though. The sex was always awesome and she never needed to be taken care of. She never really depended on anyone for anything. Overall, being with her was as easy as breathing. Though, he was quite terrified to fall in love with her for real. Well, that was a problem for another day. For now, he was just going to enjoy this.

The limousine took Leif and Celeste to the slum area in just half an hour and it soon pulled over in front of a three-story brick building in the heart of the slum. The neighborhood was as gloomy as usual, with run-down houses and empty lots and various half-built structures that were supposed to be housing complexes and business complex projects that were cut off because of the war between gangs many years ago. Now, those places were spots for gang members to gather and many have turned into dangerous places to be walked on alone, especially at night.

The building in front of them was of no significance either. It was just like any other old brick building with big glass and some tinted windows. They walked inside the lobby and were greeted by the nervous underlings of the gangs who obviously knew of Leif and his status in the organization. Leif paid no attention to them, so did Celeste as they headed straight to the second floor through the stairs.

When Celeste and Leif reached the second floor, they were greeted by a handful of scruffy looking men in suits who upon seeing the two of them approaching, quickly greeted them with loud voices. Celeste was taken aback by how loud they were and turned to see how Leif reacted. She chuckled when she saw Leif's embarrassed and annoyed expression.

"Where are they?" ignoring Celeste's mocking face, he asked one of the men.

"Right this way," one of the burly men stepped up and led them to the farthest room down the hall. He knocked on the tinted window of the door and a deep voice sounded from within, telling them to come in.

Leisurely, Leif bypassed the man and went inside, followed by Celeste, before the door closed again behind them.

"Young Master," the only man in the room, a tall and slender man, looking about thirty, went around the desk by the end of the room and approached them.

"Celeste, this is Lufeng, head of the South Branch," Leif introduced the two who looked at each other without even an ounce of interest.

"The package is inside," Lufeng said, pointing at a black door on the other side of the room just as Leif settled himself on the couch.

Striding lightly following Lufeng, Celeste tied her long hair into a bun on top of her head before stopping in front of the door. She turned to Lufeng who looked at her with eyes full of calculation.

Of course Lufeng knew who his young master's friend was.

Celeste, although just a low tier model, still has some fame and credits to her name. Not to mention her unconventional beauty and the fact that his young master was actually friends with her meant that she wasn't just a high-schooler part-timing as a model. Also, what kind of normal sixteen year old kid would dip her feet in business such as gangs and violence?

"Do you mind if I go in alone?" Celeste asked in a gentle tone just as Lufeng aout to open the steel door.

Raising his eyebrow, Lufeng then turned to Leif who just shrugged. Nodding slightly, Lufeng finally opened the door to a darkened room and let Celeste in.

"Thank you," Celeste said with a small smile before stepping inside. Closing the door, Lufeng then went to the couch and sat opposite Leif, raising his eyebrows inquiringly.

"What did the headquarters say?" Leif asked, ignoring the inquiry.

"Boss said to just watch you," Lufeng said with a knowing smile while Leif unknowingly rolled his eyes and gave him an exasperated look. Chuckling, Lufeng relaxed as he said, "why bother meddling then?" he asked.

Instead of answering, Leif turned his attention to the steel door where Celeste disappeared to. Following Leif's eyes, Lufeng also stared at it before bringing his attention back to his young master who was silent, lighting his cigarette and just sitting there quietly.

"What's the group plan with White Fangs?" Leif asked after a while, failing to hold his curiosity back.

"That isn't something I can discuss with an outsider," Lufeng said, a teasing small smile playing on his lips.

"Stop being annoying and just spit it," Leif said, annoyed and slightly embarrassed.

Chuckling, Lufeng put out his cigarette, "Big boss initially wanted to disband it since they have been caught in troubles even before this one."

"But that'll make the slum ripe for other gangs to take," Leif said, frowning.

"It's not something I personally want either," Lufeng sighed, "but it's getting harder to manage smaller gangs these days and the branch offices are far too busy to take in those gangs and merge them together. searching for capable young people to dive into this kind of world is also troublesome," Lufeng explained.

After listening to Lufeng, Leif couldn't help but think and worry. The slum, no matter what people say, was still part of the city, and if something were to happen there, it would surely affect the rest of the city as well. Not to mention, if other gangs were to rule the slum, they'd surely be selling drugs and god knows what else, just like they did in their own turf.

And then there's Celeste, Leif thought and couldn't help letting out a heartfelt sigh as he drew up various dangerous scenarios involving her and the gangs. Knowing her, she wouldn't just stand idle if other gangs were to claim the slum.

Leif did care for Celeste. He cared for her more than he initially realized and even more with each passing day. He never wanted to see her hurt but she will surely dive head first into dangerous situations because she basically gets off on it. This frustrated Leif very much. He did care about her. So much. But is it enough to do what he suddenly thought of?

Before Leif could make his resolve, he was startled into reality by a loud sound coming from the locked room, followed by an anguished wail. Hurriedly, Leif stormed inside, followed by Lufeng and both stopped dead in their tracks upon seeing the scene inside the dimly lit room.

The glass on the book shelves were shattered. The pieces were all by the feet of 'the package', Ken, the leader of the White Fangs. Those feet, Leif noted, were oddly bent. Ken was writhing in pain. Celeste, who was standing over him with her back originally to the door, turned around. Her satisfied look and cunning serene smile sent chills down Leif's and Lufeng's back. Leif's eyes strayed down to Celeste's left hand where blood was dripping freely to the floor.

"You're hurt," Leif stated, taking Celeste's hand and bringing it closer to his face, examining it.

"Ah, yes…" Celeste said, "forgot to take my rings off," she told him.

Leif gritted his teeth and took out his handkerchief to clean, as much as possible, the blood on Celeste's fingers, with rings' dent for she used them to punch and beat Ken up without reservation, it seemed.

"Are you done with him?" Lufeng asked, lighting another cigarette. Celeste hummed before turning around to face the older man.

"I will replace the book shelves," Celeste informed him.

"That's good to hear. I quite like those shelves," Lufeng said with a straight face which made Celeste scoff as she took back her hand from Leif's.

"Give him to me," Celeste said to Lufeng.

"What do you want with him?" Leif asked, narrowing his eyes at his friend who still had a small smile on her face.

"Oh… this and that…" Celeste shrugged.

"Torture…" Leif said helplessly, "your 'this and that' is torture," he stated accusingly.

"Well… He did mess with my things…" Celeste gave him another shrug.

"You…" Leif shook his head helplessly, "Just stop calling people 'things'," he said then turned to Lufeng, "just do what she wants," he told him.

"Talk to your father then we'll see," Lufeng said, turning to face his young master.

"I'm hungry," Celeste said to Leif.

"We'll get something to eat on the way back. C'mon," Leif tugged at her hand and led her away after Celeste bowed respectfully to Lufeng with a small smile.

"Many thanks for your hospitality, Mr. Lufeng," she said and turned to walk away, leaving Lufeng shaking his head, wondering what kind of girl he had encountered today.