

a boy named chu lang, how once lived a normal life. but on one day, the heavens decided to show him his faight. His house burnted down and his father died in the process of trying to save him from the fire. after that tragic event an old man offered chu lang to come with him and he promised to sheltered chu lang,and trained him to become one of the Elemental masters along side other children the had different experience.to become different elemental masters.

Divine_Brown · Fantasie
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In the southern part of of Tokyo Japan, by the east coast of the middle sector . a network of bushes and forset

Which very few people call home, including, the young and nobel boy chu lang.

Chu lang was a very young boy who was 7 years or age, and lived in the forest with his father.A faightful day the heavens decided to show chu lang his destiny.

Which it had to happen on a hot Sunday afternoon. When the young boy and his dad where casually relaxing in the living room, suddenly out of no where chu lang said "dad I am hungry"

Chu langs father remove two pack of ramen form under his shirt smiling at the little boy happily. Chu lang gave his father a similar glance of excitement.

As they made their their way to the kitchen,chu langs father being reluctant to surroundings had failed to observe that the gas was left on, and if turned on through the cooker could cause an explosion.

chu langs father turned on the switch, immediately the whole house caught on fire, with the smoke resonating as far as the eye could see.

Chu langs father attempting to save chu lang from the burning house but, died in the process.

chu lang was all alone with nobody to care for him. Chu lang looked at the burning house for more than 1 hour 30 minutes, and then he found out that the fire has stoped because of the heavy winds.

Chu lang had no where to go so he sat there lifelessly till he started to hear footsteps, he thought it was a wild animal so he had lost his hope of survival then and there.

To his surprise it was a man with a white bieard that told him" oh no you are in a miserable situation is that your dad?" Chu lang said with a tempered voice"yes he is ".

The man offer chu lang to come with him, and the old man now promised to train to him in the art of elements