
The Fisher: The Fallen bird, that thrives to ascend the clouds

Komba, a Rameshwaram fisherman, was reborn after his sudden death into a world where humanity resides in suspended space. In this unique world, children must fight, plunder and kill each other as they grow older for resources. Even still, only those with exceptional skills have the potential to become legendary fishing masters. Every life in the boundless sea is given a sacred purpose. There are flying fish, turtles enriched with worldly essence, and whales capable of consuming heaven and earth. Among them are countless fishermen. Fishing is considered an art form. An old proverb goes: "If you can't fish, you might as well be bait." However, Komba refused to accept this and instead sought to change the people around him, rather than changing himself to fit into that world. *** The main character may initially appear lacking in ambition, but as the story unfolds, this perception will evolve. At the start of the novel, there might be some information overload, especially in the first 50 chapters, but this will not be the case in subsequent chapters. As a new author, I may unintentionally engage in info-dumping again. Feel free to criticize and guide me to improve the story. Your feedback and opinions are valuable in shaping the narrative of this web novel. Your investment in the story is greatly appreciated. While the novel draws inspiration from (The God of Fishing), expect to see differences as the plot progresses. Avoid comparing the two, as it may highlight flaws in this book and affect your reading experience.

Lost_Soul420 · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chang Yesheng(1)

Old Mu's shop followed a traditional layout, with three small storage cabins, a weighing scale that resembled a 'Tharazu' with two scales and weighting stones for measuring weights, and neatly arranged butcher knives.

Just as he was about to unload everything from the cart, he suddenly felt a heavy object crash onto his back.

As he turned down to inspect what had fallen on him, he noticed a stone rolling near his feet. 

Standing before him was a kid around 14 to 15 years old, wearing a smug grin on his face.

The kid had brown hair, black eyes, and a handsome-looking face, and dressed like someone from a wealthy family.

"Chang Yesheng?"

His name came out of his mouth on its own when Chao Xiang saw him. 

Memories told him that the boy in front of him was not from a wealthy family but a commoner boy with a decent talent in the so-called 'Cultivation' thing.

"How's it going, traitor? I heard your dantian is still broken, and you can't cultivate any more. On the other hand... I've already advanced to the seventh stage of the Waterman realm."

Chao Xiang appeared perplexed as Chang Yesheng said his progress in the seventh stage of the Waterman realm.

However, upon recollecting new information regarding this topic, he began to comprehend the significance of it. 

Despite previously observing data indicating that Chang Yesheng was in the third stage of the Waterman realm when he witnessed the red flame, Chao Xiang did not attach much importance to it. 

It was only now that he grasped the concept of power scaling in this world. 

In this realm, all individuals were cultivators who gathered Qi, the energy from heaven and earth, within their bodies to enhance their strength, extend their lifespan, and ultimately achieve immortality. 

These cultivation realms consisted of various stages and steps to attain such goals. 

The Waterman realm served as the initial stage of cultivation, encompassing ten stages that were further divided into four minor realms: beginner Waterman (first to third stages), intermediate Waterman (fourth to sixth stages), late Waterman (seventh to ninth stages), and peak Waterman (tenth stage). 

After surpassing the peak Waterman stage, individuals could hatch their spiritual companions from the soul sea and advance to the first stage of the Expert Waterman realm.

Very few individuals in this village have reached the Expert Waterman level. 

What's even more astonishing is that the previous Chao Xiang was also an Expert Waterman until his dantian was shattered by a guy named Yang Li. 

Chao Xiang was known as one of the most naturally talented individuals, possessing an Epic quality spiritual companion, the Mutated Lightning Dragon Eel. 

However, after his dantian and spiritual heritage was damaged, he lost the ability to summon his companion, leaving it trapped in his soul sea. 

As he gazed at the man before him, he realized that while reaching the seventh stage of the Waterman realm may not be as impressive as Chao Xiang's achievements, it is still a remarkable feat given his background. 

Nevertheless, this does not give him the right to act recklessly without considering the consequences. 

Furthermore, he had no recollection of any offense committed by Chao Xiang against him, barely even remembering him.

He regarded Chang Yesheng with a serious expression.

"Why did you throw a stone at me?"

Seeing his serious expression and stern tone, Chang Yesheng was slightly taken aback before a huge grin formed on his lips as he placed his hand on Chao Xiang's shoulder.

"Oh, my sea goddess! I don't know what you're talking about, I seem to have missed the memo. Did a stone magically appear out of thin air and hit you? How fascinating! Aren't you just imagining things?"

Chang Yesheng purposely squeezed his shoulder tightly to provoke him as he spoke.

'This kid...'

Chao Xiang's blood boiled with rage as he struggled to restrain himself from unleashing his fury on the insolent brat standing before him.

'Calm down, Calm down, Calm down... you are not a kid... don't be mad at the kid.'

He repeated in his head to calm down, reminding himself not to lose control and give in to his anger. 

Taking deep breaths, he attempted to calm his seething emotions. 

With a stern and serious tone, he forcefully removed Chang Yesheng's hand from his shoulder and demanded, "What on earth made you think it was acceptable to hurl a stone at me?" 

Seeing his action, the smug smile on Chang Yesheng's face quickly faded as he witnessed the intensity in Chao Xiang's gaze and the anger etched on his twisted features. 

Realizing that Chao Xiang wasn't afraid of him even though he was obviously weaker than him, he immediately halted his arrogant behavior and retorted, "So what? What do you plan to do about it?" 

"You have harmed someone who is simply doing his job, without any justification. You owe me an apology," Chao Xiang tried to explain his point of view calmly.

But upon hearing this, Chang Yesheng burst into mocking laughter. 

"Pff- hahahah... What did you say? Say that again- huh?!" 


He gave Chang Yesheng a hard slap!

By channeling his Qi energy into his palm, he landed a strong slap on his cheek without any hesitation. 

It was clear that Chang Yesheng wasn't taking him seriously at all. 

He seemed indifferent to the situation. 

Chao Xiang was put off by the arrogant attitude Chang Yesheng displayed since they met. 

So, he decided to speak to him in a language he would understand. 

"How did that feel? does it hurt?"

His calm and composed voice fell on Chang Yesheng's ears.

The force of the slap left a mark on Chang Yesheng's cheek, shocking him completely. 

"Y-you slapped me!"

Chang Yesheng seemed to be more shocked than angry at that moment, he didn't seem to expect that at all. 

Even bystanders stopped to watch, and Grandma Mu gasped in amazement.

"Yes, I slapped you... similar to how you tossed a stone at me. It pained me just as you are feeling at this moment."

"You are fucking dead meat!"
