

Childhood best friends decided to drink at the top of the mountain park and watch the beautiful view of the city yet ended up experiencing adventures throughout time.

MAGICzMAGIC · Fantasie
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Slumbering Travel

A group of best friends embarked on an epic adventure to conquer the majestic peak towering near their hometown, seeking a much-needed escape from the drudgery of their daily lives.

These five comrades-in-arms had been inseparable since their carefree childhood days, bound by an unbreakable bond that had withstood the tests of time. They shared laughter, tears, triumphs, and tribulations, transforming their friendship into a tight-knit family of kindred spirits.

Now, weathered by life's challenges and adorned with the badges of success, these seasoned individuals had forged their own paths. Each possessed a distinct set of skills, quirks, and passions that made them an extraordinary force when united.

With their boisterous laughter echoing through the mountainside, they reveled in the thrill of adventure, cherishing the moments that rekindled the flames of their youthful spirits.

As the day waned and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a tapestry of vibrant hues across the sky, the five friends found themselves basking in the warm glow of a campfire. Under a blanket of stars, they regaled one another with tales of yesteryear, sharing cherished memories of mischievous escapades, daring exploits, and heartfelt confessions.

As the tales flowed like honeyed nectar, a comforting silence enveloped their camp, and one by one, their eyelids grew heavy, surrendering to the sweet embrace of slumber.

In the bewitching hour of midnight, a mysterious transformation seized the moon, causing it to radiate with an intensifying brilliance. The luminous orb metamorphosed into a mesmerizing spotlight, its gaze fixated on the unsuspecting group of friends. Enveloped in an ethereal glow, they found themselves suspended in mid-air, blissfully unaware of their soaring ascent.

As their eyelids fluttered open, they discovered themselves perched upon the summit of the familiar mountain, bereft of their possessions, clad in nothing but their garments. A wave of bewilderment washed over them as they fruitlessly searched for their phones and wallets, which had vanished without a trace.

With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, they descended the mountain, their determined footsteps leading them towards the nearby parking lot where their cars once stood. Alas, their cherished vehicles had vanished, leaving behind only an eerie emptiness. Casting their gaze upon the transformed cityscape, a breathtaking sight greeted their eyes. The vista stretched out before them, unencumbered by towering edifices, revealing simpler, antiquated dwellings.

Puzzled and disoriented, the group embarked on a surreal journey through the unfamiliar streets, their strides guided by a mixture of apprehension and wonder. As they approached their respective homes, their hearts skipped a beat. Everything they beheld seemed plucked from the annals of history, as if they had been transported back in time to an era where the internet was but a nascent concept.

A mirror, ever the harbinger of truth, beckoned to them from across the street. Their reflections revealed what their minds struggled to comprehend—youthful countenances, unburdened by the passage of time. The realization washed over them: they had indeed regressed to their teenage selves.

Despite the surreal nature of their predicament, the friends managed to maintain a semblance of calm. Drawing upon their vast knowledge of time travel, nurtured by their adoration of beloved anime and manga, they convened to discuss their extraordinary circumstance. Determined to adapt to their newfound reality, they agreed to retreat to their homes, to embrace the unknown changes that awaited them and carefully observe the world they once again inhabited.



As Sunday morning dawned, the five friends gathered at their cherished café, ready to confront the extraordinary circumstances that had befallen them. With a sense of shared purpose, they took turns recounting their bewildering journey, finally accepting the truth—they had truly traveled back in time, embarking on the path of their first junior high school year.

Determined to make the most of this unexpected opportunity, the friends resolved to forge a new path, not only academically but also in matters of the heart. They made a pact to reconnect with their future spouses, planning to marry them once again when the time was right.

Come Monday morning, they stood at the threshold of their beloved school, mindful of the mistakes they had made in the past. No longer content with mere mischief and play, they dedicated themselves to diligent study, determined to reclaim the knowledge they had once neglected. As they stepped into their classroom, fate played a curious hand.

When one of the friends was called upon by the teacher, he unwittingly spoke in a charming British accent, leaving the class and teacher astounded. The others, caught up in the whimsy of the moment, followed suit, adopting a variety of accents that quickly made them the talk of the school.

Months flew by, and their newfound dedication yielded remarkable results. Their grades soared higher than ever before, and they became active participants in various school activities. By the end of their school year, prestigious institutions clamored for their enrollment, eager to have the "five geniuses" grace their halls. Yet, true to their adventurous spirits, the friends declined the offers, cherishing the memories and bonds forged in their childhood school.

Four years passed swiftly, with the five graduating adorned with accolades and honors. Dubbed "the five geniuses" by their school and admired by those who knew them, they found themselves thrust into the spotlight. Television shows and movie offers beckoned, but their hearts yearned for normalcy. Despite their fame, they remained grounded, their parents treating them as beloved children rather than prodigies.

Upon entering senior high school, their paths diverged, each pursuing their own aspirations. One delved into the realms of science and medicine, another delved into the intricacies of mathematics and engineering. The third friend sought knowledge in the fields of law and entrepreneurship, while the fourth embraced the fusion of martial arts and technology. The fifth friend found solace in the world of music and arts.