
A trip to Miyauchi's residence

Sometimes, someone will feel bored when walking to a distant place. Things are sometimes true and sometimes wrong, because not everyone feels hate and bored because they do activities that are healthy for the human body.

The more you walk, the healthier you are. This makes someone whole body feel relaxed, all the muscles that are there and also the blood flow becomes more smooth; make all processes in the body smooth without any obstacles.

If walking to a remote place alone, it will indeed be boring, but for an adventurer or loner; it doesn't apply. Those who choose to walk far away alone because they want to enjoy what is in each way by themselves.

That is understandable, because someone cannot force it. Okay, I'll take back my words, maybe someone will force you to take to walk somewhere together and not let you be alone.

However, walking away with someone isn't too bad either. We can do small chats and laugh with them while walking, suitable to spend the time that should be boring.

This was experienced by a young man named Ondra Dwi Putra Adi Setyo. He is currently walking towards a place he thinks is far away, along with some of the people he had met, namely; Renge, Natsumi, Komari and Suguru.

Why are their names different from Ondra?

Yep, because he is abroad. He is not in his own country, namely Indonesia, but in Japan. Heaven for weebs who are famous as fans of anime, manga and others from Japan.

He came here too because of a coincidence, because he actually did not have the money to go to Japan. You could say, his savings at the ATM were really thinning because only the initial balance amounted to around 55.000 thousand IDR or $3.78 USD.

A money does he hold? Enough to support it for 3 months in Japan, not to mention added every 5 days once he sent food money by his own parents, so that he did not die while he was abroad.

After all, this can be a new experience for him. He also didn't expect to be able to speak and hear Japanese fluently. Before launching to Japan, he wasn't even sure that he could speak fluently to the people there. Maybe this is one of his luck, after all he studied Japanese on a self-taught basis, not through tutoring or anything.

Patience is the key.

According to him, he was quite happy to be able to talk to people who were with him at this time. Although sometimes Natsumi does things that are quite stupid and is scolded by Komari and Renge who do strange things, all the way to the Miyauchi family's house.

The weebs in his homeland might be jealous and try to tease him if he tries to show off about his current situation in Japan. He didn't even wonder if anyone said the situation at this time was a hoax.

...because he also feels like that sometimes. Sometimes, not so often.

Because he often walked, he felt not so tired. Even his classmates once said that he was a bit crazy because it was fun walking to a place that was far away, about 2 km away and this young man just answered ...

"Just for fun."

At least he felt relieved because people in Japan were also more happy and like to walk than to use private vehicles. It is inversely proportional to the Indonesian people who always depend on private vehicles every day.

He was not surpried why Jakarta is often jammed, because the majority use large-sized private vehicles such as cars, sometimes the bicycle-only road is used for motorbike users. Funny thing is the pedestrian-only street too.

He could only sigh heavily and scratch the back of his head when he remembered this.

"Ondera-san, what's wrong? Why you sighing?"

"Ah, it's okay. Just thinking about things that are not so important. Don't worry."

"Is that so? Even though we're just acquaintances, I think it's natural."

Hearing that, Ondra laughed softly and made Komari who asked him become rather upset but tried to hold it back.

"Are you my girlfriend?"

"E-Eh? N-No! It's... it's just...!"

Komari became embarrassed and her face flushed in embarrassment when she heard the question from Ondra, he said it with an expression as if he didn't care. That of course made the young man try to hold his laughter from exploding.

"S-Sorry! Looks like I'm... overdo it... pfftt!"


While Ondra and Komari talked to each other and ended like this, Natsumi then interrupt.

"Hoya? Nee-chan, why is your face like that? Ondera-san too."

"N-Natsumi! Nothing! D-Don't mind it!"

A cheeky grin spread on her face when she heard it.

"Heeeh... don't tell me you—"

"—Of course not!"

Komari's face was still red but this time because she was annoyed and was about to hit her sister, because she tried to tease her. Natsumi responded and parried her punch jokingly, which made Ondra recover from holding back hi laughter and seeing them both confused.

"Hey-hey, what are you guys doing? Don't fight!"

"It's because...! Natsumi... she... she is!"

"Even though Nee-chan just now—"

"Don't finish your word!"

"What's the matter anyway?! Suguru, can you help me for a moment?"

Trying to ask for help from the eldest brother of the Koshigaya family, Ondra turned to him and got a response that he wanted to see the nod from his fellow colleague even though it could be said Ondra was losing in both of handsomeness and coolness from him.

Meanwhile, Renge could only see their behavior with a look that was difficult to understand from her expression and ignored by the four of them. Especially Komari who still feel unfair of it because she was still being bullied by her own sister.

Once again, Ondra sighed heavily and shook his head.

"Yare yare daze."

After a few minutes, the two quarrels finished even though Komari seemed to still be annoyed because of Natsumi's behavior which she always defeated even though she was the younger sister of her short and small older sister.

"You guys... has this always become your daily life?"

They just stayed silent when asked that by Ondra, Suguru who became the oldest brother just kept quiet and sighed softly while shaking his head when he heard that.

"Ondera-nii! We have arrived at my house!"


Hearing the reply from the voice of a child who seemed shrill and cheerful, made the four of them immediately turn around and see a house in front of them at this time. A simple house and can be found in rural Japan.

Look traditional.

But Ondra can only be amazed when he sees it, because this is his first experience to be able to see a home like this abroad. Maybe with a strange behavior, he would do a selfie or photograph this house and show it to his social media account.

Typical Ondra.

You could say, he did what he called attention whore or 'Pansos', if abbreviated. After all, it's his right, whatever he wants to do. If you don't like it, just leave it and don't have to be friends with them on social media.

"Come on, come on, Ondera-nii! You too, Nattsun, Koma-chan, Suggun! Come on in and play!"

"Owh, okay Renchon!"

"Hey Natsumi, don't go around like that!"

Ondra laughed softly and shook his head again when he saw the three of them.

"Owh, wait—"

"Ah, Hotarun!"

When he was about to walk following Renge, he paused and tried to see who the person called Renge was as Hotarun. That made him look back and see a girl.

Unlike Komari and Natsumi, she looks like a girl of his age and has a height like Natsumi. Having a calm face and a sweet smile, waved her hand at Renge with that smile. Long, neat black hair and brown eyes.

"Hello, Renge-chan."